

Based on the performed experimental studies, the possibility and effectiveness of using montmorillonite, saponite, and clinoptilolite for fractionation of heavy hydrogen isotopes in an aqueous solution of H(D,T)O was evaluated. The theoretical basis of the experiments is the idea that the significant adsorption properties of layered silicates of the montmorillonite and palygorskite groups and clinoptilolite with a developed specific surface due to the dynamic character of adsorption-desorption processes due to kinetic isotope effects can ensure priority retention of mineral particles of more inert hydroxide groups OT– near the adsorption surfaces. The following were used for the experiments: Cherkasy bentonite with a montmorillonite content of 75% (hereinafter montmorillonite), Varvarivska saponite and Sokyrnytsky clinoptilolite. As a result of the experiments, it was shown that mineral adsorbents in stationary two-phase water-mineral systems are able to extract tritium from a tritium-deuterium solution and thus ensure the separation of heavy hydrogen isotopes. As a result of the interaction of the H(D,T)O solution with mineral adsorbents, kinetic isotope effects determined the priority retention of more inert hydroxide OT– groups than OD–groups near the adsorption surface of mineral particles. As a result, interphase fractionation of heavy hydrogen isotopes occurred in stationary water-mineral systems.


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