

The purpose of work is to analyze modern exogenous processes and their impact on the state of the environment in the Precarpathians. Methodology: the basis of the initial information for this study was literary and Internet sources, form 6-zem of the Main Departments of Land Resources in Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk and Chernivtsi regions, materials of the authors own research. Research results. The factors of development and intensification of degradation processes and phenomena in the region are considered. The main attention is paid to the study of the peculiarities of the development and course of water-erosion processes. The indicator of agricultural development of the territory of the Precarpathians is approximately 59%, and within certain natural areas ranges from 37 to 79%. The region is characterized by excessive ploughing of agricultural land, which varies between 23–51%. In contrast to anthropogenically transformed components, the share of forest cover remains low and averages 30%. In most natural areas of the region, the structure of land is ecologically unbalanced, especially in Western Precarpathia.


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