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68th EAGE Conference and Exhibition - Workshop Package
- Conference date: 12 Jun 2006 - 15 Jun 2006
- Location: Vienna, Austria
- ISBN: 978-94-6282-106-4
- Published: 12 June 2006
Multichannel Teleseismic Data Processing and Imaging
Authors X. Campman, S. Rondenay, G. Herman and A. VerdelIncreasingly more high-fidelity short-period teleseismic data are becoming available. This opens up the possibility of obtaining images of the Earth's crust and upper mantle with increasingly higher resolution as well of shallower structure. One of the factors limiting the use of the shorter period data is the interference of unwanted phases at short periods. The unwanted phases are generally associated to scattering at near-surface features. We present initial results from a multichannel inversion based method to image and suppress these unwanted scattered phases.
Seismic Interferometry – Reconstruction of the Earth’s Reflection Response
Authors D. Draganov, K. Wapenaar, W. Mulder, J. Singer and A. VerdelWith seismic interferometry we can simulate a seismic shot record at point A as if from a source at point B by crosscorrelating the seismic responses recorded at A and B. This was first proposed by Claerbout (1968) where he showed that for 1-D acoustic media the
reflection response can be simulated by the autocorrelation of the transmission response. Later Wapenaar et al. (2002, 2004) proved this for 3-D inhomogeneous lossless media
(acoustic as well as elastic) using the one-way wavefield reciprocity theorem of the
correlation type. At about the same time, also other authors derived similar relations using different techniques for applications in different fields (Weaver and Lobkis, 2001; Schuster, 2001; Derode et al., 2003; Snieder, 2004). The different authors introduced different terms to describe the end result - daylight imaging, Green’s function reconstruction, interferometric imaging, passive seismics. To avoid confusion, for a special issue of Geophysics (July- August, 2006) dedicated to this methods, it was proposed to use the term Seismic
Interferometry (SI) for reconstruction through crosscorrelation.
Finite-Frequency Tomography in a Heterogeneous Medium with an application to the Western Corinth Rift (Greece)
Authors S. Gautier, G. Nolet and J. VirieuxThe Gulf of Corinth (Greece) is a continental rift, which has long been recognised as one of the most active region in
Europe. GPS measurements indicate an extensional rate of 1.5cm/year in the western part of the Gulf and the
historical seismicity is very high.
Global Scale Seismic Interferometry
Authors E. Ruigrok, D. Draganov and K. WapenaarSeismic reflection imaging has shown its virtues on exploration scale, but has little been applied on
a global scale due to the sparse source distribution; the earthquake hypocenters are mainly along
the active lithospheric plate boundaries. This problem can be approached with Seismic
Interferometry (SI).
Elastic Full Waveform Inversion of Multi-Component OBC Seismic Data
Authors T. J. Sears, P. J. Barton and S. C. SinghElastic full waveform inversion of seismic reflection data represents an alternative to conventional stack based
processing. Both travel-time and amplitude information within shot domain data are used to invert for the subsurface
velocity, from a starting model containing the long wavelength features.
Depth and Morphology of Reflectors from 2D Non-Linear Inversion of Arrival Time and Waveform Semblance Data
Authors M. Vassallo and A. ZolloElastic full waveform inversion of seismic reflection data represents an alternative to conventional stack based
processing. Both travel-time and amplitude information within shot domain data are used to invert for the subsurface
velocity, from a starting model containing the long wavelength features.
Passive Seismic Tomography
By J. VirieuxA quick overview of passive travel-time tomography
Lithographic and petrological interpretation
Converted phases analysis