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EAGE Subsalt Imaging Workshop Cairo 2009
- Conference date: 15 Nov 2009 - 18 Nov 2009
- Location: Cairo, Egypt
- ISBN: 978-90-73781-73-3
- Published: 15 November 2009
1 - 20 of 45 results
Real Time Sesimic Measurements Whilst Drilling - A Drilling Optimization Measurement for Subsalt Wells
By A. HawthornDrilling through and under salt can introduce some severe technical challenges. These are caused primarily by the uncertainty in the interpretation of the initial surface seismic. These are primarily associated with the quality of the initial seismic and the problems associated with the image and the correct velocities to use in the vicinity of salt.
Use Ray-Based Modeling Methods to Plan, Analyze, and Control Subsalt Imaging
Authors I. Lecomte, T. Kaschwich, H. Gjøystdal and E. IversenThough ray tracing in its standard forms is not able to produce complete synthetic seismograms, as may be required for processing tests, it may be used in completely different manners and thus providing other type of information useful for the industry. A now classic example is the use of ray-based illumination studies to test surveys for subsalt imaging, where the output are various maps of attributes along given horizons, e.g., so-called hit maps (reflection points), etc. This is especially interesting when testing various survey azimuth geometries. Another technique allows to find azimuth and offset ranges of a survey to illuminate given points on a horizon, e.g., below a salt dome. Going further, an efficient method can also generate migration amplitudes for the same horizons without explicitly generating synthetic seismograms. In a more local approach, a PSDM simulator uses ray-generated Green’s functions to simulate 3D PSDM cubes, including 3D illumination and resolution effects. Such simulated PSDM results allow quickly testing subsalt imaging effects on detailed reservoir targets, without needing to compute synthetic data and process them.
Subsalt Illumination Study through Seismic Modeling
Authors Q. Liao, D. Ramos, W. Cai and F. OrtigosaWe presented a subsalt illumination problem related to a steeply dipping subsalt target observed from the well and complex salt structure. Both raytracing and full wavefield modeling methods were employed to understand the subsalt imaging and illumination problems. The salt velocity model for PSDM and the target horizon consistent with the well were used as input to the studies. We started our study by applying normal incident (NI) raytracing, which leaded to the subsequent critical angle analysis at the base of salt. The results suggested that all signals reflected from steeply dipping target were blocked by the base of salt due to post critical angle reflection. Then we applied a Common Reflection Point (CRP) raytracing to compute the full azimuth illumination map. The resulting illumination map confirmed the results from NI raytracing and critical angle analysis. Finally, we applied a finite difference full wavefield modeling and followed by an RTM imaging of the synthetic data using the true velocity model. Comparison of images from real data and synthetic data further proved that this particular imaging problem was due to lack of illumination other than the migration algorithm.
Testing Acquisition Approaches and RTM Implementations with Spherical Reflectors
More LessVariable illumination cause significant problems when imaging subsalt or other geologic regions with velocity variations. Much effort is taken to identify and improve the artifacts from these illumination variations, with limited success. A key challenge is that the illumination variations are a strong function of dip angle. Methods based on a single illumination value at each depth location or based on predefined reflector dip will be incomplete. We propose using “density bubbles” to identify the illumination variations as a function of dip. These density bubbles are spheres of moderate density increase inserted in a model used to produce synthetic data. After the synthetic data is processed and migrated, a human can easily see illumination variations as a function of dip. This can be an essential QC mechanism to evaluate different acquisition approaches and imaging approaches. This an effective method to test RTM imaging conditions. And after imaging, these density bubbles can be an effective interpretation tool for the interpreter to guide him on the imperfections of the seismic image produced with the real data that corresponds to the synthetic data.
WATS Survey Optimization in Angola for Subsalt Appraisal and Development Planning
Authors E. Ekstrand, G. Hickman, R. Thomas, I. Threadgold, D. Harrison, A. Los, T. Summers, C. Regone, M. O'Brien, A. Cegna, C. Klemm, T. Manning, J. Kaldy, P. Foster, S. LaDart and E. L'heureuxBlock 31 is located in water depths ranging from 1200-2500 meters, approximately 150 km offshore Angola. BP is operator on behalf of the Block 31 license group. Reservoirs comprise Miocene and Oligocene sediments, deposited in erosional channel complexes. Typical traps are associated with uplifted channels on the crests and flanks of salt-cored ridges. The structural evolution is driven by salt-induced tectonics with approximately 60% of the block covered by allochthonous salt.
Full Azimuth Sub Salt Imaging with a Coil Shooting Geometry
Authors D.I. Hill, G. Brown, E. Hager and R. CampbellThe challenges associated with sub-salt imaging are well known and well documented within the industry, and the recent successes of imaging beneath salt in the Gulf of Mexico might encourage the optimist to believe that the industry has solutions to all of these problems. These imaging successes have established azimuth-rich towed-streamer acquisition as the method of choice for exploration in the Gulf of Mexico. The azimuth-rich data acquired to date has delivered better illumination, imaging, a higher signal-to-noise ratio, and improved seismic resolution. However, the azimuth-rich towed-streamer acquisition configurations used in the Gulf of Mexico are all multi-vessel, and as such have a limited azimuth range, and very often a compromised near trace offset. The sub-salt imaging challenges can be broken into three major categories, illumination, multiples and imaging, the subject of this paper is to illustrate how a single-vessel azimuth-rich acquisition technique can help all three categories of sub-salt imaging challenges, and has positive advantages over the multi-vessel techniques used in the Gulf of Mexico.
Dual Sensor Streamer Acquisition & Processing in the Red Sea
Authors J.A. Musser, A. Burke, C. Thomas and R. DhillonThe primary objective was to maximise the total bandwidth of the recorded data, particularly the low frequency signal returned from sub-salt structures, without limiting the higher frequency signal in the shallow section. Deeper cable tow (20 m), large source volume (6180 cu in), and long offsets (10 km) were combined with the dual sensor cable technology in an attempt to achieve this.
Deep Imaging with a New Method for Efficient 3D Broadband Marine Acquisition and Processing
Authors E. Kragh, M. Svendsen, D. Kapadia, G. Busanello, R. Goto, E. Muyzert and T. CurtisWe present a new method for broadband marine acquisition and processing capable of imaging deep targets while maintaining full high frequency bandwidth data. The method uses a deep interpolated streamer coverage approach (DISCover), which comprises a 3D shallow towed-streamer spread, designed to optimize the mid- and high-frequency parts of the bandwidth, together with data simultaneously acquired from a small number of deeper towed streamers. The depth of these deeper streamers is optimized for the low frequencies such that the combined overall bandwidth is enhanced. Because the deep streamers are only going to provide the low-frequency part of the bandwidth, we can more sparsely sample these data thus enabling efficient acquisition scenarios as fewer streamers are required. A 3D case study using this new acquisition method was acquired off the NW Shelf of Australia. The streamer spread consisted of six shallow streamers towed at a depth of 6m and two deeper streamers (below shallow streamers 2 and 5) towed at a depth of 20m. The resulting data exhibit both high resolution and deep penetration for subsalt and sub-basalt imaging, for example. Inversion for acoustic impedance, imaging, and velocity model building, also benefit from the broadband result.
Time Evolution of the Wave Equation using the Rapid Expansion Method for Highly Accurate RTM
Authors P.L. Stoffa and R.C. PestanaStarting from the spatially variable acoustic wave equation we show how to produce the future time response of the seismic wave field in "one step". This method is called the Rapid Expansion Method, REM, and it uses Chebyshev polynomials to compute the time response. We use the pseudo spectral method for the spatial derivatives and the REM method to get highly accurate wave field snap shots in space and time. We then develop a recursive solution for arbitrary time steps for seismic modelling and RTM. We develop each method and show their relation to previous work and illustrate them with numerical examples of subsalt modeling and imaging.
Optimizing Reverse-Time Migration
Authors F. Liu, S. Morton, J. Leveille and S. ChecklesAs the exploration for hydrocarbons faces more and more challenging structures, reverse-time migration, which is capable of imaging complex geological settings, becomes the preferred imaging algorithm. Especially for the costly acquired wide-azimuth data sets, application of this high-end imaging method is even more appealing. Recently, reverse-time migration has been extended to transversely isotropic (TI) medium. The rapid advance in computing technology has made its routine application feasible. In this presentation, we will summarize the procedures undertaken at Hess to implement our proprietary reverse time migration software, which focuses on the discussion of numerical dispersion error in isotropic media, the stability and artifact issues in TI media and the noise problem introduced by the imaging condition.
Impact of TTI Anisotropy on Elastic Reverse Time Migration
Authors R. Lu, P. Traynin, T. Dickens and J.E. AndersonStudies have been conducted to demonstrate the impact of correct TTI parameterization on acoustic RTM (reverse time migration) imaging results. In this study, we extend the study to investigate the TTI effect on the elastic reverse time migration. We expect to see improvement in terms of better kinematics positioning as well as better focusing by including proper TTI parameterization.
Choosing the Proper Domain and Input Data for 3D Interval Velocity Analysis
More LessIn recent years exploration targets have become more challenging due to their deeper position and higher complexity. In order to map these targets correctly, accurate 3D PSDM is usually required. Interval velocity analysis in such areas becomes a critical process. The major concept of most velocity analysis procedures is that after PSDM, common image gathers (CIGs) should be flat if the migration was carried out with the correct velocity function. When the CIGs contain non-flat events the problem is how to relate this non-flatness to errors in the given velocity function.
Azimuth and Angle Gathers from Wave Equation Imaging in VTI Media
Authors T. Alkhalifah and S. FomelAngles in common-image angle domain gathers refer to the scattering angle at the reflector and provide a natural access to analyzing migration velocities and amplitudes. In the case of anisotropic media, the importance of angle gathers is enhanced by the need to properly estimate multiple anisotropic parameters for a proper representation of the medium. We extract angle gathers for each downward-continuation step from converting offset-space-frequency planes into angle-space planes simultaneously with applying the imaging condition in a transversely isotropic (VTI) medium. The analytic equations, though cumbersome, are exact within the framework of the acoustic approximation. They are also easily programmable and show that angle gather mapping in the case anisotropic media differs from its isotropic counterpart, difference depending mainly on the strength of anisotropy.
Model Building for Tilted Transverse Anisotropic Depth Migration of the Crystal, Gulf of Mexico Wide Azimuth Survey
Authors K. Schleicher, J. Cramer, C. Gerrard, J. Jiao, S. Lin, A. Sosa and C. ZhouThe method used to build an anisotropic model for TTI migration is described. The method includes calibrating seismic depth to well depths, estimation of the tilted axis of symmetry of the anisotropy, iterative depth migration and tomography, and salt horizon interpretation. Cycle time is reduced by using a fast 3D, wide azimuth, beam, prestack depth migration. Results are shown on a wide azimuth marine survey in the deep water Gulf of Mexico.
Wave-Equation Migration Velocity Analysis using Focusing of Extended Images
More LessWave-equation migration velocity analysis (WEMVA) is a velocity estimation technique designed to invert for velocity information using migrated images. Its capacity for handling multi-pathing makes it appropriate in complex subsurface regions characterized by strong velocity variation. WEMVA operates by establishing a linear relation between a velocity model perturbation and a corresponding migrated image perturbation. The linear relationship is derived from conventional extrapolation operators and it inherits the main properties of frequency-domain wavefield extrapolation. A key step in implementing WEMVA is to design an appropriate procedure for constructing image perturbations. Using time-lag extended images, one can characterize the error in migrated images by defining the focusing error as the shift of the focused reflection along the time-lag axis. Under the linear approximation, the focusing error can be transformed into an image perturbation by multiplying it with an image derivative taken relative to the time-lag parameter. The resulting image perturbation is thus a mapping of the velocity error in image space. This approach is computationally efficient and simple to implement, and no further assumptions about smoothness and homogeneity of the velocity model and reflector geometry are needed. Synthetic examples demonstrate the successful application of our method to a complex velocity model.
CRS Workflow for Enhanced 3D Seismic Salt Imaging and Model Building
Authors G. Eisenberg-Klein, J. Pruessmann, G. Gierse, R. Ballesteros, A. Caballero and G. ClementeA case study for 3D seismic land data from Mexico uses high-resolution CRS attribute volumes for improving the imaging and model buildung in salt geology. Initial CRS time processing provides both, an initial outline of the salt body, and general information for constructing the depth model. On one hand, sediment and salt areas are more clearly separated by a conspicuous drop of reflection continuity in the CRS time images. On the other hand, the CRS attributes contain abundant information for constructing a reliable velocity depth model by CRS tomography. The smooth CRS depth model is well suited for initial poststack and prestack depth migration (PostSDM and PreSDM). PostSDM transfers the good structural resolution and salt body delineation of the CRS time domain images to depth, thus supporting the initial salt body definition in depth. Furthermore, a CRS-based noise suppression and regularisation of the prestack data improves the iterative sequence of PreSDM imaging and model refinement. The CRS depth processing approach finally leads to a 3D PreSDM volume with a strongly increased resolution and signal-to-noise ratio.
Diffraction Imaging in Subsalt Geometries and a New Look at the Scope of Reflectivity
By T.J. MoserConventional reflection seismic processing and imaging is based on specular reflections. The kinematics of specular reflections is strongly dependent on subsurface reflector geometry (dip and curvature). Salt dome geometries are usually characterized by very steep dips, flanks and overhanging bodies. Investigation shows that the assumption of specular reflection and a limited data acquisition can have a negative impact on image resolution. In such cases diffraction imaging proves to be a valuable alternative.
Contribution of Gravity and Magnetic Data in Delineating the Subsurface Structure of Hammam Faroun Area, Gulf of Suez
Authors E. Aboud, S. Selim, M. Omran and A. El BishlawyHammam Faroun area has a particular importance due to its geothermal activity which constitutes the main geothermal resource in Egypt. The area is a part of Sinai Peninsula which considered as sub plate bounded by two seismic active zones (Gulf of Suez and Gulf of Aqaba). Sinai Peninsula, including our study area, is covered by high resolution ground gravity and magnetic survey (by the Egyptian Geological Survey and Mining Authority) in order to be used for mineral, geothermal, and hydrocarbon exploration. In the present study, the gravity and magnetic data were analyzed using new and recent techniques; e.g. Source Edge Detection (SED), to image the subsurface structure which in general controlled the mineral, geothermal, and hydrocarbon exploration. The results of the analysis indicated that the area is dissected by a set of faults trending in the NW direction, parallel to the Gulf of Suez. Additionally, several trends perpendicular to the NW direction can be recognized which could be utilized as a proof for the Gulf of Suez rift. The analysis of the potential field data highly contributed for imaging the subsurface structures of Hammam Faroun area and led to the fact that the area is structurally complex.
FTG Gravity Data for Salt Body Definition
Authors C.A. Murphy and J.L. DickinsonFTG Gravity data acquired on airborne and marine platforms measure 5 independent Tensor components that collectively describe a total gravity field. The components capture unique signature patterns related to specific attributes of target geology that when collectively interpreted enable detailed imagery of the target itself in terms of geometry, composition and depth of burial. The horizontal tensor components Txx, Tyy, Txy, Txz & Tyz are commonly used to identify and map lineaments associated with structural and / or stratigraphic changes or target geometry in a survey area. The vertical tensor component, Tzz, is used to estimate depth and predict compositional information related to target geology. This paper describes application of a semi-automated approach that combines the individual components into singular representations to best extract the signature pattern common to all components as revealed by the underlying geology. The example presented is a Marine-FTG® survey offshore Norway that resolves salt body geometries and imaging areas of overhang development. The resultant interpretation enables the end-user to fast-track the exploration initiative by quickly evaluating target geology for detailed follow-up. Key words: FTG, Gravity, Imaging, Structural geology, Salt.
Salt Around the World - Similarities and Differences
Authors W.E.A. Rietveld, B. Barley, E. Ekstrand, A. Ray, M. Ibram and T. SummersSubsalt imaging is seen as one of the most difficult imaging challenges in seismic processing. Although that is a discussion in itself, no one will question the fact that processing seismic for subsalt exploration is very complicated due to the structural complexities associated with salt, the complex multiples, as well as the associated velocity contrasts. When people discuss subsalt imaging challenges, they almost immediately associated these with the deepwater Gulf of Mexico issues. However, each salt basin has its own characteristic set of problems. In this paper we will discuss and illustrate different salt ‘types’ in different parts of the world, each of which has a specific set of issues and potential seismic solutions. We will discuss differences and simularities.