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5th EAGE St.Petersburg International Conference and Exhibition on Geosciences - Making the Most of the Earths Resources
- Conference date: 02 Apr 2012 - 05 Apr 2012
- Location: Saint Petersburg, Russia
- ISBN: 978-90-73834-23-1
- Published: 02 April 2012
1 - 20 of 178 results
Overview of the Cretaceous Evolution of the North-western Barents Sea
Authors A. Escalona and S. OlaussenThe northwestern Barents Sea is mostly under explored and covers a large part of the Norwegian and Russian continental margins. Most reservoirs are Carbonifeours to Jurassic in age, and little attention has been paid to the Cretaceous intervals which may hold enormous potential. After the newly discovered liquid petroleum system in the western margin of the Barents Sea (i.e. Skrugard) the link between the conjugate margin offshore North East Greenland and western Barents Sea becomes of particular interest. In addition, the northern boundary of the Cretaceous interval represents a key transition time in the evolution of the northern Arctic region which affected large areas of the Barents Sea and was the time where most of the North American arctic basins developed. Plate tectonic models during this time are quite uncertain due to the lack of constrains, but until the late Jurassic/early Cretaceous, most arctic basins seem to be related. In this presentation, an overview of the Cretaceous evolution of the Arctic, with focus on the plate setting of the northwestern Barents Sea is provided in order to highlight areas that require further analysis to evaluate the petroleum potential.
The History of Development and Prospectives of the Jurassic Deposits on the Barents Sea Shelf
Authors A.A. Suslova, A.V. Stoupakova, Y.K. Burlin and R.S. SautkinReservoirs of Jurassic complex in the Barents Sea sediments were formed under transgressive-regressive regime of sedimentation in the midst of the marine basin’s general transgression. In Jurassic time eastern and western sectors of the Barents Sea basin developed as a single basin under calm tectonic environment. This gives the possibility to identify general sedimentation cycles within the limits of this region.
Geological Structure and Petroleum System of South Kara Basin
Authors N.A. Malyshev, V.A. Nikishin, V.V. Obmetko, B.I. Ikhsanov, Y.V. Reydik, K.A. Sitar and D.S. ShapabaevaGeological model of South Kara basin (SKB) based on 2D seismic and regional lines 2-AR and 3-AR. The SKB is filled by Upper Triasic(?)-Cenosioc clastic sediments together with the Late Permian(?)-Mid Triassic synrift megasequence. The rifts base is tracked at the depth up to 11-12 km. Using new seismic data, we identify grabens and semi-grabens at the base of the basin. They are filled by partly deformed sediments. The 3D basin model is done and shows oil and gas windoows. Many structures identify on Paykhoy-Prinozemelskiaya monokline such as Universitetskaya, Vikulovskaya and Tatarinovskaya.
Constraints on Magnitude of Cenozoic Uplift and Petroleum Systems Modelling for the Russian Barents Sea
By P.O. SobolevThe Cenozoic regional uplift remains very poor investigated for the Russian part of the Barents Sea. Several methods were used to estimate magnitude of the uplift and erosion for the Eastern Barents Sea. First method was related with using of generalized porosity-depth trends. Geophysical well logging data from the Russian Barens Sea (about thirty deep offshore wells) were compiled and processed. The joint interpretation of sonic, gamma-ray, resistivity, spontaneous potential logs were used to calculate porosity and shale fraction for siliciclastic rocks. Comparison of smoothed exponential porosity-depth curves from different wells reveals the rate of compaction for the different kinds of sediments (sands, silts and shales) and different level of erosion. Similar results were obtained with Magara’s approach for sonic logs of shales. We used vitrinite reflectance data for the independent evaluation of the uplift and for calibration. Combining the data on wells we have determinated uplifts ranging from 300 m in the south (Pechora Sea) to 700 m in the central part of the South-Barents deep and to 2 km in the Franz-Joseph Land. The magnitude of erosion increase eastward as well. Seismic profiles and structural maps were used to trace and interpolate the estimates of uplift between wells.
Looking for the Giants - Sedimentation and Basin Modelling Application for South Kara Basin
Regional modeling approach including Sedimentation and Basin modeling had been applicated with use of Beicip Franlab software tools (Temis and Dionisos) in Kara Sea regional studies at Gazpromneft Science and Technology Centre. As a result of the modeling, the possibility of further discoveries of giant fields in South Kara Basin is pretty high. Although gas accumulations are predominating in the basin, oil-and-gas condensate fields with sufficient part of liquid hydrocarbons could be found in the areas where the source rocks facies and maturation is favorable. We assume that the main source for the hydrocarbons, accumulated in the South Kara Basin in Cretaceous reservoirs are the Uppermost Jurrasic, as well as Lowermost and Middle Jurrasic shales with mostly marine type of kerogen. Lower Cretaceous (apt-alb) sediments enriched in terrigenous organic matter and containing coaly layers never entered the “oil window”, so they could produce only shallow biogenic gas, which can’t be assessed quantitatively using basin modeling technique and may affect the pools, mixing with the thermogenic gas from Jurrasic source rocks. Further studies and new geological and geochemical data required to refine the model and make sure that the geological and geochemical model assumptions were correct.
Lower-upper Permian and Triassic Seismostratigraphic Complexes in the South-eastern Barents Sea
Authors D.A. Norina, G.S. Kazanin, S.P. Pavlov and A.V. StoupakovaPresent evaluation of Lower-Upper Permian and Triassic clastic deposits in the Russian Barents Sea shelf are based on detailed geological and seismostratigraphic interpretation of regional seismic lines acquired by MAGE in 2007-2009. Active uncompensated subsidence of South Barents and pre-Novaya Zemlya depressions in Early-Late Permian and sea level changes led to the formation of three sequences in which low-stand, transgressive and high-stand system tracts were identified. Low stand system tracts infill central parts of the basin and contain high-amplitude discontinuous reflections which may indicate sandstones of basin fans. High-stand system tracts are characterized by sigmoid progradational reflection pattern with high-amplitude facies at clinoform bends corresponding to perspective shallow-water reservoirs. Pemian-Triassic erosion unconformity is well-traced at the basin margins. Triassic strata in the study area were formed in deltaic, coastal and shallow-marine conditions under constant compensation of basin subsidence with large volumes of sediments. They are characterized by hummocky high-amplitude reflection configuration at basin margins and low-amplitude sub-parallel discontinuous seismic pattern in the central parts. Bright, parallel, continuous reflections in the Middle Triassic correspond to sea level rise and shale deposition. Structural and stratigraphic traps were identified in Triassic complex.
Hydrocarbon Potential of Riphean-paleozoic Deposits of Taimyr
By V.A. BaldinRegional 2D seismic explorations of enhanced depth were carried out at the beginning of XXI century for the first time. They allowed together with other geological-geophysical data fundamentally change the model of structure of Yenisey-Khatanga regional depression, Taimyr mountain area, Siberian Platform and Western-Siberian plate. New largest (of superorder and I-II orders) structural-tectonic units were defined on the north of Siberia. Hydrocarbon potential of north-east of Western Siberian, north-west of Siberian Platform and western part of Taimyr fold system was evaluated based on the new attitude. The new hydrocarbon potential sedimentary basin in Riphean-Paleozoic deposits (South-Taimyr oil-and-gas province) was defined on the southern part of Taimyr belt of thrust faults. On the north-west of Siberian Platform the Igarsko-Norilsk oil-and-gas province was defined where the main zones of potential oil and gas accumulation may be megabars with accessible for drilling Riphean-Paleozoic complexes.
Hydrocarbon Systems of Tatar Strait Sedimentary Basins and its Prospective Production Analysis
More LessThe article discribes the main stages of the section hydrocarbon productivity forming. It is based on the generation and migration processes and their evolution during the geological history. The main result of the project is the new objects for exploration studies and phase composition prediction for the possible hydrocarbon deposit.
Geological Prerequisites of Formation of Big Oil and Gas Centers in Eastern Siberia
Authors V. Kharakhinov and S. ShlenkinTheoretical estimates of oil-and-gas generation in East Siberia revealed by our complex analysis allowed us to draw a conclusion that oil-and-gas potential of East Siberia is underestimated.
Using Onshore Geology to Predict the Hydrocarbon Potential of a Frontier Arctic Region - The Laptev Shelf, East Arctic
Authors J.S.K. Barnet, O.J. Ralph, C.M.J. Davies, A. Davies and M.D. SimmonsWith growing interest in the hydrocarbon potential of the circum-Arctic, increasing attention is turning to the frontier shelves of the East Arctic such as the Laptev Shelf. No deep wells have been drilled offshore, with stratigraphic predictions based on study of onshore outcrops, including the Taimyr Peninsula, northern mainland Siberia and New Siberian Islands. The discovery of hydrocarbon fields in Jurassic-Early Cretaceous clastics of the Yenisey-Khatanga and West Siberian basins, and in Permian-Triassic clastics of the Lena-Anabar Basin, highlight Late Palaeozoic-Mesozoic potential in the neighbouring offshore. Early Cretaceous post-orogenic and Late Cretaceous-Palaeogene syn-rift coal-bearing clastics could represent the most significant source rocks. Marine organic-rich facies of the PETM and Middle Eocene “Azolla” event may constitute oil-prone source rocks in restricted grabens. Oligocene-Early Miocene sandstones and Late Miocene-Pliocene marine shales could represent regional reservoirs and seals respectively. We have conducted a study of the region using a global sequence stratigraphic model, drawing on data available in the public domain. This interpretation allows enhanced understanding of the shifting distribution of transgressive and regressive reservoir facies. When placed in a regional palinspastic framework, models of source rock deposition can be developed, and used to better predict timing and extent of deposition.
Carboniferous Paleogeography of North-eastern Siberia
Authors V. Ershova, A. Khudoley and A. ProkopievThe study area is located on the northeastern margin of the Siberian Craton. The Carboniferous time was marked by extensive transgressions with widespread distribution of marine deposits throughout the study area. The Carboniferous deposits show transition from deep see basin environment through distal prodelta environments to prograding deltaic (delta front and delta plain) environment. One of the main questions for this region is a source area for Carboniferous deposits of North-East Siberia. We are presenting here a provenance pioneer study based on detrital zircon dating. All samples contain zircons with similar age populations, although relative abundance of each population varies. Zircons of Palaeoproterozic-Archean, Neoproterozoic and Devonian-Early Carboniferous ages are most widespread, whilst zircons of Cambro-Ordovician ages constitute an insignificant portion. Similarly, the Siberian Craton provenance must be rejected as a possible source area for Palaeozoic zircons in the studied samples, as felsic Palaeozoic magmatic rocks are also absent in the Siberian Craton basement. The only known potential provenance area with magmatic rocks comparable in age with the studied Palaeozoic zircon populations are the Altay-Sayan and/or Taimyr - Severnaya Zemlya fold and thrust belts
Laptev Onshore to Offshore Relation
Authors B.C. Mouly and D. FrankeOur approach consists in 1. constraining the evolution of rifted shelf with the age of magnetic chrons in the Eurasia basin, and interpret a break-up unconformity that correlates in time with the emplacement of the oldest oceanic crust in the Eurasia Basin 2. Differentiate on seismic the sedimentation patterns from greenhouse conditions from those of icehouse conditions, as documented by the ACEX well drilled on Lomonossov Ridge. 3. Correlate nearshore structural cross sections, calibrated on deep wells with shallow water seismic data 4. Compare the basement structure prepared from magnetic records with the acoustic basement interpreted from seismic data 5. Calibrate older seismic data against newer, acquired with long-streamer, to better define the base of the rift infill and its relation to regional structural styles existing from Verkoyansk to Annabar.
Model of Regional Tectonics and Hydrocarbon Potential Offshore Russia and Foreign Sectors of the Black Sea - Caspian Region
By B.V. SeninAnalysis of new geophysical data on the Black Sea – Caspian Region acquired since late 90-ties, partial reprocessing and reinterpretation of archival geophysical and geological results of oil and gas prospecting both offshore and on adjacent land areas, systematization and generalization of the entire dataset enabled the represented corrections of traditional views upon tectonics and hydrocarbon potential of the Caspian Sea, the Black Sea, the Sea of Azov, and adjacent terrain.
Regional Seismoprospecting Works in Coastal Territory of Republic Dagestan and in a Shallow Zone Adjoining to it
Authors L.T. Guseinova and R.D. YusufovThe uplift of cretaceous reflecting horizons revealed earlier in a sea direction, has allowed to suggest presence of structures not defined earlier, located in a coastal zone which could be perspective objects for searches of hydrocarbonic raw materials. A neogene – upper cretaceous deposits are perspective here according to prospecting--production drilling. The second regional stage of inspection of southern Foothill Dagestan which has included inspection of a coastal and shoaly zone of the Dagestan part of Caspian sea was finished in 2007-2008. Newly interpreted received results of regional seismic operations, in inspecting the South Dagestan bow area, have allowed to specify a structural and tectonic construction on a neogene- upper cretaceous deposits, to substract in a coastal and shoaly zone 14 new structures perspective for searches of oil and gas and to give them a resource estimation
Seismic Facies Model of the Lower Cretaceous Eastern Part of the Azov Sea
Authors G.M. Makanova and I.V. ShiryaevaОсновным этапом исследований являлось проведение сейсмофациального анализа. Использование методов сейсмостратиграфии позволило разработать седиментационную модель нижнемеловых отложений неизученной бурением акватории Азовского моря. Полученные результаты использованы для оценки перспектив газоносности выявленных антиклинальных структур.
New Approach for Building a Tectonic Model of the Black Sea Depression
Authors A.V. Khortov, B.V. Senin, S.D. Kakaranza, N. Kaymakсi, E. Kozhuharov, I. Gabriel, M.I. Leonchik, N.V. Amelin, E.I. Petrov and B.W. HornВ работе представляются результаты новой серии региональных сейсмических профилей, пересекающих всю Черноморскую впадину и отработанных с использованием современных технических средств и технологий спустя 30 лет после проведения здесь первой серии подобных исследований. Полученные материалы позволяют по новому представить ряд аспектов геологического строения, тектоники, истории формирования впадины и её современной геодинамики.
Reservoir Properties Forecasts in BS10-2+3 Layer Based on Different Geostatistical Inversion Techniques
Authors I.S. Tsybulkina, K.E. Filippova, P.G. Ponomarenko, V.M. Vingalov and S.V. LyagushevВопрос выбора наиболее достоверного метода прогноза коллекторских свойств является весьма сложным и актуальным. Поэтому на примере Северо-Конитлорского месторождения были оценены возможности прогноза коллекторских свойств пласта БС10-2+3 в условиях его значительной латеральной изменчивости и при малых толщинах коллекторов с использованием двух типов геостатистических инверсий, а именно: полнократного куба и частично-кратных сумм.
AVA Stack Rotation as Fast Track Tool for Seismic Reservoir Characterization - A Case Study from a Pre-Caspian Basin
Authors A. Shestakov and A. JangirovA modified approach of AVA analysis is presented in this paper. It is AVO screening technology which combines AVO analysis and statistical rock physics study for gaining insight into the hydrocarbon reservoir.This workflow is time-efficient and allows for the analysis of large seismic volumes with limited or no well control.
Biot Inversion of Microseismic Data for Permeability Estimation - A Feasibility Study
Authors R. Shigapov, A. Droujinine and B. KashtanThe estimation of poroelastic properties of reservoir rocks is a very important and topical problem. In this work we focused on the permeability estimation. Assuming that the input data were obtained during hydraulic fracturing experiments, our goal is to estimate the rock permeability using elastic full waveform inversion of microseismic data. We have done a set of numerical tests in order to study stability of the method to noise and velocity model errors.
CRS Prestack Data Conditioning for Extending AVO Analysis to Low-fold and Low-quality Data Zones
Authors H. Trappe, G. Gierse, J. Pruessmann, G. Harms and H. VosbergThe Common-Reflection-Surface (CRS) method may improve seismic processing beyond imaging, e.g. in an enhanced Amplitude Versus Offset (AVO) analysis. Various applications have shown that the more realistic subsurface assumptions, and the increased fold of the CRS imaging allow to extend AVO analysis into noise zones and to deep targets with low signal quality. Extreme fluctuations of AVO parameters are removed, and AVO anomalies are enhanced. The CRS method assumes subsurface reflector elements with dip and curvature, which implies large-fold stacking surfaces extending both across offset, and across neighboring CMP locations. The extension across neighboring CMPs defines a CRS gather at the central CMP location, comprising data from a multitude of traces. The CRS moveout correction compensates for the local dip across these neighboring CMPs, thus contrasting to conventional AVO super-gathers based on NMO correction that collect dipping events horizontally at varying phase. The presented case studies show that CRS-AVO attribute stacks are produced with a much higher signal-to-noise ratio from CRS gathers than from CMP gathers in conventional AVO. The CRS-AVO attribute sections clearly distinguish anomalies at known or expected gas-bearing reservoirs.