

As for the impact of dredging works in the mouth of Bystre on the sturgeon status in the Danube River, it is established that there is no significant threat of negative environmental consequences for the population of Danube sturgeon and its volume as a result of dredging works in the mouth of Bystre. Besides, there are possibilities to form a system of measures of risk insurance to prevent the consequences, which are unlikely. The analysis revealed that the main one is the development of sturgeon aquaculture. Higher volume of fish farming will solve a number of problems, the main of which is preservation of the sturgeon population while meeting consumers` demand for fish. It is important to develop the aquaculture, which is able to meet the demand for fish without a threat to the biodiversity of natural water bodies as a result of fishing. Thus, the proposed measures for the further development of sturgeon aquaculture in Ukraine with the participation of partner states, including Romania, will allow solving the problem of the Danube sturgeon extinction. Lager volumes of sturgeon production with the subsequent stocking in the Danube River by all interested countries will provide conditions not only for the preservation of population, but also for its growth.


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