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6th EAGE/EEGS Meeting
- Conference date: 03 Sep 2000 - 07 Sep 2000
- Location: Bochum, Germany
- ISBN: 978-94-6282-118-7
- Published: 06 September 2000
1 - 20 of 42 results
Prospects of application of induction logging using IKRS-1 instrument for the solution of environmental problems
By A. K. SaraevApplications of electromagnetic (EM) methods for the solution of environmental problems were strongly increased last years. However, the effectiveness of these methods is not always high because of insufficient data about electrical properties of investigated objects, first of all of oil contamination sites. It is necessary to study of the object properties for successful application of EM methods in environmental geophysics. The most representative and reliable data can be obtained using of well logging methods. The induction logging has an advantages compare with electrical logging - the possibility of measurements in dry or plastic cased boreholes and obtaining more reliable data about low resistive rocks (0.5 - 10 Ohmm), which create the anomalies of EM methods.
Possibilities of integrated geophysical techniques to detect LNAPL plumes in abandoned Soviet military areas: Case history from the cretaceous of Bohemia
Authors S. Mares, J. Dohnal, Z. Jane, J. Knez, L. Zima, V. Illiceto, L. Alexejeva and O. PazdirekThe history of soviet military areas in the Central and Eastem Europe started in 50 ties and 60 ties of this century. The military techniques (heavy lorries, tanks, fighters) needed a lot of fuel and high volume underground storage tanks (UST) has been put into the ground without any insulating layer. The leakage a) of USTs - getting rusty during the long period till 90 ties, b) of tubes and pipes transporting the fuel from tank-wagons to UST's in the area of railway terminals, c) caused by irresponsible handling with fuel by soldiers of the soviet army polluted the soil, the vadose zone, the saturated zone and consequently the ground water. The spills can be characterised as long lasting over many years creating the free product layer thick first decimetres to first meters on the groundwater table. Such a situation has been found at the beginning of 90 ties, when the areas has been abandoned in all countries of the former Warsaw Pact. Below, our experience with geophysical prospecting of these sites is discussed.
Electrical properties of oil-polluted grounds laboratory measurements
Authors S. I. Volkov, A. A. Gorbunov and V. A. ShevninOil pollution of soils and grounds along with other kinds of hydrocarbon pollution has become one of the greatest environmental hazards. Thus locating the polluted sites and estimating pollution risks are the important problems facing the specialists in a number of related industries. resistivity and chargeability techniques of determining the ground properties are often applied to solve these problems.
Detection of problem zones in salt-rock with complex geophysical measurements: Results of underground DC-geoelectrics
Authors J. Kulenkampff, L. Aschmann, F. Jacobs, G. Kurz, E. Moise and R. SchulzThe investigation of potential underground deposits for toxic and radioactive waste in salt rock is achallenge for geophysical exploration methods, because the conditions for geophysical measurements are rather poor and the direct geological exploration with bore holes has to be minimized.
Reliability of radiometric maps and their comparison in border zones - Czech Republic, Germany, Poland, Slovakia
Authors M. Matolín and M. KobrRadiometric maps describe the level of radiation and the distribution of natural and man-made radionuclides in the environment. Terrestrial radiation, a significant component of the natural radiation sources, is generated by natural radionuclides in rocks and corresponds to the Earth' s surface geological setting. Radioactivity of the environment is predominantly determined by detection of gamma rays and expressed in gamma dose rate (nGy/h) or by concentrations of individual radionuclides. Radiometric maps are applicable to basic geological studies, exploration for minerals and raw materiaIs, radon risk mapping, determination of nuclear fallout contamination and assessment of radioactivity of the environment.
Geoelectric investigation of the Soreq Cave area in Israel
Authors M. Ezersky, M. Goldman, M. Bar-Metthews and A. AyalonThe detection of cavities in the subsurface is important for both engineering geological site investigations (sinkholes) and tourism (large caves). Under favorable conditions this problem can be solved using geoelectric methods (Chan et al., 1996). However, in reality, in many cases geoelectric results are biased by the existence of false anomalies caused by lateral inhomogeneities in the geoelectric cross-section.
Comparison between geophysical methods fro the detection of old mine galleries or cavities
Authors J. M. Galera, E. Maria Hernández, F. Peral and A. RodríguezThis work has been carried out on an 1+D project subsidised by the ECSC, with the aim of detecting oLd coal mine galleries at small depths. For this, the following three geophysical methods have been used: Electrical tomography, GPR and Single Geophone Refraction Profiling (SGRP). Electrical and seismic methods have been performed at Pedraforca's Coal Mine, and seismic and GPR at El Bierzo Coal Basin. Vet below it will only be shown the work done in Pedraforca, since the other two methods are still being interpreted.
Upgrading of discharge rates using geophysical and structural analysis: Sangemil Spa (central Portugal)
Sangemil spa area is located 16 km south of Viseu, Central Portugal, near the Däo river. The productive wells, F1 and F2 are located in the alluvial plain of the river and have been threatened by the river floods (Fig. 1). In order to locate new production wells, out of the alluvial plain and close to the spa unit the surrounding geological structure was surveyed. The proposed structural model claimed for a geophysical survey with two profiles P1 and P2 (Fig. 1) using dipole-dipole array. Taking into account the results obtained, three new wells HDN1, HDN2 and HDN3 (Fig. 1), have been drilled (85 to 112m deep). The field measurements of conductivity, temperature, pH and yield are discussed in conjunction with the geophysical results.
Geophysical delineation of saltwater intrusion in the Campos basin (Mallorca, Spain)
More LessThe aim of this paper is to present a case history showing the utility of geophysical methods (gravity, frequency and time domain EM) to delineate the extension of saltwater intrusion in a sector of the southeaster part of the Mallorca Island. The study area includes a coastal region between Sa Ràpita and Colènia de Sant Jordi, on the municipality of Campos, Mallorca. Insularity, farming irrigation and tourist demand during summer, among others factors, get worse the problem of water supply in Mallorca island, where water resources are mainly groundwater (75%). This fact has produced a progressive salinization of groundwater because of the inland advance of the saline wedge.
Investigations of hydraulic state functions with the help of geoelectrical and radar measurements
Authors F. Boerner, S. Berthold and T. FechnerThe objective of investigation was the determination of representative hydraulic state functions (capillary pressure vs. water saturation curves) on large sand and sandstone samples using a combination of traditional hydraulic and new geophysical techniques. Of practical interest are residual water saturation, residual air saturation and the hysteresis of imbibition and drainage processes (see fig 1). These parameters may be used for validation of multiphase flow processes as well as the estimation of effective porosities and other geohydraulic quantities. It was shown that petrophysical and geophysical methods contribute to the reduction of risk and uncertainties in forecast of groundwater related processes in former mining areas.
Geophysical and geotechnical investigation of an areal langslide in the Tuscan Northern Apennines (Italy), with an extensive consolidation design
Authors G. Gabbani, G. Lavorini and L. PaciniA detailed investigation of an areal landslide with geophysical and geotechnical methods is presented. The gravitative movement started in the Spring of 1998 and slowly but surely has continued for these two years.
Geophysical investigations for road construction in an Alpine Valley
Authors M. Schmidberger and J. SchönGeophysical methods are increasingly used for the solution of geotechnical problems. For a road construction in an alpine valley geotechnical problems are determined by strong deformations and landslides.
Highway inspection using radar
Authors B. Elek, B. Neducza, M. Pattantyus and P. Tildy70 km long section of a highway was investigated using georadar for detecting possible cavities under the concrete pavement. The highway was built more than 20 years ago and the available documentation about the construction is not perfect enough. The prospecting was carried out before the planned reconstruction of the road with the purpose of estimating the amount of refilling material necessary for the reinforcement of the pavement.
Comprehensive geophysical railway embankment survey at moscow railway route
Authors I. N. Modin, D. K. Bolshakov, M. L. Vladov and A. V. StarovoytovPrincipal tracks of the Moscow Railway were built in 1860-1870. Before WWI first serious reconstruction took place, when the second track was built. During WWI and WWII west-bound routes suffered severely and the traces of the urgent repairings are still obvious in the embankment. The embankments are built mainly in complicated geological conditions in marshy areas. Under constant vibration and dynamic loading irreversible deformations take place resulting in gradual ground displacements.
Electrical resistivity measurements using buried electrodes during tunnel construction
Authors A. Denis, A. Marache, T. Obellianne and D. BreysseUsually, a geotechnical investigation along a tunnel axis is based on destructive borings, pressuremeter profiles and drilling with undisturbed samplings for laboratory tests. The subsurface geological section in the area of the tunnel is often densely investigated by many drill holes, with a spacing about 40 to 50 meters.
Outlook on results of engineering geophysical geological geology investigation of the reservoir dam area in Mountain Hasi District, Albania
Authors A. Frasheri and B. CangaGEOTEC Sh.p.k. have been performed geological-engineering and geophysical observations for in-situ investigate the geology and geotechnical conditions of the dam area of the Vlahna reservoir at the Hasi district, in northeastern part of Albania. This is a very important irrigation work, because it will be constructed in one of the driest areas in Albania. The particularity of this investigation consists that has performed in area with complicated geology of the ophiolitic belt of Albanides, and in mountain region.
Engineering geological and geophysical investigation at Gracarjev Turn Castle, Slovenia
Authors M. Car, N. Nikolaou, E. Payiadji, A. Gosar and M. ZivcicThe conservation and reconstruction ofmonuments ofhistorical value is generally studied by means of determining the engineering geological conditions of the underground, the static analysis, surveying the state of the foundations, the study of historical seismological data, structural dynamic tests, etc. Taking into account the interaction between the ground/foundations and the building itself, may lead to a proper reinforcement and/or recovery techniques for specific monument.
Geophysical-geotechnical procedures to protect the Monterosso Sanctuary in the seismic area of Terricciola-Pisa
Authors G. Finzi-Contini, R. Giaccari, G. Losito, G. Mingrone, M. Montevecchi and A. SpadolaThe Sanctuary of Monterosse has been re-located on the top of a clay hill close to the Terricciola (Pisa) after the big earthquake, which destroyed its Romanesque aspect. Now that Sanctuary is collapsing mainly because of the general hydro-geological evidences and the periodical behaviour of the water-table resting on the clay bedrock quite inclined downhill. The aim of this paper is to propose a synthetic summary of the activities directed to sauveguard and protect such a singular specimen of religious architecture in Western Tuscany. Under a broader point of view, this trend can be framed up in the sphere of activities wanting to contribute to the rescue of architectural buildings and constructions forrning the exceptional cultural heritage. This heritage is characterising bath the Tuscanian territory and the landscape, seen as precious and wise Environmental Resources to be preserved tor future generations, as far as it is still possible.
Engineering and geophysical safety aspects of the archaeological yard so rich in antique Roman ships in Pisa-San Rossore
Authors G. Finzi-Contini, R. Giaccari, G. Mingrone, M. Montevecchi and D. MoranoThe objective of this paper is to illustrate the hard problern to change a normal excavation executed for a building into reliable working areas/volumes for the exceptional archaeological finding of 17 (at least up to now.. ) Antique Roman Ships, close to Pisa-San Rossore Railway Station.
Depth control of stone columns
More LessWith the development of road and railways transports in the Aquitaine region (France) and for a better efficiency, the SNCF, RFF (the french railway company) decided to build a new multimodal transport exchange platform. The kept hold site is situated in the vicinity ofthree highways (Paris, Spain and Méditerrannée) and of an existing marshalling yard.