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Geomodel 2012 - 14th EAGE science and applied research conference on oil and gas geological exploration and development
- Conference date: 10 Sep 2012 - 14 Sep 2012
- Location: Gelendzhik, Russia
- ISBN: 978-90-73834-36-1
- Published: 10 September 2012
1 - 20 of 82 results
Новые данные по перспективам нефтегазоносности верхнеюрских отложений северо-востока Томской области
By Г.Е. СилкинGeological and geophysical studies of the north-east territory of Tomsk region are currently going on at a regional level. Assessments of its perspectives by various researchers are controversial. A prevailing opinion on low hydrocarbon-bearing potential of the given territory is based on the results of previously performed geological prospecting works that, on the whole, brought no positive results. The paper considers new geological and geophysical data acquired in recent years – regional seismic surveys and reinterpretation of logging, drilling and testing data available for "archived" prospecting wells. Conclusions on possible productivity of Upper-Jurassic deposits in the area of Kosetskaya depression were made following the results of logging and seismic survey interpretation and taking into account latest discoveries made in a bordering territory. Some recommendations on further geological and prospecting operations in the territory are provided considering particularities of its geological structure
Прогноз коллекторских свойств ачимовских отложений в условиях развития на площади "аномального" строения баженовских отложений
Authors П.Г. Пономаренко, К.Е. Филиппова, И.С. Цыбулькина, О.А. Шевчук and В.М. ВингаловWell known achimovian deposits widely spread in Western-Siberian petroleum province, are presented by frequently interbedding sandstones, siltstones and mudstones with thickness range of 5-10 m (thickness of separate sandstone layers reaches 20-45 m) and characterized by low acoustic contrast which gives very weak events on seismic data. In this context correlation of reflectors inside achimovian interval is a very challenging task. Besides that achimovian layers on a major part of Western Siberia have clinoformian structure. Formation tops correlation in such environment is far not a trivial problem without incorporation of seismic data. «Anomaly» bazhenian structure in the target area makes achimovian reservoirs interpretation extremely complicated. Presented work shows the overall performance of seismic AVO/AVA inversions technology for studying a structure of clinoformian achimovian deposits. By application of seismic inversion techniques the volume reservoir distribution in achimovian formation complex where obtained. Lithology and facial model of target layers were detailed and forecast of net and pay reservoir thicknesses for the each achimovian layer where obtained as well as recommendation for further exploration drilling were given
Комплексирование методов потенциальных полей, сейсморазведки и бурения для прогноза гипергенных коллекторов доюрского основания
Authors Т.А. Кононова, Л.В. Черновец and Р.Р. ХалимоваPaleozoic complex within the West Siberian basin is considered as a hydrocarbon prospective object. It is known that supergene reservoir of upper part of Paleozoic basement can contain fluids. In this article an integrated approach to the supergene reservoir detection and mapping is described. Firstly gravity and magnetic exploration data was used to work out a structural model of the Central Uvat region. Then core data was used to connect potential field data and lithological composition of the basement rocks. Also seismic attributes and seismic facies analysis were involved to detect fracture zones in the upper part of the basement and define shapes of geological bodies. Combining all the data potential reservoir rocks of the upper part of the basement were mapped
Литолого-фациальный и седиментологический анализ обстановок осадконакопления верхнеюрских и меловых отложений Дружно-Южно-Ягунской площади на стыке двух месторождений нефти в Западной Сибири
Authors Е.А. Швецова, В.М. Вингалов, А.А. Копыльцов and Н.А. БалдинаTo construct lithofacies models of the upper Jurassic and neocomian formation. This model is considered to be an important part of the 3D model of the oil reservoir. Constructing lithofacies models allows for more accurate prediction of geologic structure of the interwell space and effective exploratory and production well engineering
Литолого-фациальная характеристика верхнеюрских продуктивных отложений ямало-тазовской мегасинеклизы
Authors Н.Н. Петракова and Н.И. КоробоваLast years when anticline traps in West Siberian basin are almost studied, the most urgent became facies analysis of clastic sediments, which allows to predict lithological traps and optimize the development of drilled deposits. This work is an example of facial conditions recovery using core and log data of the Upper Jurassic productive deposits on one of the fields within the Yamalo-Tazovskaya megasyneclise. There are two Upper Jurassic producing layers: U1-1 and U1-2. Core data from 5 wells and well logs from 31 wells of the same field were analyzed. Based on the core data the layer U1-2 was identified as terrigenous alluvial and delta, while the layer U1-1 consists of terrigenous delta and coastal-marine deposits. Well logs data was also used to specificate the facial scheme with curve models
Выбор направлений геологоразведочных работ на нефть и газ в силурийских отложениях Верхнепечорской впадины
More LessVerhnepechorskaya depression is one of the underexplored area within the old oil-producing Timan-Pechora basin. Studied Silurian deposit lie relatively deep, so exploration risks are high and it requires preliminary petroleum analysis. Using available geological data hydrocarbon potential of Silurian deposit was described, reservoir properties, seal effectiveness and trap types were characterized. In summary there are two work streams – reef traps and tectonic and stratigraphic traps
Коллекторские свойства нижнепермских карбонатных пород акваториальной части Варандей-Адъзвинской структурной зоны
Authors Р.С. Сауткин and А.Е. РыжовThe hydrocarbon productivity of Paleozoic carbonate reservoirs has been proved in the offshore prolongation of the Sorokin swell. The Prirazlomnoe oil field was discovered in 1989 by the prospecting well No.1 drilling to the depth 3100 m in the dome part of the anticline fold. The productive horizon is represented by two carbonate beds of different composition and origin. The upper highly porous bed of Asselian age is built by organogenic-clastic limestones and overlaid by shales of Artinskian-Kungurian age. The method of capillary saturation of rocks, designed to assess the structural features of the complex void space of a carbonate reservoir, enables to evaluate the ratio of voids of different types, namely the content share of pores, voids and fractures, i.e. to evaluate the complex reservoir type. This evaluation includes fractures of various orientation that determine the direction of filtration and isotropic rocks permeability, morphology and genesis of voids – the emergence of "newly generated" vug and development of the "inherited" vug; the characteristic of fractures variations with depth, different intensity of fractures in rocks and substantiation of rocks fractures changes in the reservoir
Прогноз распространения коллекторов по результатам геостатистической инверсии в сложнопостроенном карбонатном месторождении
Authors И.А. Бабенко, Т.В. Некрасова and С.Л. ФедотовThe purpose was to predict oil-saturated reservoir layers in the carbonate section. The main feature and the complexity of the forecast was the small thickness of the target interval and the thin-layer reservoir
О перспективах нефтегазоносности венд-рифейских отложений на территории Башкортостана
Authors Р.А. Зименков, В.Ф. Селянин and В.В. КиселевOn the basis of reprocessing and reinterpretation of CMP-2D seismic data along regional lines, acquired on the territory of platform Bashkiria in the beginning of the XXI century there were allocated 8 potentially prospective hydrocarbon objects in the deposits of the Riphean clastic-carbonate sequences. One of them is Kushkul structure of inversion type in the deposits of the Lower Riphean age of Kama-Belskaya depression (KBD), located in 20 km. to the East of Kushkul field in the Paleozoic deposits. It is recommended to make a thickening network of 2D lines with the aim of updating the geological model of the object and choosing an optimal point of a prospect well location in the Riphean deposits
Геологическое строение и перспективы нефтегазоносности Юрюзано-Сылвенской депрессии
Authors Р.Р. Ситдиков, В.Ф. Селянин and А.В. ПогрецкийThe structure and the prospects of the depression are considered on the model of Bukharovskoye field, situated in the intersection area of Uriuzan-Silvenskoye depression (USD) with the Western Ural zone of folding (WUZF). USD is the largest structure of the Cis-Ural foredeep. The oil and gas potential of the region is connected with the discovery of Bukharovskoye gas field in 1969. Productive deposits are mid-carboniferous terrigenous-carbonate ones. In 2005-2010 seismic exploration MOGT -2D and MOGT -3D works were carried out on the territory of Bukharovskoye field. The report is based upon the results of the works. It is recommended to drill 10 prospecting and 2 exploration wells on the field. The total resources of gas are about 50 billion cub. m. Having analyzed the material it is possible to make an assumption of the essential gas potential of the region considered
Особенности геологического строения вендских отложений в пределах юго-восточной части Южно-Татарского свода
Authors И.Н. Низамутдинова, Л.Б. Петрыкина and Нурмухаметова А.А.As a result, complex analysis geological and geophysical data for regional work was a map of the surface of the Vendian in south-eastern part of the South Tatar arch. The main elements of the Vendian and Early Paleozoic tectonics in relation to their potential oil and gas content. It is suggested for the origin of the inversion Shkapovskoy structure
Возможные пути совершенствования метода многократных перекрытий в сейсморазведке
Authors В.И. Бондарев, С.М. Крылатков and И.А. КурашовThe history of the formation of the modern technology of seismic CDP-3D, used in prospecting for oil and gas. This story stands four-level process, significantly different in the technology used and results achieved. Although no clear boundaries between the stages to establish not simply noticed that the average step size is close to 25-35 years. Each level of technology includes a phase, the formation of technology, the period of widespread use in the manufacture and final stage of fading interest in this technology. Each stage is based on the use of seismic instruments and equipment of the time. In the depths of the previous stage will certainly conceived of a new seismic technology level, which makes it possible to objectively seismic each next technological level of the wider and more efficient. From the analysis of the evolution of the technical characteristics of seismic CDP-3D is a forecast of the possible ways of further improving the seismic for a period of 10-15 years. As evidence, whether an evolutionary improvement path analyzes of experimental materials and methodological work carried out by Sercel in the Middle East. The question of which way would be to develop and improve seismic beyond the next 10-15 years. We discuss also another way of seismic - a way based on the broad introduction of the notion of the diffraction wave.
Как глобальные спутниковые системы трансформируют регистрацию данных наземной сейсморазведки
By Д.А. МужноThe contributions of global navigation satellite systems, such as the GPS, for source and receiver positioning and timing are highlighted. While GPS positioning has been used for several decades, the impact of GPS timing on land acquisition is recent (2005). By enabling the time-stamping of all seismic samples in the recorder as well as in the autonomous receiver stations, it offers the possibility to synchronize all elements of a hybrid spread made of cable-based and cable-free segments. The same flexibility is present on the source side as soon as vibrators are able to define by themselves the position and the start time of each shot (T0). By combining these possibilities different acquisition architectures are made available to improve productivity depending on terrain conditions
Системный подход к выбору методик и проектированию сейсморазведочных работ 3D
Authors А.Б. Титов, С. Горбачев, А. Колюбакин, Е. Бондарев and Д. ИсаковSystematic approach to the selection procedures and Proektirovaniyayu
Весовое суммирование как редактор нестационарных помех в невзрывной сейсморавзедке
Authors А.В. Череповский and Р.М. ГафаровWind noise, traffic noise, and non-stationary impulsive noise seriously degrade the quality of non-explosive seismic data in many regions. Vertical stacking in the field or two-dimensional noise suppression procedures (such as FK) at the processing stage can not attenuate high-amplitude noise of the mentioned types. At the same time, non-stationary noise can be efficiently removed at the stage of data acquisition by diversity stacking. This procedure does not distort the initial relative amplitudes of the signal and consequently can be recommended for wide adoption. The parameters of the diversity stacking should be selected during the field trials
Полноазимутальная наземная сейсморазведка с высокой плотностью наблюдений – новые методические и технические решения
Authors А.В. Череповский and Д.А. МужноFull-azimuth high-density (FA HD) seismic surveys are shot from 2005, and their advantages in reservoir characterization and seismic imaging have been demonstrated in a number of recent publications. In accordance with the principles of G.Vermeer, the grids of shot and receiver points should be equivalent, but a FA HD survey can be planned and shot in different ways: using a square template and a single source or narrow template and multiple sources. The latter configuration is more suitable for shooting high-productivity surveys, preferably in open terrain conditions. In case of ecologically sensitive and restricted access areas, new technical solutions have been recently offered, such as a combination of cable-based and cable-less recording equipment
Обработка данных Slip Sweep без потери качества получаемых данных в условиях центральной части России
By Р.М. ГафаровThe article tells about the way of eliminating the neighboring source positions interference when carrying out field seismic works by Slip Sweep method. The principle of struggle with disturbance is based on frequent filtration of the received signal on the stage of obtaining vibrorecords to slip sweep convolution. Since the interference from neighboring SP is artificial with known parameters, therefore it is predictable. Using this property and applying the time-variable frequent limit filter (tracking filter) the author was able to suppress the wave-interference significantly pointing out the useful signal. In addition, irregular waves-interference (microseisms) are removed. This method allows increasing vibroseis source productivity in several times not only without quality deterioration, but also with improvement compared to Flip flop standard method
Опыт проектирования сейсмических работ 3D для разведки малоразмерных алмазоносных объектов в Республике Саха (Якутия)
Authors Т.А. Столбова and Л.В. МаксимкинаReflection seismic can be a very useful technique for exploration of kimberlite pipes. High-frequency 2D seismic exploration for diamonds was carried out in Yakutia (Sakha) by Botuobinskaya geological exploration company for many years. Surface seismic methods are not designed for direct detection of vertical bodies such as a pipe. However, a kimberlite pipe may be inferred from seismic data indirectly by observing the termination of reflections against its flanks. To successfully delineate and map small-size diamondiferous kimberlite pipes, 3D seismic will be adopted from the next season. To define optimum acquisition geometry, presurvey 3D ray-trace modelling was carried out. The template dimensions and orientation as well as receiver and source intervals were defined using the results of seismic modelling of geological features. Synthetic data sets were processed through stacks, and bin attributes were analyzed
Особенности сейсморазведочных работ в Исламской республике Мавритания
Authors Д.К. Арсланов and Ю.М. ГордеевThis report describes specificity of seismic surveying in the Islamic Republic of Mauritania on a strip of saline salt marshes and salt lakes (sebkha), which stretch along the low-lying sandy coast. To overcome these conditions and to achieve maximum quality during drilling, seismic unwinding and registration of seismic waves have been used non-standard techniques. Despite the complexity of the seismic survey taken by organizational and technical measures on the part of the performer and the supervisors contributed to the achievement of good quality seismic data, which allowed them to successfully carry out further processing and interpretation, geological solve all problems
Фильтрация изображений с помощью вектора Умова-Пойнтинга для задач сейсмической миграции в обратном времени
By В.Г. БайдинIn the work the modification of RTM method is introduced. For this purpose the information about wave propagation direction is extracted from Umov-Poynting vector. Using directional parameters of wavefields several filters are constructed: backpropagation filter, dip filter and P/S wave separation in elastic medium