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Second EAGE Digitalization Conference and Exhibition
- Conference date: March 23-25, 2022
- Location: Vienna, Austria
- Published: 23 March 2022
1 - 20 of 72 results
Data Mining to Identify Controls on Velocities of Tight Gas Sandstones
More LessSummaryUnderstanding the effect of factors controlling elastic wave propagation in reservoir rocks is vital to the establishment of relationships between surface seismic signatures and other reservoir parameters. The investigation of changes in acoustic velocities of tight gas sandstones due to the complex nature of the reservoir rocks requires controlled experiment, using systematic laboratory measurement on several representative samples of tight gas sandstones reservoir rocks under in-situ reservoir conditions. These effects of petrophysical properties on both compressional and shear wave velocities were converted into a data discovering process. Data mining techniques were used to discover relationship between the acoustic velocities and petrophysical properties such as porosity, mineralogy, permeability of tight gas sandstones. J48 algorithm, is the main algorithm applied for attribute selection, classification and decision trees in this study. The algorithm generates three decision trees based on information theory and compare attribute by estimating information gain and gain ratio.
Multiscale Deep Learning-Based Methodology to Automatically Interpret Stratigraphy From Well Data
Authors M. Etchebes, M. Lefranc and Z. BayraktarSummaryWe propose a methodology that allows a fast, accurate, and unbiased interpretation of well data in terms of labelled discrete logs of stratigraphy at multiscale. These discrete logs can be used for: 1. advanced stratigraphy and facies analysis along the wells, 2. advanced subsurface interpretation: correlations between wells, and 3. 3D static model conditioning.
Two separate methods are proposed to provide an automatic stratigraphic zonation: 1. Automatic grain size trend interpretation from gamma ray logs, using UNet architecture, and 2. Automatic sedimentary geometry interpretation, from borehole images, using conventional neural network (CNN) and ResNet architectures. Both approaches are trained using synthetic and real data for optimal interpretation. These techniques have been combined into a workflow and validated on real data from the Wheatstone Field, Australia.
A Multi-Solution Framework for Well Placement Optimization Using Ensemble of Convolutional Neural Networks
Authors M. Salehian, M. Haghighat Sefat and K. MuradovSummaryThis study presents a multi-solution, surrogate models (SMs)-assisted optimization framework to deliver diverse, close-to-optimum well placement scenarios at a reasonable computational cost. Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation (SPSA) algorithm is used as the optimizer while diversity in optimal solutions is achieved by multiple, parallel runs of the optimizer with different starting points. Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is used as the SM, to partly substitute the computationally expensive reservoir model runs during the optimization process. An adjusted Latin Hypercube Sampling (aLHS) procedure is developed to generate initial training datasets with diverse well placement scenarios while respecting reservoir boundaries and minimum well spacing constraints. An ensemble of CNNs is pre-trained using the generated dataset to enhance the robustness of the surrogate modeling as well as to allow estimation of the SM’s prediction quality for new data points. The ensemble of CNNs is adaptively updated during the optimization process using selected new data points, to improve the SM’s prediction accuracy.
Results show that the developed framework substantially reduced the computation time, while a greater objective value was achieved employing the adaptive learning strategy due to the enhanced prediction accuracy of the SMs. Multiple solutions were obtained with different well locations and close-to-optimum objective values.
Deep Learning Assisted Framework for Tectonostratigraphic Seismic Interpretation Conditioned to Well Data
Authors M. Etchebes, M. Nickel, O. Gramstad, C. Karakas and P. Le GuernSummaryGeological characterization of the subsurface is important for the success of a wide range of applications - From petroleum and renewable energy activities to civil engineering. In this paper, we present a new deep learning assisted framework to interpret geological features in the subsurface from seismic and well data. Specifically, the workflow integrates multiple 3D deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) trained to target specific geological features such as salt, faults, and stratigraphic boundaries.
Overcoming the limited Field of View of convolutional neural network for fault detection: a multiscale approach
Authors B. Goledowski, T.H. Bø, M. Sarajærvi, B.H. Fotland, H.G. Borgos and M. NickelSummaryThe abstract summarizes the multiscale fault mapping method based on a synthetically trained convolutional neural network which tackles the issue of the limited field of view (FOV). The approach provides a great first-pass overview of the structural setting for geoscientists without the problems associated with creating training labels based on real seismic data, such as mapping accuracy and subjectivity, training data volume or data ownership.
Optimizing Waterflood Performance using Artificial Intelligence combined with Physics. Four Field Implementation Case Studies
Authors C. Calad, F. Gutierrez, S. Plotno and P. SarmaSummaryThis paper recaps various applications of waterflood optimization using the Aqueon, powered by Data Physics, workflow. Data Physics has been described in various papers (see References) and is a blend of reservoir modelling physics, machine learning and advanced optimization techniques. Data Physics combines the predictive capacity and robustness of numerical simulators with the speed of machine learning applications to provide a tool that can create models in weeks, update them automatically, run long term predictions in minutes and provide the ability to evaluate the impact of operational decisions supported by a predictive model. Leveraging the speed at which the models run, Data Physics uses memetic algorithms to generate the pareto front and prescribe optimum operational strategies whether for steam or water injection, unconventional completions, in-fill drilling and any other operational parameter.
The paper presents four practical cases which have been implemented in the field and include:
- Increasing production redistributing injection
- Reducing injection while maintaining production
- Optimizing an injector reactivation program
- Optimizing a producer to injection conversion program
D-seis: digital field exploration twin
Authors G. Grigorev, M. Islamuratov, E. Bondarev, V. Votsalevskiy and E. LiubimovSummaryD-Seis is the digital platform that allows all the specialists associated with the implementation of geological exploration work can view and maintain information on each ongoing field seismic project on a single digital platform.
Earth Intelligence for Digital Earth Resource Management
By L. SandjivySummaryHydrocarbons bearing reservoirs, as any other earth natural resource are part of our natural environment. As such, any exploration or production managing decision is facing natural Uncertainty, that results in unavoidable differences between operational results and their expectations. Moreover, these differences always mean a loss in sustainability and profitability of the resource management.
At the digital age, when high computing power is available at low cost, Big Geo Data sets can be acquired and processed using machine learning algorithms, changing the game of Earth resource modelling and decision-making.
We introduce and define the concept of Earth Intelligence (EI) as the use of probabilistic models for replacing knowledge based numerical models for supporting operational exploration production decision making.
Whereas classical Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms work using “cost functions” maximizing the match to the input Data available at the time of decision making, Earth Intelligence maximizes the match to the output Resource recovered after the decision has been made.
Artificial Intelligence then best performs for Data interpretation when Earth Intelligence aims at best supporting operational decision making by enabling a rational uncertainty management and resulting in reliable P10 P50 P90 confidence intervals and scenarios.
A case study illustrates the concept of EI.
Data-Driven production optimization of a mature asset by development of a WLS regression-based solution
Authors G. Joffre, G. Seidl, S. Berge, R. Cameron, P. Schulz, A. Ayati, G. Staff, V. Krcmarik, H. Stokke and S. PoellitzerSummaryAustrian oil & gas operations are typical of a mature asset ( discovered in 1934 ), with nearly a thousand oil & gas wells in operation, with a mix of various artificial lift systems and reservoir drive mechanisms.
The heterogeneity of the well stock limits the possibility to apply some machine learning methods, such a Deep Neural Networks, but the low individual rates of most of the wells means that building individual physical simulation models is uneconomical.
We therefore structured the available production data to contextualize it, and calculated a reference production rate value that can be operationally reached: This reference is based on a Weighted Least Square model of linear regression, applied on an automatically selected subset of the production timeseries. This reference is then directly representative of the Best Day of production from the past period and is compared automatically with the actual measured production of the current day. The resulting deviations are then investigated by engineers to find the root cause and resolve the underlying issues.
The results of the application of this solution to the oil& gas fields of Austria are also presented in this abstract, highlighting the significant improvement of this application compared to the historical method
Interactive management of geoscience knowledge with open-source frameworks: practical appraisal in a subsurface exploration context
Authors F. Cokelaer, M. Vives, R. Divies, M. Feraille, J. Schmitz, C. Cornet, A. Bouziat and F. CholinSummaryDespite being powerful levers to democratize digital technologies in many scientific domains, open-source projects still raise limited interest outside computer science circles. For instance, the ELK open-source framework is increasingly employed in various industries to manage and screen large collections of data and unstructured documents, but it remains under-exploited by the geoscience community. Consequently, in this study, we appraise the potential of this framework to browse and manage geoscience knowledge in two practical situations, corresponding to the routine work of exploration teams in an energy resources company. First, the ELK stack is combined with other open-source tools in a dedicated application architecture. Then this architecture is customized to address each use case more specifically, thus assessing its flexibility and versatility. Our conclusions are very positive about the capacity of the framework to considerably facilitate the handling of massive bases of geoscience knowledge, such as the documents capitalized in past exploration studies or the well information accumulated on mature fields. This work also illustrates how open-source projects can contribute to the digital transformation of subsurface-related industries, as geoscience professionals can rapidly develop solutions adapted to their concrete needs and unlock significant efficiency gains in their daily work.
Advanced Geothermal prospectivity mapping with Machine Learning using Multi-model Regression and Geology-dependent Multicriteria-Decision Analysis
Authors L. Lebrun, F. Delbos, P.N.J. Rasolofosaon, K. Dehghan, J. Gomez and O. SiccardiSummaryGeothermal prospectivity mapping using multiple-criteria decision analysis is well-documented in the scientific literature. However, most previous works suffer from two drawbacks: no consideration of the geology for defining the weights of the decision criteria, and no metrics of reliability for the prospectivity prediction. In this work, we introduce a method that overcomes these drawbacks and extends on a large scale the mapping provided manually by the experts. The method is based on (i) automatic regressions of both heat flow and thermal gradient maps using a multi-model approach, (ii) introduction of geology-dependent criteria weights for the decision analysis, and (iii) combination of multiple decision maps to obtain a more robust prospectivity mapping and a quantification of the reliability of the prediction. Applied to geothermal data from British Columbia, the method appears to produce prospectivity maps with higher spatial resolution than conventional ones. Besides, it substantially attenuates the footprint of data acquisition and facilitates the identification of geographical zones where the prediction is the most uncertain, thus where a human subjective interpretation would have the most added value. The proposed workflow is easily transposable to any context of subsurface exploration or exploitation, for instance in the petroleum, mining, or hydrogeological industries.
Implementation of a geo-informational system for geological and geophysical data managing. Case study
Authors K. Kultysheva, S. Denisov, M. Danilin and R. AkhmetzyanovSummaryResults of solving fundamental difficulties of data management at NIS a.d. are discussed. The business’ need for solving mentioned problems became a catalyst for the optimal technical solution search, which led to the Exploration Platform project initiation. During the execution phase, authors identified several challenges, which lie far beyond the simple implementation or creation of a single software. This requires systemic changes in the number of business processes and corporate culture. In response to the challenges, authors proposed a novel approach to managing data across domains, which, according to the stakeholders’ opinion, is a desirable change. The Exploration Platform project has already influenced on exploration business processes and it affects related areas of the company’s activities.
Neural Network Approach in Data Science for Managing Well and Seismic Data
Authors T.W.A. Sulistyoati, N. Desiani, E. Sunardi, N. Alam, R. Febri, P. Juharyatno, E. Nurmalita and B. FinishaSummaryData science in the oil and gas industries approaches either supervised and unsupervised learning to utilize data in many aspects of exploration and production activity. Especially for managing the seismic and well data have the challenges due to repetitive activity of the unstructured data. Reducing time cost, the unstructured data should be determined to archive the database. Therefore, a set of principles, problem definitions, algorithms, and processes for extracting non-obvious and useful patterns from a large dataset that drive decision-making in data science ( Kelleher, 2019 ) are proposed to classify the seismic and well data in supervised learning. The attributes of data types (numeric, ordinal, and nominal) affect the methods to analyze the seismic and well, including the basic statistic to describe the distribution of values that an attribute takes and more complex algorithms to identify relationship patterns between attributes. Numeric attributes describe measurable quantities that are represented using integer or real values. The main objective is to analyze the numeric attributes for a neural network model to process data and find a pattern in well and seismic.
Discover 3D stratigraphic models that best explain measured logs by leveraging VQ-VAE and data clustering
Authors L. Zhu, W. Benslimane, P. Tilke, Z. Bayraktar, M. Etchebes, M. LeFranc and P. SchlichtSummaryThere is a substantial need for exploration and field development workflows that generate 3D stratigraphic models, which can be used to explain well log data for making drilling and measurement acquisition decisions. This abstract presents a workflow designed for this purpose; i.e., locate the ensemble of 3D stratigraphic models that can explain observations. 3D stratigraphic models spanning a spectrum of depositional environments are stored in a datastore. This datastore models have encoded indexes of well log signatures. This encoding is obtained using the Vector Quantization Variational Autoencoder (VQ-VAE) approach. User-supplied well logs are also encoded with VQ-VAE to allow for a quick search in this datastore by looking for the nearest clustering centroids.
A Rapid and Realistic 3D Stratigraphic Model Generator Conditioned on Reference Well Log Data
Authors L. Zhu, P. Tilke, S. Nagendra, M. Etchebes and M. LeFrancSummaryIntegrating stratigraphic process in 3D subsurface modeling is crucial because it helps to generate realistic subsurface representation, leading to accurate forecasting of reservoir production, carbon capture, utilization and storage capacity, or fluid migration for geothermal energy production. For this purpose, a physics based stratigraphic forward modeler (SFM) was developed, allowing for creating the deposition and erosion at each time step. These models are used as training data for an advanced fast 3D modeler that can be also conditioned to the observed well data. Our previous efforts proved that generative adversarial networks (GAN) can be used to rapidly generate 2D realistic stratigraphic models conditioned to the known measurements. In this abstract, we extend such effort to work in the 3D domain using an advanced GAN solution that treats 3D stratigraphic models as videos.
Assisted interpretation of thin sections and core samples with Deep Learning workflows
Authors A. Bouziat, A. Lechevallier, A. Koroko, J. Lecomte, M. Feraille, S. Rohais and S. DesroziersSummaryDeep Learning methodologies are increasingly used to facilitate image analysis in various domains and raise growing interests in geology, as this discipline heavily relies on visual interpretation. However only few practical use cases on operational datasets are yet documented. Thus, in this work we appraise reference Deep Learning workflows to automate the interpretation of thin sections and core photographs from real-life geological studies. In a first appraisal, we use a dataset of carbonate thin sections from the Graus-Tremp basin (Spain) to assess object detection models. We train four Deep Learning models to automatically spot, delineate and characterize 9 different families of microfossils on these sections. The results are qualitatively assessed by human geologists, and precisions and inference times quantitatively measured. In a second appraisal, we use core samples from the Gulf of Corinth to evaluate the potential of supervised classification models in extrapolating human interpretation from a few segments to the entire wells. We carry out a Transfer Learning methodology to generate and compare multiple models with different neural architectures and training strategies. From this experience, we highlight good practices and recommendations for further use of Deep Learning technologies in similar contexts.
Machine Learning Assisted Seismic Horizon Interpretation Applied on the Groningen Gas Field, Netherlands
Authors O. Zimina, T. Hellem Boe, S. Manral and V. AareSummarySeismic interpretation can be a highly manual and repetitive process which can frequently lead to inconsistent results. To be able to tune advanced parameters to delineate complex depositional events an interpreter requires technology expertise and deep understanding of a field. Compared to conventional methods, the proposed ML horizon interpretation prediction approach provides a smart way of getting expected results with minimum user interaction. This solution helps to reduce the time required for interpretation, enabling geoscientists to focus on more important and complex tasks.
Stratigraphic Forward Modeler for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Workflows
Authors P. Tilke, M. Etchebes, L. Zhu, M. LeFranc, P. Schlicht, M. Lis and R. SabathierSummaryWe present a stratigraphic forward modeling platform (SFM) to generate synthetic data at the reservoir scale for subsurface interpretation workflows based on artificial intelligence and machine learning (AIML).
Integrating stratigraphic processes in 3D modeling is the best way to avoid generating unrealistic representations of the subsurface that lead to inaccurate forecasting of reservoir production, CO2 sequestration capacity, or fluid migration for geothermal energy production. Conventional workflows for the interpretation of stratigraphy from well log, seismic, and 3D stratigraphic modeling tools comprise steps that are often tedious, manual, isolated, and time consuming. Using AIML algorithms to automate these different steps is ideal, but to be successful it will require a significant amount of multiscale training datasets. The possibility to use only real interpreted well logs, 3D seismic data, or 3D facies models to train the different AIML engines is not an option because we would need a huge, very diverse, and properly labeled dataset free from sampling and user bias.
The SFM is introduced and all its derived rock properties and synthetic measurements. We present some examples of applying these synthetic data to AIML workflows. The SFM functionality and use cases presented in this paper focus on fluvial systems.
Geological Document Layout Analysis via Synthetic Dataset Creation
More LessSummaryA document page may contain not only text, but also figures, tables, titles and captions. Locating these components which make up a page, a task called document layout analysis, allows further processing of the document, for example, table extraction and image classification for the located tables and figures respectively, and is therefore vital towards converting unstructured documents into knowledge.
Computer vision can be used to perform document layout analysis, but publicly available datasets are sourced from domains outside of oil and gas and thus are not directly applicable. Manually labelling datasets is time consuming; therefore, we present a method of creating a synthetic dataset to address the issue of limited labelled data. Finally, as a downstream task, we discuss the problem of table cell type classification, which is a first step towards table understanding and extraction of knowledge from tables.
Channelized systems detection using deep learning with fast labelling strategy
Authors L. Boillot, S. Guillon, F. Pivot and M. LazrakSummaryChannelized systems characterization is key for geological context understanding. Moving the point of view from seismic vertical profiles to attribute in surface layers facilitates their detection and becomes more suitable for deep learning techniques. However, the channelized systems depict so complex delimitations than an exact labeling is not realistic in reasonable time. We assumed then a coarse labeling that may be done fast. In that case, some pixels are labelled as channel while they are not. We proposed to automatically modify the label values from deterministic 0 or 1 to probabilistic 0 to 1 with a fixed 1 values area around the channels’ skeletons and a smooth decreasing to 0 values. Then, classical accuracy metrics like Intersection-Over-Union are not relevant in coarse labeling context. Indeed, they act at pixel level without distinction between pixel level of importance. We derived a formula proposed for 1D structures to 2D channelized systems detection. The idea is to compute the distance map where pixel values are their distance to the areas of interest in both label and prediction images. Then, the accuracy metric uses a Gaussian attenuation with a tolerance on the pixel distance to allow geophysical uncertainties.