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EAGE Workshop on Dead Sea Sinkholes – Causes, Effects and Solutions
- Conference date: 23 Sep 2012 - 25 Sep 2012
- Location: Amman, Jordan
- ISBN: 978-94-6282-055-5
- Published: 23 September 2012
1 - 20 of 23 results
The Dead Sea Subsidence and Sinkhole Disasters, over Two Decades of Monitoring and Studies. It Is Time for an Early Warning System Now!
Authors N.A. Karaki and D. ClossonAs a consequences of the rapid lowering of the Dead Sea water level, which began in the 1960s, parts of the Dead Sea costal areas, could be considered as the most rapidly plagued with subsidence problems in the world. Yet some of these areas on the Jordanian half of the Dead Sea are becoming the focal point of Jordan’s touristic development efforts and plans which will potentially implicate billions of US $s. Even before the multiple diversions of most the used to become Dead Sea water, the area is known to be geologically sensitive with possible, both natural and induced hazard concerns. Important parts of the coastal area is undergoing rapid and accelerating subsidence and sinkholes proliferation phenomena Further more the area's tectonic setting and conditions are further complicated by this induced and generalized subsidence phenomena which led during the last few decades to the development of a quite threatening situation.
Very High Resolution ground displacement mapping and monitoring over the Lisan Peninsula: Preliminary Results
Authors P. Pasquali, P. Riccardi, N.A. Karaki, D. Closson and F. HoleczThe Lisan peninsula is about 15 by 25 km . Two well-contrasted zones are distinguished: a triangularshape tableland corresponding to a former “peninsula”, at the time when the Dead Sea was composed of two sub-basins connected by the shallow Lynch strait and a wave-cut platform that emerged from the 1970s. Since the 1980s, the Dead Sea is only constituted by the northern deeper sub-basin.
Ghor Al Haditha Sinkholes Database and Tectonic Interpretation
Authors M. Idrissa, D. Closson and N. Abou KarakiThis work deals with the creation of a sinkholes database for the Jordanian coast of the Dead Sea, Ghor Al Haditha area. Ground collapses inventories were carried out between 1991 and 2012. The lineament is replaced and analyzed in its structural setting at regional and local scales. Its direction (N 24 E) is sub-parallel to the ones displayed by most published focal mechanisms in that zone especially the one associated to the 23rd April 1979 earthquake (Mb = 5.1; N 20 E +- 5 deg, Arieh et al 1982), which is representative of all focal mechanisms calculated on a fault plane compatible with the general direction of the Jordan - Dead Sea Transform fault system for the east coast of the Dead Sea area. The alignment of sinkholes is constituted by thirteen minor linear segments separated by as many empty spaces. Their organization suggests the existence of a rotational effect caused by stress between two parallel strike-slip faults. Four minor linear units present an en-echelon arrangement from which one can deduce the presence of a local extensional stress field. In this context, sinkholes locations provide information of subsurface discontinuities interpreted as hidden fractures.
Geophysical Investigations of Ghor Haditha Sinkholes, Jordan
By H. AlrshdanThe aim of the geophysical investigations carried out in Ghor Haditha area is to detect the subsurface sinkholes and define their dimensions, delimitation the fresh-saline water interface and predict the scenario of any hazards as well as predicting safe areas and hazardous areas. Three geophysical methods were applied over sinkholes area;Ground Penetrating Radar, Electrical Resistivity Tomography and Time Domain Electromagnetic using NanoTEM technique. Resistivity and GPR surveys show that all subsurface sinkholes are accompanied with or above fresh water or fresh water effects. layers seem to be shapeless or crumbled as an effect of fresh water that swept through them. An important fact is that, all detected subsurface sinkholes were accompanied with fresh water and no sinkholes exist in dry areas. It seems that, the mechanism of subsurface sinkholes formation in the area is depending on the fresh water presence. Results and analysis of geophysical studies show that, the source of fresh water is mainly rain water passing through streams such as Wadi Ibn Hammad, and secondly from irrigation water.Fresh water flowing westwards to the Dead Sea. The interface between fresh and saline water is the boundary between the safe zone and vulnerable zone.
Origin of Unusual Dolines (Sinkholes) in Maqarin Area, North Jordan
Authors H. N. Khoury and E. SalamehUnusual dolines are widely distributed in the northwestern part of Jordan along the western shoulder of wadi Sijin, a tributary of the Yarmouk River. The dolines are the result of dissolution of calcined carbonates. Lime (CaO) in wadi Sijin in Maqarin area is the result of the spontaneous combustion of the Bituminous Marl Formation that crops out at the southern bank of the Yarmouk River. Combustion took place after the drop in the groundwater level and the incision of the nearby wadi bottom. The volcanic activities during the Pleistocene time were probably the triggering factor for the ignition of the bituminous limestone. Combustion of bituminous marl has led to decarbonation and the formation of lime. Hyperalkaline groundwater activity and associated lime (CaO) -water interaction is evident along wadi Sijin and the Yarmouk River. High pH seepages are still flowing along the River. The groundwater discharges today is characterized by high hydroxide alkalinity, saturation with calcium sulphate and high concentrations of trace elements. The potential development projects in the karstified area are bringing more activities into the area. Sinkholes in the karstified area represent a very special geohazard and potential development projects should take it into consideration.
Sinkholes Related to Tectonic Factor at Ghor Al Haditha Area, Dead Sea, Jordan
By A. DiabatThe study area is located on the Lisan Peninsula at the most prominent structure of Jordan: the Dead Sea Transform. The area is affected by repeated phases of subsidence and sinkhole development since several decades. The aim of this study is to point out the tectonic effect as an additional factor triggering the sinkholes in the study area. During the field work a total of 150 fault-slip data are measured in the neighboring bed rocks and in Pleistocene sediments, while 30 strike measurements of cracks are taken from the sinkhole area itself in soft sediments. Each group of the measurements is represented as a rose diagram. Comparison between both shows a relative coincidence in their trends indicating the tectonic factor as a major role in triggering the sinkholes in the study area.
Geophysical Assessment of Sinkhole Hazard Evaluation at Ghor Haditha (Dead Sea, Jordan)
Authors C.M. Camerlynck, A. Abueladas, R. Al-Ruzouq, A. Al-Zoubi, M. Boucher, L. Bodet, A. Dhemaied and P.Y. GalibertFor essentially the last 30 year the water level of the Dead Sea has highly dropped. One of the major associated facts is sinkhole occurrences along the shoreline both in Jordan and Israel. As the principal invoked mechanism, many studies have concluded that sinkhole formation results from the dissolution of a previously immersed salt layer, progressively in contact with fresh to brackish water. In Jordan, the triggering of this phenomenon could also be the result of particular tectonic settings, associated with the Jordan-Dead Sea transform fault system. At Ghor Haditha (south–est Jordan), the consequences have been dramatic for farmers with the shrinking of temporary available lands and industry with the closing of at least one factory. The shallow material in this area is heterogeneous and composed of intercalated sand and clay layers of alluvial-colluvial origin, over a salt substratum, whose precise depth and thickness are yet partially hypothesized.
Detecting the Sink-holes by Microgravity Data
More LessThe relative negative anomalies of microgravity data are detected in an industrial site. These negative anomalies are generated by the low density zones and or probable cavities in the limestone base rock that are overlaied by quaternary deposits. These zone are partly examinated by drilling several bore holes. The negative anomalies projected on the Google map of the area are shown in Fig. (1).
Active Multichannel Seismic Surface Wave Method for Subsurface Cavity Detection
More LessThe Multi-channel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW) is a recently developed seismic method to estimate S-wave velocity structure under the ground for geotechnical engineering purposes. The field setting of the survey uses a linear geophone array and a small seismic source such as sledgehammer or weight drop. It analyses the seismic waves in the frequency domain for the dispersion property of surface waves and estimates the distribution of the S-wave velocity below the surveyed area that is most responsible for the analyzed propagation velocity pattern of surface waves. After a relatively simple procedure, final Vs information is provided in 1-D, 2-D, and 3-D formats.
The Contribution of Airborne EM for the Study of Dead Sea
Authors A. Menghini and A. ViezzoliAEM method can be a potential effective tool for aiding in the mapping and managing of the Dead Sea area, from the smallest scale to the macro-regional area. The Dead Sea scenario may represent a very interesting field study, as several crucial issues, that are related to the problems affecting the lake’s survival, could be better defined. From the smallest to the largest scale, we can identify the following items where AEM could play a role: detection of large sinkholes, better resolution of geological and hydrogeological relationships all around the coastline, resolution of the freshwater-saltwater interface, detailed hydrogeological mapping close to springs, study of the layering of the lake waters, contribute from the resistivity models to estimate submarine groundwater discharge, definition of the tectonic setting, with particular attention to fault systems related to hydrothermal activity, detection of the recharge areas, contribute to implement a Water Budget of the entire watershed. For each of these topics, case-studies and examples drawn from experiences collected all over the World will be presented
Design of an Airborne EM Survey over the Dead Sea
Authors T.H. Asch and B.D. SmithSinkholes along the shores of the Dead Sea have been known since the 1960’s. Geophysical research indicates two major groups of sinkholes – those close to the edge of an evaporate layer and those that form away from a dissolution cavern. To date, no comprehensive geophysical survey of the Dead Sea has been performed. Airborne electromagnetic surveys can map the hydrogeology of the area surveyed including stratigraphy with unknown subsurface faults, the fresh water-salt water interface, and karstic cavities and existing and incipient sinkholes. Interpreted depth sections range from tens of meters to 100 m to 200 m or more in depth with the specific depth of investigation depending on the geophysical instrumentation used and how deep the very conductive Dead Sea water zone is. Design of an AEM survey over the Dead Sea includes a time-domain system flying with the sensor at 30 m above the ground surface with flight lines sub-perpendicular to known fault structures in the Dead Sea with line separations from 50 (detect sinkholes) to 200 (regional mapping) meters. Follow-up ground-based geophysical surveys would be conducted on both the Israeli and Jordanian sides of the Dead Sea by teams from those countries.
Sinkholes Detection by AEM Method: a Case Study from Yucatan, Mexico
Authors A. Menghini, Y. Ley-Cooper and A. ViezzoliA multi frequency helicopter electromagnetic survey was carried towards the north of Sian Kan, in Yucatan Mexico. In order to quantitatively asses the results, the water quality and determine the possible depths of the caves and tunnels, we processed and calibrated the data using a PhiBeta methodology to produce Conductivity Depth Images. Most structures that have been detected by AEM can be correlated with the location of dolines known from cave maps constructed by scuba divers. Some of these structures had not previously been mapped by divers but some others structures have been verified with dive expeditions following the airborne EM campaign. Hence it was possible to image an interesting network of karstic tunnels, which have formed at different geological stages i.e. at different depths, resulting in a halocline mix. Geophysics is also able to map the salt water intrusion, that can be seen as it pushes its way from the east past the coastline boundary and tends to migrate through preferential paths using the existing tunnels which are known to connect at sea at different locations and depths.
Karst Dynamics Revealed by Small Baseline Subset Interferometric Technique
Authors D. Closson, N. Abou Karaki, P. Pasquali, P. Riccardi and F. HoleczThe Dead Sea is one of the saltiest lakes in the world with a concentration of halite and gypsum ten times higher than in the oceans. Its size is about 80 km long and 15 kilometers wide. Jordan, Israel and the PNA divided its shore in the following proportions: 60%, 25% and 15% respectively. The prevailing climatic conditions are of arid type and allow salt crystals to grow in the open air. The Dead Sea occupies the bottom of one of the pull-apart basins that punctuate the Jordan-Dead Sea strike-slip fault. The Dead Sea is composed of a northern and of a southern sub-basin. For centuries, they are separated by an emerging salt diapir (Lisan area) and connected by the shallow Lynch strait. However, since about 30 years, the southern sub-basin and the strait are dried-up (Figure 1). Indeed, since about 50 years the Dead Sea water level is dropping due to over pumping of its tributaries, especially the Jordan River. During the 1980's, early sinkholes and subsidence occurred. Currently they number several thousand.
SARscape®, a Commercial-Off-The-Shelf Software Package for the Measurement, Monitoring and Modeling of Geophysical Phenomena
Authors P. Pasquali, S. Atzori, A. Cantone, P. Riccardi, M. De Filippi and M. BarbieriSatellite SAR Interferometry and related techniques have gained in the last years a very high acceptance as tool for the precise measurement of small displacements of the Earth surface; they provide crucial information for the understanding of geophysical and geological phenomena like earthquakes, land subsidence, long-term tectonic movements, karst phenomena, volcanic activity etc. The extension of these techniques to the analysis of time series of repeated measures furthermore opened the floor to reliable monitoring of these phenomena over long time periods. On the other hand, these measurements, as well as other geodetic observations, cannot be intended as a final product, but instead as input for the modeling and representation of the phenomenon under investigation. This paper presents the approach followed by the authors in the integration of a set of geological modeling tools within the SARscape® COTS interferometric software; the result is a software suite that allows the end-users to fully describe the geological/geophysical phenomenon in terms of their geophysical source mechanism. After an overview of the full package, outcomes of such integration are shown by means of results obtained from SAR imagery time series obtained from the ERS and ENVISAT ASAR (© ESA) sensors, over the Dead Sea region and the Lysan peninsula
Retreat of the Dead Sea and its Implications on the Surrounding Groundwater and on the Stability of Coastal Deposits
By E. SalamehThe level of the Dead Sea (DS) has been dropping for the last five decades due to increasing extractions from its feeding sources (APC 2006, JVA 2006, Neev and Emery 1967, Baker and Harza 1955). As a theoretical result the hydrodynamic interface of the fresh/salt water bodies should readjust to a new equilibrium state through a seaward movement Ghyben 1988, Herzberg 1901, Glover 1959, Kremer 1977). Accordingly (Fig. 1), and in order to achieve system stability the groundwater levels of the surrounding areas should drop and the amounts of stored groundwater in excess of those necessary for keeping a hydrodynamic stability of the system will be discharged to the DS itself (Salameh und El-Naser 1999, 2000 a & b, Salameh and Udluft 1985).
Transboundary Water Governance and Climate Change: Focus on Dead Sea, Jordan
Authors M. Batarseh, H. Khan, M. Goebel, P. Dawe, T. El-Hasan, A. Jireis, M.Y. Al Rawashdeh, R. Paterson, J. Pomeroy and O. MohawshThe main objective of this project is to build capacity in the area of transboundary water governance and climate change adaptation by establishing state of the art real-time water and weather monitoring networks in Jordan with a specific focusing on Dead Sea watershed on Jordanian side. Additionally, the Earth Observation System (EOS) will be used for spatial analysis of shoreline changes and sink hole pattern. The data collected through these advanced monitoring networks will be transmitted to two command centres on a real-time basis (one in the north and another in the south of the Kingdom) where the data will be stored in centralized water and climate databases. In addition, a third command center is proposed to serve the Arab Potash Company (APC) industrial activities that taking place on Dead Sea shore and focusing on Dead Sea watershed monitoring. The data will be available for use by various agencies to monitor water and climate changes on a real-time basis as well as for the development of policy guidelines and tools such as Dead Sea level, intensity-duration-frequency (IDF) curves, flood forecasting, salt water intrusion, water contamination and water supply-demand assessment in order to address challenges and make informed decisions in the areas of transboundary water governance and climate change adaptation.
Vision and Politics of Water in the Middle East: Challenges Facing Jordan River and Dead Sea
Authors O. Mohawsh and M. BatarsehThe limited water resources in Jordan as well as the neighbourhood countries may cuase future conflicts among water resources because of rising water demands, aridity, climate change, and food security issues. The water topic in Middle East region is one way or another, finds its ways in the front. Scientists from Middle East region and abroad have always found it fascinating to tackle the subject of in Jordan, Israel and Palestine water condition. Determined to overcome water scarcity challenge, Jordan has embarked on a series of actions, policies, and projects to insure meeting future water needs. Working alongside international agencies, private sector, agreements with neighbourhood countries and academic institutions, Jordan has adapted several approaches in dealing with water scarcity: water resources planning and water demand management, water recycling (wastewater, grey water and brackish water); water desalination using renewable energy, national and international regional projects such as Disi and Red Dead Sea projects, respectively. Nonetheless, pressures and competition over the available water resources are mounting every year. Furthermore, demand management programs are yet to prove effective in a country in which the current water use per capita is already at a minimum compared to healthy standards. Apparently, several challenges set ahead in the future for Jordan as well as the neighbouring countries. The decrease in the Jordan River flow due to water diversion for domestic uses has also caused a lowering of the water line (a meter a year, 25 meters since 1980). The whole southern basin of the Dead Sea has dried up and has been turned into an industrial site, potentially life-threatening sinkholes (nature’s revenge) (Figure 1), Sewage/Pollution of the unique qualities of Dead Sea water, Moreover, no master plan is in place and plans for development are totally uncoordinated. Lastly, will water scarcity and fragile ecosystem in the region will be enough to be a bridge to take the region from conflict to peace in the Middle East?
Relocation Processing of Selected Earthquakes in the Gulf of Aqaba Region
By A. GhannamThe tectonic setting of the Gulf of Aqaba is closely related to the Dead Sea Transform fault region (Al-Zhoubi et al. 2006). The evolution of the Gulf started with the initiation of the Red Sea rift in Late Oligocene to Early Miocene, the displacement motion along the main fault has been continuous since that time, with increase in the component of transverse separation along the DST since 5 million years (Joffe and Garfunkel, 1987). The age of the Aqaba Gulf is a late Miocene-Pliocene age (Hosney, 1985). The Gulf of Aqaba faulting structure is dominated by vertical to sub-vertical faults with principal directions of NNE-SSW, NE-SW, E-W and NW-SE (Rashdan, 1988).
Decision Support System for Water Resources Management - Optimization of Groundwater Resources Management
Authors J. Al-Mahamid, I. Nouiri, J. Maßmann, R. Haddad, M. Al–Sibai, O. Shahabi and J. TarhouniWithin the framework of a technical cooperation project between ACSAD and BGR a Decision Support System (DSS) for water resources management was developed and applied in two pilot areas.
“Rock Noise” Monitoring System Aimed to Control of Carrel Hut Basement on Mt Cervino/Matterhorn
By S. PrianoThe study of dynamic behavior of rock mass connecting with tensional release phenomena and falls (e.g. sinkholes), can be detached and consecutively monitored by a dynamic network “rock noise type” that permits determination of their focal points and furthermore allows to estimate concentration and intensity of these micro seismic events. The study of gravity phenomena on southern site of Mt. Cervino (Matterhorn) is actually assuming a crucial importance due to the recent rock falls increasing occurred and connecting with the high number of alpinists on the mountain in the last years.