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IPTC 2012:International Petroleum Technology Conference
- Conference date: 07 Feb 2012 - 09 Feb 2012
- Location: Bangkok, Thailand
- Published: 07 February 2012
1 - 20 of 358 results
Investigation of Pore-Scale dispersion in Polymer Flooding
Authors Junjian LI, Hanqiao JIANG and Yuzhang LIULocal displacement in polymer flooding is significantly affected by mixing taking place in the medium. Despite decades of
research on mixing and dispersion, there remain questions about the amount of mixing occurring at pore-scale, especially for
non Newtonian fluid. This study has investigated the local mixing experimentally as well as computationally.
Tracer dispersion in Newtonian and shear-thinning fluids flowing through sand pack has been carried out experimentally
using classical transmission dispersion. Transmission dispersion increases markedly with the shear thinning index of the fluid
at all Peclet numbers.
First Time Application of Stand Alone Screens with Sliding Sleeves in the Giant Mangala Field, Rajasthan India
Authors Chetan Chavan, Andrew Wenk, Tim McKenzie and Rohit TandonThis paper describes the first time sel ection and successful application of Sliding Sleeve Sand Scree ns in the
open hole completions of the giant Ma ngala field situated in the Barmer Basin in Raja sthan, India which holds
~1.2 billion barrels (bbls) of oil in place.
Practical Consideration on Operations and Production Management through the deployment of Inflow Control Devices for Horizontal Wells, Bouri Field, Libya
Horizontal well drilling traditionally helps to improve the oil recovery and avoid problems of premature gas/water
breakthrough. In Bouri field, offshore Libya, the main concern of the operator was to establish an advanced method of
controlling gas and water encroachment in a fractured carbonate reservoir characterized by high vertical permeability.
This paper describes the first Inflow Control Device (ICD) installation for Mellitah Oil & Gas, and the first such application
in Libya. It was an integral part of a well completion aimed at evenly distributing inflow in a horizontal well, and at limiting
the negative effects after occurrence of expected gas breakthrough.
Effect of EOR technology on Wettability and Oil Recovery of Carbonate and Sandstone Formation
Authors Abdulrazag Y. Zekri, Mohamed Nasr and Zaid Al-ArabaiModification of injection water salinity to improve oil recovery is not a new idea and the process has been investigated as far
back as the 70’s prior to the use of other chemical processes to improve oil recovery. In practice in planning water flooding
project oil companies focused only on the compatibility of injection water and formation water issue to eliminate any
possibility of formation damage. Many investigators recently had focused their research on the role of water salinity alteration
to improve oil recovery. A number of possible mechanisms concerning alteration of water flooding salinity have been
proposed in the literature.
Bayesian Algorithm Opens Way to Wellbore Stability
More LessBreakouts provide valuable information with respect to evaluation of maximum horizontal stress magnitude and also
verification of the geomechanical model built for a field. Caliper and image logs are routinely used to identify borehole
enlargement. However, these methods are limited in their applications in many instances. In addition, good quality image logs
are not usually available in old fields. This led to the need for development of a new approach to identify borehole breakouts.
Modelling of Asphaltene Precipitation and Deposition during WAG Application
Authors Ahmad Khanifar, Birol Demiral and Nasir DarmanAsphaltene precipitation and deposition from reservoir fluids during oil production life is a serious problem that can cause
plugging in the formation, wellbore and production facilities. Precipitation and deposition may occur during primary
production, during the displacement of reservoir oil by Co2, hydrocarbon gas or WAG application.
Application of New Hole Cleaning Optimization Method within All Ranges of Hole Inclinations
Authors M. Mohammadsalehi and N. MalekzadahDuring drilling operation, as inclination of well deviates from zero degree in vertical parts to 90 degree in horizontal and
extended reach wells, hole cleaning and cutting removal condition imposes more influence on drilling performance and
encountering associated problems with poor hole cleaning. Some models have been developed to predict the minimum flow
rate required to clean the hole, such as Larsen's model, which works within inclinations from 55 to 90 degree.
Breaking Oil Recovery Limit in Malaysian Thin Oil Rim Reservoirs: Water Injection Optimization
Authors Keng Seng Chan, Azmukiff M.Kifli and Nasir DarmanThe goal of an oil field development project is to accelerate the hydrocarbon production and maximize the recovery
at a lowest cost. For a thin oil rim reservoir with a large gas cap on top and a strong aquifer below, achieving such
goal can be very challenging since recovery of both oil and gas shall be maximized. A successful project shall
entail plan first to accelerate the oil production maximizing the oil recovery prior to the gas cap blow-down.
Optimizing Underbalanced Perforation Performance, a New Model to Precise Adjustments of Downhole Condition
Authors Mehdi Mohammadsalehi, Hamidreza Saghafi and Mehdi TeymaarishamasbiPerforating creates a low-permeability crushed zone in the formation around the perforating tunnels that also constitutes a
flow restriction, which can impair the well's productivity or injectivity. A precisely designed underbalanced perforation job
could effectively minimize or remove perforation damages and thus optimizes the production rate.
Experimental and Analytical Studies on Permeability Reduction of Coal Seam by CO2 Injection
Authors Ferian Anggara, Kyuro Sasaki and Yuichi SugaiPermeability of coal seam have a strong effect on CO2 Enhanced Coal Bed Methane Recovery(CO2-ECBMR) project. In
particular, qualification of permeability reduction due to coal matrix swelling is a key parameter to control CO2 injection
and the project sustainability. Swelling experiments using visualization method were conducted. Crushed samples from
Indonesia Low Rank Coal (LRC) were used and the experiments were carried out up to 10 MPa at 48° C temperature,
resulting CO2 in the supercritical conditions that more appropriate for CO2 injection in the field. Coal swelling which was
represent by upward surface movement of column was assumed as total expanded volume for each particle. With this
assumption, crushed samples were modeled like block coal samples. For three coal samples, the maximum expanded volume
due to the swelling by CO2 adsorption has been evaluated as 0.03 at 10 MPa pressure. Since the swelling results were very
comparable to others, this method has more advantage in term of sample preparation and experiment work compare to block
Reconstruction of Relative Sea Level for Burgan-Wara Complex in Greater Burgan Field using an Innovative Approach
Authors Bashar Al-Enezi, Kishore Burman, Kalyan Datta, Erwan Le Guerroué and Jean-Michel FilakThe Albian Cenomanian sea level curve is fairly understood, at the 3rd order, inthe Middle East region. We present here an exhaustive stratigraphic framework for
the Burgan, Mauddud and Wara formations of the Greater Burgan field of Kuwait thatis constrained in terms of accommodation depth of deposition and then
relativebase level variation.28 stratigraphic sequences (of 4th order) are recognized and propagated over 45cored wells throughout the entire field. Each of these
sequences is characterizedin terms of sedimentary facies and fossil / ichnofossils content from detailedcore description.For each sequence, an accommodation
depth of deposition is then assigned takinginto consideration facies changing along the slope of the basin.
Operational QA/QC: What You See is Not Necessarily What You Get
Authors M. Rylance and W. J. GiffinOne of the principle constraints to successful fracturing and stimulation, outside North America and a few select regions;
remains the very poor QA/QC that is unfortunately the industry yardstick in low volume areas. This paper will describe a
rigorous approach to the operational QA/QC which allows an operator to: provide assurance on the ability to effectively
perform a treatment, maximise the opportunity for a successful intervention, ensure efficient delivery of data and minimise
the overall costs.
An Original Technique to Characterize Naturally Fractured Reservoirs fromPressure Transient Analyses
More LessThis new technique is introduced to characterize all kinds of naturally fractured (secondary porosity) reservoirs, including
carbonates, basements, and clastics on the Megascopic scale of well testing delineation. The technique is based on an original
view of pressure transient data (buildup). In fact, this technique bridges between the Macro, Meso, and Megascopic scales of
reservoir characterizations.
Skin Calculation and Other Applications with New Sonic Measurement in the Gulf of Thailand
Authors Long Jiang and Suwit PabchandaSince the first sonic logging tool used for the petroleum industry in 1950s, we have seen many generations of acoustic
measurements. The hardware and software changes made over the decades focused mainly on the improvements of
compressional and shear measurements which are one dimensional in the near-wellbore region. To understand the complicated
reservoirs today, there is a need to look at the compressional and shear slowness in three dimensions.
International LNG Prospects 2011 and Beyond
Authors Chau Tran, Bruce Cassidy, Marisa Pierce, Xiuli Wang and Michael J. EconomidesBy far, the most important recent development in the state of international liquefied natural gas (LNG) trade has been the
collapse of natural gas prices following the economic crisis of 2008. Prices for LNG have dropped from over $12/MMBtu to
less than $8/MMBtu in the traditional markets of Asia and as low as $4/MMBtu in the United States. This situation has been
discouraging new LNG developments.
Perturbation of Homogeneous Thermal Conductivity Distribution in Some Carbonates by Stylolites
More LessStylolites are partings within rocks that exhibit complex mutual column and socket interdigitization. These features can exhibit
pronounced roughness on several scales. Stylolites, under deep-burial conditions, could permit circulation of undersaturated
fluids and become reservoirs allowing also deep commercial gas production. However, the impact of stylolites on variations in
thermal conductivity in carbonates is not well-known. This study was undertaken to investigate the heterogeneity in thermal
conductivity in a variety of carbonate specimens containing different types of stylolites.
Natural Gas Hydrates as an Energy Source - Revisited
Authors Xiuli Wang and Michael J. EconomidesThe success of shale gas, mostly resulting from the deployment of technology to an energy source that was known but
considered until recently inaccessible, has rekindled, by analogy, an interest in natural gas hydrates whose volume dwarfs any
other energy source on earth.
A Novel Approach To Effluent Treatment In Gas-To-Liquid (GTL)
More LessStringent environmental regulations and higher costs of effluent treatments in oil and gas process industries have necessitated
research into ways to improve the operating procedures in effluent treatment plant.
In Gas-to-liquid (GTL) plant, a significant quantity of reaction water is produced and various chemicals are used as
intermediate treatment chemicals. The reaction water is contaminated by these chemicals which impair the pH and the related
properties of the water. The pH has to be controlled before the water is re-used or released to the environment.
Deep Fluid Diversion for Profile Control and Oil Displacement Technologies
Authors Liu He and Xu HanbingThrough 50 years of water injection production, Daqing Oilfield has developed matched chemical and mechanical zonal
injection and production technologies. However, due to residue oil scattering here and there, and serious low effective and
non-effective circulations happening in high watercut period, the existing profile modification system can hardly meet
reservoir requirements. In later high watercut stage, to enhance water flooding recovery rate is our new challenge. Based on
profile control technology, we’ve developed low cost, long efficiency deep fluid conversion profile control and oil
displacement technologies, and high efficiency fine control water injection technologies, which contribute to the accuracy of
water injection, and recovery rate rise of 2-3% in reservoirs with watercut above 90%.
Advances in Subsea Wet Gas Compression Technologies
Authors Mads Hjelmeland, Arne B. Olsen and Rudi MarjohanSubsea pumping- and metering represent technologies which may contribute to simplifying and enabling developments of
marginal, and remotely located oil & gas fields. The Asia Pacific region has already seen several subsea implementations of
the multiphase technologies over the last years which include both subsea boosting- and metering. The multiphase
technologies are particularly suitable for offshore- and subsea operations, and offer the operators a cost- effective solution.