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64th EAGE Conference & Exhibition
- Conference date: 27 May 2002 - 30 May 2002
- Location: Florence, Italy
- Published: 27 May 2002
1 - 20 of 688 results
Gravity and Magnetotelluric Modeling of Salt Structures for Improved Seismic Imaging
Authors M.H. Krieger, C.H. Henke and A. ZerilliP116 GRAVITY AND MAGNETOTELLURIC MODELING OF SALT STRUCTURES FOR IMPROVED SEISMIC IMAGING Summary 1 For better imaging of sub-salt structures the diffuse seismic interpretation in the shallower parts of the Wedehof salt dome located in Northern Germany [4] was improved by integrated 3-D modeling of gravity and magnetotelluric data. Densely surveyed gravity data were already available while a new high-resolution hybrid natural field / controlled source audio frequency magnetotelluric (AMT/MT) survey was carried out aiming to improve the interpretation of the top and overhanging salt structures. The salt boundaries show strong resistivity contrasts with the surrounding sediments and thus represent
A Comparison of High Density Velocity Fields Obtained from Isotropic and Anisotropic PSDM as a Constraint on Amplitude Inversion
Authors A. Ratcliffe, G. Williams and K. HawkinsAnisotropic prestack depth migration (PSDM) has clear benefits for imaging purposes in
many areas. An additional benefit of the anisotropic imaging is that the velocity field derived
for migration ties closely to vertical well velocities. It is therefore possible that this velocity
field contains more accurate information than an isotropically derived field and, consequently,
gives better constraints on amplitude inversion of the seismic data.
Mid-Shelf Lowstand and Transgressive Systems Tract Deposits of Southeast Asia - Examples from Offshore Java and Malaysia
More Less1001 MID-SHELF LOWSTAND AND TRANSGRESSIVE SYSTEMS TRACT DEPOSITS OF SOUTHEAST ASIA - EXAMPLES FROM OFFSHORE JAVA AND MALAYSIA 1 Lowstand and transgressive systems tract deposits on the northwest Java shelf are documented based on an integrated analysis of 3D seismic shalllow-penetration seismic data well-log and conventional core data. These data show that incised valley systems formed during sea-level lowstand extend in excess of 200-500 km inboard of the shelf margin. They range from 2-5 km wide and up to 40 m deep. These incised valleys seem to have formed during only the lowest of lowstand times during relatively short intervals.
Deltaic Sandbody Connectivity - Sequence Stratigraphic-based Insights from 3-D Reservoir Modeling Studies, Sunrise-Troubadour Fields, Australia
More Less1002 DELTAIC SANDBODY CONNECTIVITY - SEQUENCE STRATIGRAPHIC-BASED INSIGHTS FROM 3-D RESERVOIR MODELING STUDIES SUNRISE-TROUBADOUR FIELDS AUSTRALIA 1 The Sunrise-Troubadour Fields represent a 16.7 Tcf gas-condensate resource located in the Timor Sea 450 km to the northwest of Darwin Australia. The Middle Jurassic reservoir succession is relatively thin (80 m) but laterally extensive with a combined area of closure of over 1000 square kilometers. One of the major subsurface uncertainties in the evaluation of these fields is reservoir connectivity due to sandbody geometry and post-depositional faulting. This study addresses these connectivity uncertainties via a sequence stratigraphic-based 3-D reservoir modeling approach. The
Paleocene Deep-Water Depositional Systems along the Eastern Margin of the Frontier Møre and Vøring Basins, Mid-Norway
Authors O.J. Martinsen and J. Gjelberg1003 PALEOCENE DEEP-WATER DEPOSITIONAL SYSTEMS ALONG THE EASTERN MARGIN OF THE FRONTIER MØRE AND VØRING BASINS MID-NORWAY Paleocene deep-water depositional systems along the eastern margin of the Møre and Vøring Basins offshore Mid-Norway are proven and potential reservoir-bearing units within the Cenozoic stratigraphic succession. The recent gas discovery in the giant Ormen Lange field shows the petroleum potential of the region related to the deposition of turbidites in submarine fans. 1 OLE J. MARTINSEN and JOHN GJELBERG Norsk Hydro Research Center ASA PO Box 7190 Bergen 5020 Norway The distribution of confirmed Paleocene sandstones offshore Mid-Norway was profoundly controlled by
Frontier Exploration on the Abyssal Plain of the Deepwater Gulf of Mexico - Syn-Rift through Passive Stage Mesozoic Objectives Identified
Authors M.J. Roberts and S.G. Reilly1004 FRONTIER EXPLORATION ON THE ABYSSAL PLAIN OF THE DEEPWATER GULF OF MEXICO - SYN-RIFT THROUGH PASSIVE STAGE MESOZOIC OBJECTIVES IDENTIFIED 1 MICHAEL J. ROBERTS and SEAMUS G. REILLY Chevron North America Exploration and Production Co 935 Gravier Street New Orleans LA 70112 USA The abyssal plain of the Gulf Of Mexico (GOM) defined here as areas basinward of the Mississippi Fan and Perdido Foldbelts has been described as a featureless plain devoid of significant structuring and underlain by oceanic crust. A regional examination of the province cast doubt on this benign history and revealed a complex structural province with
An Experimental Study of the Effect of Subsidence and Water Supply on Fluvial Architecture
Authors N. Strong, B.A. Sheets, T.A. Hickson and C. Paola1005 AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF THE EFFECT OF SUBSIDENCE AND WATER SUPPLY ON FLUVIAL ARCHITECTURE 1 NIKKI STRONG 1 BENJAMIN A. SHEETS 1 THOMAS A. HICKSON 2 and CHRIS PAOLA 3 1 St Anthony Falls Laboratory University of Minnesota Minneapolis MN 55414 USA 2 St. Anthony Falls Laboratory University of Minnesota 3 Department of Geology & Geophysics University of Minnesota The Experimental EarthscapeFacility (XES) at St. Anthony Falls Laboratory of the University of Minnesota is a 6 meter by 13 meter by 1.3 meter deep basin with a programmable subsiding floor. We used this system to model a braided fluvial-deltaic
50 Years Hence – Evolving Technologies and Opportunities in Carbonate Systems
By C. Kerans1006 50 YEARS HENCE - EVOLVING TECHNOLOGIES AND OPPORTUNITIES IN CARBONATE SYSTEMS 1 Carbonate reservoirs are famous for their prolific reserves and infamous for their complexity and unpredictable behavior. Yet it is precisely this combination of vast promise and challenging technical frontiers that ensures that carbonate hydrocarbon reservoirs will form the cornerstone of global energy supply for the next half-century. The vast resource still remaining in giant carbonate oil fields in the Middle East the Caspian region the Cretaceous of Latin America the Atlantic and Caribbean provides substantial motivation for a renewed focused R&D effort in carbonate exploration and exploitation
The Distinction between Ancient Fluvial and Valley-Fill Sandstone Reservoirs: Semantics or Economics
By M.H. Gardner1007 THE DISTINCTION BETWEEN ANCIENT FLUVIAL AND VALLEY-FILL SANDSTONE RESERVOIRS - SEMANTICS OR ECONOMICS 1 Because fluvial sandstones form significant reservoirs a mature set of geologic models exists that relates facies sediment bodies and geomorphology to reservoir heterogeneity. Most subsurface channelform sandbodies were interpreted as channels when fluvial models were first developed (60s and 70s). Sequence stratigraphy (80s and 90s) reinterpreted many of these as incised valley-fills. Today valley fills represent the favored interpretation for subsurface channelforms. Has the pendulum swung too far? A matter of semantics or are their economic implications to these terms? The Ferron Sandstone was deposited
A Strategy for Automatically Modelling Extensional Sedimentary Basins
Authors N.J. White, D. Hanne and P. Bellingham1008 A STRATEGY FOR AUTOMATICALLY MODELLING EXTENSIONAL SEDIMENTARY BASINS 1 NICHOLAS J WHITE 1 DETLEF HANNE 1 and PAUL BELLINGHAM 2 1 Earth Sciences University of Cambridge Bullard Laboratories Madingley Rise Madingley Road Cambridge CB3 0EZ UK A two-dimensional inverse model for extracting the spatial and temporal variation of strain rate from extensional sedimentary basins is described. Our starting point is a forward model which allows basin stratigraphy to be calculated from any given strain rate distribution. This forward model includes potentially important effects such as flexural rigidity and the twodimensional conduction/advection of heat. Conversely inverse modelling determines strain rate
Seismic Geomorphology and Depositional Systems of Deep Water Environments; Observations from Offshore Nigeria, Gulf of Mexico, and Indonesia
More Less1009 SEISMIC GEOMORPHOLOGY AND DEPOSITIONAL SYSTEMS OF DEEP WATER ENVIRONMENTS; OBSERVATIONS FROM OFFSHORE NIGERIA GULF OF MEXICO AND INDONESIA 1 Four principal depositional elements are recognized in deep-water depositional environments offshore Nigeria Gulf of Mexico and Indonesia. These include channels levees frontal splays and debris flow deposits. Individual channels range from moderate to high sinuosity and are up to 2-3 km wide. Channel fills can be single-stage or multi-stage fill. In the latter channel type leveed channel complexes are said to exist. In many instances channel meander evolution is characterized by aggradation and down-system meander loop migration. The result of
Improved Seismic Resolution through Fine Spatial Sampling - a 2D Example, Onshore Abu Dhabi
Authors J. Quigley, I. Haggag, A.B. Al Jeelani and E. KleissA-01 IMPROVED SEISMIC RESOLUTION THROUGH FINE SPATIAL SAMPLING - A 2D EXAMPLE ONSHORE ABU DHABI Abstract 1 During the late 1990's efforts were made by the Abu Dhabi Company for Onshore Operations (ADCO) in co-operation with WesternGeco to improve 3D seismic data quality by redistributing the source point energy over a finer spatial sampling of source points in the cross line direction. With the success of this approach and better understanding of the source-related issues consideration was given to optimization of the 3D receiver configuration. The receiver array pattern used for 3D surveys had been derived from earlier empirical 2D
Surface Marine All Azimuth Recording Technique
Authors J. Paffenholz, J. Keliher, R. Ergas and B. McLainA-02 SURFACE MARINE ALL AZIMUTH RECORDING TECHNIQUE Summary 1 The SMAART JV 1 created a 3D earth model to investigated target illumination representative of sub-salt plays in the Gulf of Mexico. Ray tracing on this model reveals that conventional towed streamer acquisition would leave a substantial illumination hole at the target horizon. No one streamer orientation is sufficient to illuminate this area. However the width of the illumination hole was substantially reduced if all-azimuth areal shot record geometries such as Vertical Cable or OBC were used. We present a novel multi-azimuth acquisition method capable of reducing the illumination hole below
Six-Fold Simultaneous Vibratory Recording Experiment
Authors T. Bianchi, L. Cherel, B. Pagliccia and J. MeunierA-03 SIX-FOLD SIMULTANEOUS VIBRATORY RECORDING EXPERIMENT Abstract 1 In order to reduce the size of the source array and ultimately achieve point source in Vibroseis™ acquisition without degrading signal to noise ratio or increasing costs high-fold simultaneous acquisition must be used. Several techniques are already known but not commonly used. An experiment of multi-source acquisition was conducted in Argentina to compare different techniques. Introduction Reducing the size of the source array leads to a reduction in the energy of the source. The implications of this reduction on the signal-to-noise ratio can be evaluated using the square root theory. A widely
A Universal Simultaneous Shooting Technique
Authors R.J. de Kok and D. GillespieA-04 A UNIVERSAL SIMULTANEOUS SHOOTING TECHNIQUE ROB DE KOK and DIANA GILLESPIE 1 Summary A novel method for the simultaneous recording of seismic data from two or more sources is presented. The coding for the different sources consists of the introduction of either polarity or time delay changes in the field. Separation is achieved through polarity decoding followed by averaging and/or interpolation during processing. For purposes of averaging not only dedicated techniques but also standard processes such as stacking and migration can be relied on. The method is applicable to all possible types of sources and has no restriction as
Low Frequency Sub-Basalt Imaging
Authors A.M. Ziolkowski, P. Hanssen, R.W. Gatliff, X.-Y. Li, H. Jakubowicz and H. HampsonA-05 LOW FREQUENCY SUB-BASALT IMAGING Summary 1 Ocean margin basalts are extremely heterogeneous and scatter the seismic energy of the conventional seismic reflection system. To observe sub-basalt reflections the system should be modified to emphasize the low frequencies using much larger air guns and towing the source and receivers at about 20 m depth. The rationale for this approach is supported by synthetic seismograms over a realistic 1-D earth model. In the summer of 2001 we obtained data over basalt in the North-East Atlantic using a system modified to incorporate these ideas. Introduction ANTON ZIOLKOWSKI 1 PETER HANSSEN 2 ROBERT
A Novel Compensation Method for the Source Directivity of an Air-Gun Array
Authors S.W. MacKay, J. Douma and E.C. MobleyA-06 A NOVEL COMPENSATION METHOD FOR THE SOURCE DIRECTIVITY OF AN AIR-GUN ARRAY 1 JAN DOUMA and EVERETT C. MOBLEY WesternGeco 10001 Richmond Avenue Houston TX 77042 USA Abstract The far-field signatures for angles-of-incidence ranging from zero to fifty degrees have been analyzed for various air-gun arrays. These analyses demonstrate that due to the directivity of the air-gun arrays the difference between an individual signature and the average signature is 8 to 10 dB lower than the average signature. This differential energy is a consequence of amplitude and phase differences between the signatures for the various take-off angles. This differential
Sea Surface Shape Derivation above the Seismic Streamer
More LessA-07 SEA SURFACE SHAPE DERIVATION ABOVE THE SEISMIC STREAMER E. KRAGH 1 R. LAWS 1 and L. COMBEE 2 1 1 Schlumberger Cambridge Research High Cross Madingley Road Cambridge CB3 OEL UK Summary: In this paper we show a method of deriving the shape of the time-variant sea surface above the seismic streamer. We record very low-frequency single-sensor data below 0.5 Hz using seismic hydrophones. We then invert the resulting pressure variations to give the wave heights and streamer displacement as functions of position and time. The concurrent recording of the conventional seismic data is unaffected by this method. The
PZ Calibration Using Critically Refracted Waves
Authors A. Strømmen Melbø, J.O.A. Robertsson and D.-J. Van ManenA-08 PZ CALIBRATION USING CRITICALLY REFRACTED WAVES Abstract In marine multi-component seismic data the vertical geophone recordings must be calibrated against the pressure recordings to account for differences such as coupling and impulse responses of the measuring devices. One known way of doing this is by applying the equation of motion and minimizing the downgoing energy in a window containing only primary reflections (Schalkwijk et al. 1999). Picking such a window may be difficult if we have a long source signature or when operating in shallow water. In this paper we utilize the same calibration approach based on a window
Imaging through Gas Clouds - a Case History from the Gulf of Mexico
More LessA-09 IMAGING THROUGH GAS CLOUDS - A CASE HISTORY FROM THE GULF OF MEXICO Summary 1 Results from the worlds largest 3D four component OBC seismic survey will be presented. Located in the West Cameron area offshore Gulf of Mexico the survey operation totaled over 1000 square kilometers and covered more than 46 OCS blocks. The area contains numerous gas invaded zones and shallow gas anomalies that disturb the image on conventional 3D seismic which only records compressional data. Converted shear wave data allows images to be obtained that are unobstructed by the gas and/or fluids. This reduces the risk