oa A New Gold Ore District Tijirit in Mauritania (Western Sahara)
- Publisher: European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers
- Source: Conference Proceedings, 17th International Conference Monitoring of Geological Processes and Ecological Condition of the Environment, Nov 2023, Volume 2023, p.1 - 5
The distribution of a new gold ore district in the Republic of Mauritania – Tijirit, which is associated with the greenstone belt (GSB) of Sebkhet Nich of submeridional extension, is substantiated. It is located 25–30 km to the east of the Reguibat GSB, where the large Tasiast gold deposit is known. The coincidence of the structural position of these two objects and direct signs of gold ore mineralization in the territory of the Tijirit ore district in the form of contrasting lithochemical anomalies of gold, grab sample and trench sample with an increased gold content make it possible to highly evaluate the prospects of its gold ore mineralization. In the ore district, four submeridional to north-northeast trending ore-bearing zones have been identified, within which a number of gold occurrences have been established. They coincide with the weakened zones of the same direction, as a rule, they are confined to the contacts of rocks of different composition (metabasalts, metasandstones, banded iron formations, granites). The most interesting for further geological exploration works is the relatively poorly studied Eastern mineralization zone, which is confined to the contact of the Salma granites and the metabasites of the eastern limb of the Sebkhet Nich GSB.