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5th Congress of Balkan Geophysical Society
- Conference date: 10 May 2009 - 16 May 2009
- Location: Belgrade, Serbia
- Published: 10 May 2009
1 - 20 of 134 results
Crustal Structures Beneath Seismogenetic Zones and Lateral Velocity Contrasts Across Deep Faults of Albania
By R. OrmeniOne-dimensional (1D) velocity models are computed at VELEST software of system SEISAN, inverting re- depths. The interpretation of the obtained 1D velocity models allows us to infer picked P-wave and S-wave arrival time recorded in period of time 2002-2006 by the Albanian, Montenegro, Thessalonica and Macedonia seismic networks. We defined reference velocity models for the Albania for better constrain the hypocentral determination, in particular the hypocentral interesting features on the deep structure of the Albania. Smooth velocity gradients with depth and low P- wave velocities are observed beneath the Albania Orogen. . The interpretation of the obtained 1D velocity models and lateral velocity differences across deep faults of Albania allows us to infer interesting features on the deep structure of the Albania. These results represent a first step towards more detailed Seismotectonic analyses.
Balkan Seismic-Hydrogepological Project - Proposal for Decision Making
By M. Matova6244 Balkan Seismic-Hydrogepological Project - Proposal for Decision Making M. Matova* (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences) SUMMARY 5 th Congress of Balkan Geophysical Society — Belgrade Serbia 10 – 16 May 2009The seismotectonic and hydrogeological situation in the Balkan region is complicated. It provokes the manifestations of various seismic-hydrogeological phenomena with negative or positive influence over the geoenvironment and the society. In these conditions the UNESCO-BAS Project “Seismic-hydrogeological vulnerability of geoenvironment and society in the Balkan area” represents a very actual task. It is attractive for the scientific research and for the application in the life. The Project is a multinational
Investigation of the telluric conductivity anomaly at Magyarmecske: the first assumed buried impact crater in Hungary
More LessThere is an approximately round-shaped high amplitude telluric conductivity anomaly at Magyarmecske, in South-West Hungary. The authors collected and reinvestigated all available geophysical data measured in the area before and based on those they came to the conclusion, that the conductivity anomaly may be well explained as a buried impact crater. They assume that when the impact occurred the target area was covered by a thick coal bearing Carboniferous sedimentary sequence. In that the projectile created a complex impact crater with a diameter of approximately 6-8 km. In the surroundings of the crater the coal was modified by the impact's heat and pressure. Later the impact structure was partly eroded, partly deformed by younger tectonic movements and covered by Neogene sediments of strongly variable thickness.
Image of the Moho Discontinuity with Receiver Function Analysis
Authors T. Tezel and T. ShibutaniWe tried to determine the velocity discontinuities in the crust and uppermost mantle using receiver function method. After calculation of receiver functions, we convert the time axis to the depth axis and we observed 2-D images up to 80 km depth. This study showed the Moho depth changes place by place between 25 and 35 km in western Turkey.
Engineering and Environmental Geophysics with terraTEM
By R. HendersonTerraTEM is a very advanced transient electromagnetic survey system using the latest developments in electronics and computing. It was designed by professional geophysicists with many years of experience using TEM instruments and optimising their suitability for field use. Its great range of options makes it a very versatile system suitable for a wide range of applications from near-surface to deep exploration. These applications include environmental, geotechnical, archaeological, groundwater, mineral, geothermal and petroleum surveys. Various options make these applications possible. Examples are presented illustrating the application of terraTEMTM, in particular to ground water investigation, environmental pollution, salt water invasion of a fresh water aquifer and site characterisation. In the first example, the advantage of the faster sampling rate of terraTEMTM, is exemplified in the great detail of the data and hence the excellent resolution of the situation.
CO2 storage potential of hydrocarbon and coal fields in Poland
By A. Wójcicki6248 CO2 storage potential of hydrocarbon and coal fields in Poland A. Wójcicki* (PBG Geophysical Exploration Company) SUMMARY 5 th Congress of Balkan Geophysical Society — Belgrade Serbia 10 – 16 May 2009Introduction Selected results of FP6 EU GeoCapacity project (international research project covering most of European countries coordinated by GEUS Denmark) for Poland of a part of the work already completed are presented. These results refer to estimation of country capacity for CO2 storage within hydrocarbon and coal fields. Though these options are regarded as secondary approach to CCS in comparison to CO2 storage within aquifers the use of
Multimedia GIS: A New Tool For Geotourism
Authors A. Martinis, E. Charou, M. Stefouli and A. Kabassi6249 Multimedia GIS: A New Tool For Geotourism A. Martinis* (Tei of Ionian Islands) E. Charou (IIT NCSR "Demokritos") M. Stefouli (IGME) & A. Kabassi (Tei of Ionian Islands) SUMMARY 5 th Congress of Balkan Geophysical Society — Belgrade Serbia 10 – 16 May 2009Geotourism is a form of cultural-environmental tourism that can be developed in areas with important geological monuments which can be exploited in order to attract visitors with special interests. The Geotopes are the meeting places of elements recording the geological history of each region. They are the irrefutable witnesses of an everlasting evolution of life on
Two-Dimensional Inversion of Magnetotelluric Data by Sequential Use of Smoothing Regularized Inversion and Quasi-Newton Inversion
Authors M.E. Candansayar and Y. DinçerMagnetotelluric (MT) method is one of the electromagnetic method with which the very deep underground structure can be investigated. Nowadays, MT data mostly collected each station along a profile and this data set interpreted by the help of two-dimensional inversion algorithm. In this study, to invert MT data sequentially, we suggested to use smoothing regularized inversion and Quasi-Newton inversion algorithm that is called hybrid solution. We compared smoothing regularized inversion, Quasi-Newton and hybrid inversion results for both synthetic data and real data collected for oil exploration in east part of Turkey.
Geomagnetism and archaeology. Archaeomagnetic dating
By M. Kovacheva6251 Geomagnetism and archaeology. Archaeomagnetic dating M. Kovacheva* (Geophysical Institute - BAS) SUMMARY 5 th Congress of Balkan Geophysical Society — Belgrade Serbia 10 – 16 May 2009The archaeomagnetism covers periods of time in which the remains of human existence are discovered mainly ovens hearts furnaces ceramics as pottery and bricks remains of ancient dated fires. This is an interdisciplinary study which has developed on the basis of tight collaboration with archaeological community. Palaeo- and archaeomagnetic studies are the only ways of discovering the past geomagnetic field behaviour and they play an important role for contemporary geomagnetic field models. The
Express technology of geoelectric investigation for exploring mineral water deposits
Authors N.A. Yakymchuk, S.P. Levashov, I.N. Korchagin and D.N. BozhezhaThe results of the integrated geophysical investigations for studying of internal structure of the upper part of a crystalline massif during designing of bridge piers in Zaporozhye are given. It is shown that the geophysical express-methods of the forming short-pulsed electromagnetic field (FSPEF), vertical electric-resonance sounding (VERS), as well as seismic-acoustic and georadar sounding can effectively and operatively to solve specific engineering-geological problems. The geoelectric, seismic-acoustic and georadar investigations on regular and enough a dense network of profiles allow to receive the detailed information about internal structure (fissuring character) of the upper part of a crystalline massif. Practical application of this complex of geophysical methods enables to solve operatively the problems of engineering-geological researches at construction of bridges, overpasses, large industrial constructions, and objects of welfare assignment.
Geophysical Investigation of Crystalline Massif Structure during Construction of the Bridge Piers
Authors N.A. Yakymchuk, S.P. Levashov, I.N. Korchagin and D.N. BozhezhaDuring 2001-2007 express technology of FSPEF-VERS geoelectric investigations was widely used for the solving of different ecological, engineering-geological and geologic-geophysical problem . In particular, technology was used for searching and mapping of the water-saturated collectors (Levashov et. al., 2005, 2005a). In this article the technology application for lateral exploration of zones of mineral water distribution in the district of city-resort Morshin on Western Ukraine are presented. Field works were executed in September-October, 2005, on three areas (fig.1). The field works were conducted along separate profiles with a step 20-50 m. Through anomalous zones, discovered by a method FSPEF, the profiles of VERS and acoustic sounding are laid. Acoustic measurements investigations were executed with a step 5 m. The depth of VERS and acoustic sounding made 40 m. In separate points VERS was executed to the depths 500 m.
Magnetotelluric investigation in Thrace Basin, Northwestern Turkey
Authors A.T. Basokur and C. Kaya6254 Magnetotelluric investigation in Thrace Basin Northwestern Turkey A.T. Basokur* (Ankara University) & C. Kaya (Cumhuriyet University) SUMMARY 5 th Congress of Balkan Geophysical Society — Belgrade Serbia 10 – 16 May 2009Introduction The Thrace basin is one of the most important hydrocarbons (especially natural gas) producing areas of Turkey. The existing drill holes do usually not reach the basement and the depth of investigation of seismic reflection profiles doesn’t provide information about the basement depth. The magnetotelluric method was preferred for the estimation of the sediment thickness in the Thrace basin by reason of its costeffective implementation along lengthy
Geophysical investigation for the detection of stratigraphy in an area of Agios Nikolaos City, Crete
6255 Geophysical investigation for the detection of stratigraphy in an area of Agios Nikolaos City Crete G. Apostolopoulos* (National Technical University of Athens) K. Pavlopoulos (Harokopio University of Athens) J. Basiakos (NCSR 'Demokritos') K. Leontarakis (National Technical University of Athens) D. Baltoukas (National Technical University of Athens) & K. Theodorakopoulou (NCSR 'Demokritos') SUMMARY 5 th Congress of Balkan Geophysical Society — Belgrade Serbia 10 – 16 May 2009Introduction The area of the city of Agios Nikolaos east part of Crete Island has a great interest in detecting the paleorelief mainly in the region of a river whish is passing through
Onshore hydrocarbon exploration in thrust belts regions
Authors E. Prenjasi, S. Kasapi, S. Nazaj and L. Arapi6256 Onshore hydrocarbon exploration in thrust belts regions E. Prenjasi* (Polytechnic University of Tirana) S. Kasapi (Adriatic Nickel Resources) S. Nazaj (Polytechnic University of Tirana) & L. Arapi (Polytechnic University of Tirana) SUMMARY 5 th Congress of Balkan Geophysical Society — Belgrade Serbia 10 – 16 May 2009Presently the Cretaceous-Eocene carbonate sequence sealed by the Oligocene flysch is the main target of hydrocarbon exploration along Albanides thrust belts. The latter represents a segment of Alpine folding chain situated between Dinarides and Hellenides (Bakia H. et. al. 1987 Prenjasi E. 1992) Enormous geological-geophysical data gained through a lot of field exploration
Hydrocarbon Exploration under Kruja Zone in Tirana-Rodon Area, Albania
Authors V. Silo, P. Nishani and E. SiloThe region under study includes the half of the northern area of Kruja tectonic zone, partly the Ionian one and the South Adriatic basin, fig. (1). It has continuously been a problematic area as related to tectonic-facial zones particularly to the possibility or no of the continuation of the Ionian zone north of Dumrea salt diapir. The strong overthrust of Kruja zone structures towards west, the presence of the salt diapir and the facial changes of the deposits make up a real difficulty in the clear and one-sided explanation of the relationships between these tectonic units. Based on the studies made as of now and new recent seismic operations, efforts are made, in this study, to further advance the knowledge degree about the geologic-tectonic structure of this problematic region by harmonizing all geologic-geophysical data. The Kruja zone is composed by carbonatics neritic deposits. From tectonic point of wiev, it is composed by some structural ranges. The numerous oil seeps at outcrops and in deep wells have attracted attention for hydrocarbon exploration, so last years a grid dense of seismic lines were carried out. The interpretation results of these seismic data made possible to throw light and to solution more geological problems, like structural form, tectonic style, relation with other units and hydrocarbon migration as well as. The carbonatic sequence of Kruja zone represented with developed tectonic, overthrusted westward and backthrusts in eastern flanks as well as. In this region, the Kruja zone consists of linear anticline structures.
Constructing digital geologic models of oil-and-gas fields from complex of geophysical technologies
Authors E.P. Atyasheva, E.S. Kiselev, A.V. Zhukov and A.A. SanjarovWe created a technology allowing the study of reservoir properties and oil content of carbonaceous and terrigenous layers in complex reservoirs with tectonic and lithologic screening. The digital geologic model constructed by using such technology is a base for differentiated calculation of oil reserves on commercial categories. When creating an information base to design oil field development, the geologic model constructed in such a way is used for calculation of geologic-technological hydrodynamical models and optimizing development designs. Realization of the technology of constructing 3D geologic model of reserves calculation and use of it, when optimizing development design, are shown on example of one of the fields in the North Caucasus under development.
Reconnaissance Aerial Geoelectric Investigantions for Oil and Gas within Kostanayskaya Area (Republic of Kazakhstan)
The results of geoelectric studies within perspective for the oil and gas Kostanayskaya area are given. Practically all "deposit" type (DTA) anomalies are revealed and mapped by from airplane. The mapped geoelectric anomalies are authenticated by overland FSPEF survey. The bedding intervals of anomalous polarized layer of the "oil" type are installed within the anomalies by VERS soundings. The geoelectric anomaly maps, the sounding diagrams and columns and correlation cross-sections present the investigation results. For the area structural model construction the detailed soundings were conducted within "Kosagal" DTA for scheduling the project of the prospecting borehole boring. The place for the borehole pawning was recommended. The efficient and economical technology for operative examination with the oil and gas searching purposes of the extensive, removed, difficult of access and perspective for oil and gas territories are created on the base of survey by method of the forming of short-pulsed field from the airplane (AirFSPEF modification). The practical application of this technology on initial stage of the oil and gas searching works allows to accelerate significantly the geological prospecting process for the oil and gas as a whole.
Geoelectric Investigations for Oil-and-Gas of Deep Horizons of Dnieper-Donets Basin (Ukraine)
Authors N.A. Yakymchuk, S.P. Levashov and I.N. KorchaginThe results of geoelectric investigation for the oil and gas of deep horizons of a geological cross-section in the Dnepr-Donetsk depression are given. The innovative express-technology of "direct" searching and prospecting for hydrocarbon deposits by geoelectric methods are used during this investigation. The technology includes the method of formation of short-pulsed electromagnetic field (FSPEF), flux-meter survey and method of vertical electric-resonance sounding (VERS). Joint use of these methods gives a possibility to find and map on the area the "deposit" type anomalies (DTA), and to define the total thickness and bedding depths of anomalous polarized layer (APL) of the "oil layer", "gas layer", "water-saturated layer" type. The geoelectric investigation on Kobzivske gas-condensate field have confirmed scientifically proved forecasts of experts about probable existence of a deep floor of gas content on depths over 6000 m. The received data are one more confirmation of prospects of oil-and-gas content of DDD deep horizons. Purposeful industrial exploration of those horizons will promote the increase of HC production in Ukraine. The carried out experimental research within Kobzivske gas-condensate field and other areas have shown the efficiency of FSPEF-VERS technology at studying deep horizons of a geological cross-section. The main advantage of this technology consists in efficiency of new experimental field information receiving.
Soil gas Radon, Indoor Radon and Gamma Dose Rate in Tirana city, ALBANIA
Authors S. Dogjani, L.L. Langore, O. Lika and R. PaciDuring a 3 year period, the Natural Radioactivity Sector of the Geophysics Department has conducted radon concentration measurements in the soil and indoors in Tirana. The measurements have covered a 40 km2 area. Radon measurements have been made in 160 squares. In these 160 squares, we have made 2400 measurements of avRn and 480 measurements of soil permeability. Risk evaluations were made. They were categorized as low, medium and high. Soil measurements have included those of natural radionuclides ( K, U, Th). Radon indoor concentration levels range from 40 Bq/m3 to 1058 Bq/m3. The highest concentration levels have been found in red clay sectors, as identified in the geological map.
Study of Technogen Contamination spreading in Porto Romano with Geophysical Methods
Authors P. Leka, F. Vinçani and P. Kosho6262 Study of Technogen Contamination spreading in Porto Romano with Geophysical Methods P. Leka* (Polytechnic University of Tirana) F. Vinçani (Polytechnic University of Tirana) & P. Kosho (Polytechnic University of Tirana) SUMMARY 5 th Congress of Balkan Geophysical Society — Belgrade Serbia 10 – 16 May 2009Introduction Territory near the ex-Chemical Factory in Porto Romano is contaminated by high-risk chemical components composed by Lindan (hexclorant) and Bichromate Na and their remnants accumulated in dump. The important place in the study of technogen contamination spreading near Porto Romano has the Electrometry applying resistivity methods electrical sounding array – Schlumberger with AB