oa Features of the Design of Civil Defense Structures in Catastrophic Flood Zones
- Publisher: European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers
- Source: Conference Proceedings, 17th International Conference Monitoring of Geological Processes and Ecological Condition of the Environment, Nov 2023, Volume 2023, p.1 - 5
The threat of catastrophic flooding of urban areas in the modern war is quite high. Therefore, the problem of creating civil protection structures that should ensure the protection of the population from the action of a mass impression and at the same time be safe in case of flooding in the territory is relevant.
The purpose of the study is to develop suggestions for the creation of civil protection structures in areas of catastrophic flooding.
To ensure the protection of the population in areas of catastrophic flooding, a protective structure consisting of two parts is proposed such as an outside concrete shell, and an inside volume where people have to hide.
The internal structure is a building on a floating foundation with limited movement in the horizontal plane.
In the usual “dry” mode, internal structure ests on a horizontal slab of the outer shell. During flooding when the water level in the outer shell is risen, the pushing out force is begun to act on the submerged structure, and the building floats.
The cost of construction of a structure built by the provided proposals will be significantly less than using a traditional solution.