oa Assessment of Thermal Bioclimate and Climate Tourist Potential of Kyiv Based on the Modern Approaches
- Publisher: European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers
- Source: Conference Proceedings, 17th International Conference Monitoring of Geological Processes and Ecological Condition of the Environment, Nov 2023, Volume 2023, p.1 - 5
The weather and climate conditions of a particular region are among the determining factors for the development of recreation and tourism. Information about weather and climate can help to choose the best period for visiting the city as well as minimize heat or cold-related morbidity. This study presents the human-biometeorological conditions of Kyiv in the modern period (1991–2020). The highest frequency of heat stress at any level is found in July and in the first 10-day period of August during the study period. The highest frequency of strong and extreme heat stress (PET>35°C) was found in the first decade of August and it reached 10.6%. During heat wave events, the frequency of days with extreme heat stress at 12 UTC reached 34.6%. The highest probability of occurrence of a sky cover of less than 5 octas in Kyiv in August (53.6–59.5%), while from November to the end of February this parameter does not even reach 25%. The highest precipitation amount (198 mm) was found in summer. The frequency of heavy rain (>10.0 mm) events in Kyiv was quite low and the highest value reached 8.3–9.7% and occurred in some decades of June and July.