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9th Simposio Bolivariano - Exploracion Petrolera en las Cuencas Subandinas
- Conference date: 24 Sep 2006 - 27 Sep 2006
- Location: Cartagena, Colombia
- Published: 24 September 2006
1 - 20 of 161 results
Expresiones Geomorfológicas de las Estructuras Tectónicas Mayores y Cotejo Sísmico. Levantamientos Pato 3D y Tacat 3D. Subcuenca Maturin-Venezuela
Authors D. Rodriguez, H. Rojas and D. VarelaLa Cuenca Oriental de Venezuela se caracteriza por presentar una alta complejidad estructural y estratigráfica, donde se desarrollan sucesiones de corrimientos que conforman una zona triangular compuesta por los corrimientos de Tala y Pirital al norte y un retro-corrimiento al sur, bisectados por rampas laterales como la de Urica, producto de la colisión transpresional de la Placa oceánica Caribe con la placa de Sur América.
Cretaceous and Tertiary petroleum systems in the Catatumbo basin (Colombia)
Authors J. Navarro Comet and A. Alaminos MartinezIt is known that around 90% of the world’s hydrocarbons have been generated by a relatively small
number of ultra-rich source intervals deposited during specific periods of geological time. Many mechanisms
have been proposed to explain this particular stratigraphic source rock distribution (oceanic anoxia,
biologic evolution, global climate changes, etc), but its origin is still in debate. It is clear that basins where one
or more of these world class source rocks are present (e.g.: northwest South America, central North Africa)
makes them extraordinarily prolific. However, in most cases all the hydrocarbons found in those areas are
systematically considered to be uniquely sourced by these ultra-rich intervals, neglecting the importance of
other apparently less relevant organic-rich intervals.
Integrated Surface-Downhole Acquisition Geometries – The Way To Higher Detailed Reservoir Investigation
Authors A.A. Tabakov and K.V. BaranovThe increasing demand for detailed exploration of small hydrocarbon deposits and complicated structures
can not always be met by means of conventional seismic surveys such as surface 2D or 3D seismic or
standalone VSP as they feature a number of principal limitations.
Implementation Of The DIPSCAN Method To Estimate Boundary Dips In Complicated Structures By VSP Data
Authors A.A. Tabakov, V.N. Ferentsi and H. GraviniThe knowledge of velocity model not even along well but at offset is key for building of VSP-CDP image
and tie of VSP and surface seismic data. And the task is more difficult in situations of lateral variations of the
media properties, that very typical for highlands. The quality of obtained image is in a straight dependence on
quality of reference model. And it is the main reason to obtain adequate reference model for offset-VSP
DDR: The Technology Of Simultaneous Wave Field Analysis And Velocity Model Reconstruction
Authors A. Reshetnikov, A. Tabakov, A. Mukhin and V. EliseevThe technology of VSP data processing by means of DDR (Dynamic Decomposition of the
wave-field and Reconstruction of the media) technique consists of several procedures:
1. Construction of the first approximation to
model as a result of kinematical inversion of travel
times and polarizations for visually correlated
events in original data.
2. The synthetic wave parameters are
calculated by ray-tracing method for strongest
3. The estimation of the form of a wave along
calculated arrival times-graph with use of designed
distribution of amplitudes and polarization is
carried out.
4. The located wave is subtracted from an
initial wave field and is projected to the points of scattering on the image section. The waves of
various types from the same point of boundary are stacked with weights proportional to their original
amplitude. The process is repeated for all types of waves and all boundaries until all regular events
are subtracted and projected on section. Not only primary waves, but also multiples may be used in
the process. After imaging the basic model can be corrected and the process may be repeated until
the image will correspond to model with necessary accuracy.
Principles and Techniques of VSP Data Processing
Authors A.A. Tabakov and V.N. FerentsiVertical seismic profiling (VSP) is a popular seismic exploration technology that has been confirmed to be
really efficient for solution of various geological problems even in very complicated conditions. The way
to achieve this and take all of the VSP advantages (such as efficient velocity model recovery, direct impulse
shape estimation and zero-phase deconvolution, detailed surface-borehole tie, high-resolution imaging
and dynamic inversion) is to implement correct processing techniques. In this paper we present key principles of VSP data
processing yielded and inherited as a result of more than 40 years experience in borehole seismic. These
principles form the concept of model based processing technology which includes state-of-the-art developments
and is aimed at high quality and reliability of the acquired results. Demonstrated case histories show examples of
efficiency of the presented technology of VSP data processing.
The Ucayali Subandean Basin: A Complex Fold And Thrust Belt And Inverted System
Authors W. Hermoza, P. Baby, N. Espurt, E. Martinez and R. BolañosThe subandean Ucayali Basin is an active fold and thrust belt propagation, which constitutes part of the
wedge-top depozone of the Peruvian Amazonian retroforeland basin system. In the North, the Ucayali
Basin is limited from the Marañón basin by the NW-SE overthrust Contaya Arch. In the east, the Ucayali Basin
reaches the NNW-SSE trend of the Brazilian Moa Divisor structure, which disappears progressively to the
south on the northern flank of the Fitzcarrald Arch.
Exploración en zonas maduras de faja plegada; Argentina
Authors G. Zamora Valcarce, C. Carbone and R. VaradéLas áreas con fuertes relieves y coberteras basálticas, suelen llevar asociadas una
información sísmica de mala calidad, pero a su vez pueden tener importantes recursos.
Metodología De Pozos Para Control De Agua Aplicada En Los Campos Morichal Y Carabobo, Venezuela
Authors B. Marcano, M. Ramos, J. Brown, G. Lagrave, H. Lista and L. UgasEl área en estudio está localizada en Venezuela, al Sur del estado Monagas, Venezuela. El petróleo
que normalmente es producido posee una gravedad API entre 8 y 13°. El contexto geológico
del área describe arenas no consolidadas de altas permeabilidades y con moderadas intercalaciones
de lutitas.
Automatic lithofacies segmentation using the Wavelet Transform Modulus Maxima lines WTMM combined with the Detrneded Fluctuation Analysis DFA
By S. OuadfeulThe main goal of this paper is to establish an algorithm of segmentation of lithologies based on welllogs
data processing by the wavelet transform modulus maxima lines (WTMM).Combined with the detrneded
fluctuation analysis DFA .To automate interpretation and to help the geologists to construct the lithofacies. A study
made by B.Audit and al showed that this estimator is recommended for signal of low number of samples , we
used it to enhance the estimation of the coefficients of roughness of the various geological mediums.
Kinematic 3D Analysis of Dina Field Structure from Growth Strata Patterns, Neiva Sub-Basin, Upper Magdalena Valley, Colombia
Authors P.A. Galindo and F. CorredorWe use the patterns of growth sedimentation above the frontal and backlimbs of the Dina field structure,
located in the western fold and thrust belt of the Upper Magdalena Basin, Colombia, to describe the 3D
kinematic evolution of this fault-related fold.
Chihuidos Depth Imaging, Argentine Subandean
Authors H. Arroyo and M.J. KoremblitChihuido de la Salina and El Portón oilfields are located in the southwest portion of the Mendoza
Province and northwest portion of the Neuquén Province in Argentina, in the eastern border of the
faulted and folded belt of the Neuquina Basin (figura 1).
Seismic Exploration in the Ganges Delta River: A Model Case of study in Transition Zones.
Authors V. Villamizar and F. EstradaGrant Geophysical has been working in Bangladesh from 1996 offering its services to oil & gas
companies in different blocks of the country. The recording equipment used in the last acquisition is a
versatile and interactive instrument that allows us to acquire data on land, in transition and marine zones
interactive and easily.
Integrated 3D seismic data modeling and processing methodology for structural model analysis: Case study
By T. SalinasThe combination of abrupt topography, complex near-surface and sub-surface conditions, and a
significant tri-dimensional component make the Foothills of Colombia an extremely challenging area for seismic
activities. These characteristics are responsible for the absence of high-quality seismic data on these areas and
therefore, they ask for alternative strategies of seismic data processing, modeling and interpretation.
Rigorous And Innovative Risk Quantification For Basin Modeling
Authors A. Medina, J-M. Laigle and M. PontetAssessing petroleum systems using deterministic basin modelling techniques are
nowadays widely used. Such evaluation has a critical impact on strategic decision with both
economical and technical consequences. Decision makers need to rely on the outcomes
of basin models whose main results should therefore feature a probabilistic distribution
expressing the associated risk.
Delineamiento Estructural De Yacimientos, Basados En La Integracion Sismica, Imágenes De Pozo, En El Area Mayor De Anaco En El Oriente De Venezuela.
Authors Y. Lopez, C. Gordillo, M. Gomez, G. Gomez, J. Padilla, P. Aguilera and A. PalacioLos Campos de Gas, del Área Mayor de Anaco, se encuentran localizados en el Oriente de Venezuela aproximadamente a unos 30 Km de la Ciudad de Anaco, Estado Anzoátegui. ( Figura 1 )
Determinación de Barreras de Flujo en el Yacimiento San Juan-03 – Campo Orocual
Authors J. Meneses, J. Barrera and C. RodríguezEl yacimiento San Juan 03 se encuentra al Noreste de Maturín, y fue descubierto en el año
1985 por el pozo ORS-52 durante su evaluación en la Formación San Juan (Cretácico). El
yacimiento se caracteriza por ser de tipo composicional con gravedades API entre 28– 44° .
Distinguishing Tectonic Versus Eustatic Flooding Surfaces in the Llanos Basin of Colombia, and Implications for Stratigraphic Correlations
Authors G. Bayona, A. Reyes-Harker, C. Jaramillo, M. Rueda, J. Aristizabal, M. Cortes and N. GambaStratigraphic surfaces, rather than lithologic units,
are the support of stratigraphic correlation using
sequence stratigraphy and other correlation techniques
in passive-margin basins.
Estudios Estratigráficos en la Formación Cerrejón: Aplicabilidad de Herramientas Estratigráficas Predictivas en una Cuña Sedimentaria Paleocena
Authors C. Montes, G. Bayona, L.A. Meza and C. MartinezTres parasecuencias han sido definidas en la Formación Cerrejón: La parasecuencia 1
comprende un grupo de asociaciones litofaciales con tendencia granodecreciente que
de base a techo muestra arenisca fina heterolítica ocasionalmente glauconítica, con
rizaduras asimétricas, cambiando transicionalmente a shale negro y lodolita negra
maciza arenosa y shale carbonoso; estas litologías son suprayacidas por un manto de
carbón cubierto por shales negros fosilíferos.
Structure and kinematics of the Eastern Foothills of the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia from Balanced Cross-Sections and Forward Modeling
Authors M. Cortes, G. Bayona, J. Aristizabal, G. Ojeda, A. Reyes-Harker and N. GambaThe structure and kinematics of the central and northern segments of the eastern fold-and-thrust belt of
the Eastern Cordillera (EC) and Llanos Basin (LlB) of Colombia was analyzed.