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XIV International Scientific Conference “Monitoring of Geological Processes and Ecological Condition of the Environment”
- Conference date: November 10-13, 2020
- Location: Kyiv, Ukraine
- Published: 10 November 2020
1 - 20 of 92 results
Global problems of water resources scarcity
Authors V.K. Khilchevskyi, Ya.B. Oliinyk and V.I. ZatserkovnyiSummaryThe problem of water scarcity on the planet due to geographical (mismatch between fresh water demand and availability) and socio-economic (growing world population, improving living standards, changing consumption patterns and increasing irrigated land areas) factors is investigated. Methods for assessing water scarcity are considered. The state of water resources in Ukraine was assessed using the water stress indicator. A comparison is made with other countries of the world that are in approximately the same conditions in terms of the amount of water resources per person (Germany, Belgium, Poland, Denmark, and the Republic of Korea). Attention is drawn to alternative sources of water (desalinated water, recovered wastewater, gray water, collected rainwater, etc.).
Long-term fluctuations in the chemical composition of surface waters and climate change
Authors V.К. Khilchevskyi, S.М. Kurylo and M.R. ZabokrytskaSummaryThe aim of the study was to identify trends in long-term changes in the chemical composition of river waters using the example of river basins in Ukraine and their possible relationship with climate change. We used long-term observational data on the chemical composition of water (main ions and mineralization) of the Western Bug (1961–2018) and Southern Bug (1951–2018) rivers. Three characteristic periods are distinguished for these rivers: the first period is reference; the second period is transformational, characterized by a process of increasing water mineralization; the third period is modern, characterized by a process of certain stabilization of the hydrochemical regime of rivers. As a result of climate change, the share of underground river nutrition is increasing. It is known that groundwater has a higher mineralization, which leads to an increase in the mineralization of river water.
Hydrographic monitoring of ponds in Ukraine and their classification by morphometric parameters
Authors V.K. Khilchevskyi and V.V. GrebinSummaryThe purpose of the research was hydrographie monitoring and analysis of territorial patterns of the distribution of ponds in Ukraine, as well as consideration of the territorial patterns of their distribution in the administrative regions and as in the river basin districts as the main hydrographie units of water management. The data were taken from the State Agency for Water Resources of Ukraine. The studies have shown that there were 50 793 ponds in Ukraine in 2019. This figure is 76% more than according to calculations performed in 2006. The classification presented shows that in Ukraine, in terms of the water surface, the vast majority of ponds are small and very small (85%), while medium constitute 12%, and large and very large – 2%. Distribution of the ponds by the volume is the following: small and very small (58%); medium – 29%; large and very large – 13%. The highest number of ponds is in the Vinnytsia region – 10.5% of the total number of ponds in the country. As to the river basin districts, the highest number of ponds is located in the Dnipro River Basin – 48.5% of the total number of ponds in the country. To summarize, Ukraine needs increased attention to comprehensive monitoring of ponds.
Mapping of climate change on the teritory of Ukraine
Authors V.І. Ostroukh, T.M. Kurach and O.G. ReshetniakSummaryThe study of a climate change in Ukraine in the twentieth century by means of geographic information mapping aims to draw attention to the problem of the climate change, both scientists and the general public and decision-makers in the field of the climate policy. As a result of processing and presenting data from the scientific organization NCAR GIS Climate Change Scenarios, a retrospective series of analytical maps was created. In the ArcGIS program three series of maps (a total of 30 maps) of changes in the average annual climate indicators of Ukraine in the twentieth century in steps of 10 years were created. Based on the Keppen’s climate classification, a series of maps of climate zones of Ukraine, which reflect the change of climate types in the twentieth century in steps of 20 years, was built. The developed analytical and synthetic cartographic works fully characterize the climate changes that Ukraine has undergone during the twentieth century. For the territory of Ukraine according to the Keppen’s classification, by removing the critical types, the main types of climate are determined - B, C, D. After determining the general type of climate, subtypes are distinguished based on the amount and nature of precipitation. The third order of the classification concerns the features of the temperature regime. The research results indicate a change in Ukraine’s climate before warming, a gradual increase in aridity in the southern regions and a significant increase in the temperature of the coldest month. There is a high probability that the continentality of the climate will decrease. In the worst case, some southern regions of the country may be prone to desertification.
Integrated monitoring of the springs of the north-eastern part of the Carpathians
Authors R.L. Kravchynskyi, V.K. Khilchevskyi, M.V. Korchemlyuk and M.R. ZabokrytskaSummaryThe purpose of the research was an inventory and monitoring of springs in the territory of the Carpathian National Natural Park (northeastern Carpathians, Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast, Ukraine) and the identification of the main hydrological and hydrochemical regularities of their functioning. For the period 2011–2019 about 40 expeditions were carried out. The main stages of monitoring of springs, which is carried out in the Carpathian National Natural Park: 1) collection of available information about the springs; 2) field surveys of the first level (description of springs and mapping); 3) field surveys of the second level (measurement of flow rates and water sampling); 4) field surveys of the third level (monitoring). Monitoring studies covered about 300 springs. The springs have insignificant flow rates, cold in the temperature regime of water. Most springs in the Carpathian National Natural Park (about 98 %) have water mineralization in the range of “very fresh” and “normally fresh” (30–250 mg · dm−3).
Use of 3-D seismic data for detection of hydrocarbon traps within the northern side of the Dnieper-Donetsk Depression
Authors S. Vyzhva, I. Solovyov, I. Mykhalevych, V. Kruhlyk and G. LisnySummaryThe modern approach to prospecting and exploration of gas and oil traps within the northern side of the Dnieper-Donetsk depression is considered. The results of volumetric seismic surveys performed in this region indicate a decrease in the efficiency of traditional technologies for predicting hydrocarbon traps, which are based on the analysis of structural and tectonic models. In some cases, the use of only the structural factor does not give positive results. This is due in part to the absence of major structural traps. Accordingly the development of such deposits may not achieve the desired profitability. The scheme of location of geological bodies and structures promising for the presence of hydrocarbons is given, from which the next results follow. A significant part of the structures that are conventionally considered promising are characterized by a low probability of hydrocarbons. The practice of drilling wells on such structures confirms this conclusion. It is concluded that the increase in the efficiency of prospecting, exploration and development of gas and oil deposits in this region is related to the use of direct indicators of hydrocarbons. The efficiency of application of different sets of seismic attributes is analyzed. The most appropriate way to interactively analyze the volume distributions of seismic attribute values has been defined. Examples of detection of hydrocarbon traps and determination of their physical properties, which are confirmed by drilling wells, are given. Keywords: seismic image, seismic inversion, multi-attribute classification, direct hydrocarbon indicators.
Baltic-Iranian Super Lineament – the global Trans-Eurasian belt of dislocations and planetary megafractures
Authors V.V. Pokalyuk, I.E. Lomakin and V.G. VerkhovtsevSummaryData on fault tectonics and the deep structure of the global Trans-Eurasian belt of dislocations and planetary megafracture (Baltic-Iranian Super Lineament – BISL) are generalized using the analysis of published data, geological, geophysical, cartographic, and cosmographie materials, that include the results of tectonic interpretation of the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) images; the features of its distribution, segmentation and development history are clarified. The BISL is the Trans-Eurasian structure of a planetary rank – an integral part of the spatially regularly oriented ancient rhegmatic fault network of Eurasia, formed at the early stages of the formation of the rigid Earth crust under the influence of global stresses associated with the factor of rotation of the Earth. The geodynamic mode of formation and development of the belt as a whole structure cannot be described within the frameworks of any one of basic patterns – neither riftogenic nor collisional one. There is an interchanging domination of the regional as well as supra-regional divergence (rift zones) and convergence (collision zones) within the belt. That alternation characterizes the global nature of the belt, the unionizing of different geodynamic regimes in it as well as the wave character and hierarchy of tectonic processes.
Criteria for optimising air quality monitoring in Ukrainian cities (by example of Kyiv)
Authors O. Havrylenko, P. Shyshchenko, V. Samoilenko and L. BilousSummaryThe purpose of the study is to analyse the current state of air quality monitoring in Ukrainian cities, particularly in Kyiv, identify the critical problems in the state monitoring system and substantiate the criteria for optimal air quality monitoring station (AQMS) arrangement to achieve strategic city development goals. Presently, monitoring stations, as usually, are located close to sources of harmful atmospheric emission. This is not helpful in improving the representativeness of the results obtained. Critical social and environmental criteria, which are generally accepted worldwide, are not accounted for. We analysed the demographics statistics, data on atmospheric pollution levels in different Kyiv districts, and regulatory documents. We compared population density indicators with locations of existing monitoring networks where contaminated air has the most adverse impact on public health. The comparison also included the greenness level in all locations and found that the spatial air quality monitoring networks distribution fails to meet modern criteria. With account of absence of a single methodology for determining spatial AQMS representativeness, its chosen key criteria were as follows: average annual concentrations of main air pollutants, population density and urban green spaces distribution within city boundaries. These criteria and the results obtained allowed substantiating the scheme for optimal AQMS arrangement.
Geoinformation modeling of anthropization extent in the Zakhidnoukrainskyi physic-geographic region
Authors V. Samoilenko, L. Bilous, O. Havrylenko and I. DibrovaSummaryGeoinformation modeling of the anthropization extent in the Zakhidnoukrainskyi physic-geographic region with the use of modern spatial data bases, formed from remote sensing data, showed an essential anthropogenic impact on the regional landscapes. All physic-geographic sub-regions of the region are greatly anthropized. Most physic-geographic districts also fell under great anthropization, and in two districts very great anthropization was simulated. Cause-effect analysis of simulated high anthropogenic impact level in the region demonstrated the objectivity of the achieved results. Thus, only about 18% of the regional area is under environmental favorable land use and/or land cover (LULC) systems. However very geonegative LULC systems predominate, among which broad-leaved forest tilled, village built-up, recreational and geo-negative hydromelioration systems are the most widespread. The obtained results affirm the validity of the applied geoinformation-model approaches. They can be directly implemented, together with the created spatial data bases, in regional schemes and projects of environmental management for its optimization and realization of effective environmental protection measures.
Implementation of passive seismic during the oil & gas exploration works in the Udmurt Republic, Russia
Authors G. Kashin, V. Mironychev and O. LikhachevaSummaryCurrently, the level of oil production in the Udmurt Republic is on a declining trend, due to the depletion of large and medium-sized oil fields that have been operated for a long time. Therefore, the main challenge in this region is to stabilize & increase the amount of oil extraction by exploring more perspective low-field deposits. However, some problems complicate the process. Firstly, geological prospecting and exploration works, as well as drilling exploration wells, entail financial implications, increasing the accumulated cost of these works. Secondly, there may be some errors that often contain during the hydrocarbon reserves’ calculation process for such deposits. Passive seismic is proposed to become a solution to these problems. Use of this technology could decrease the amount of time required for hydrocarbon exploration and enable to reduce the exploration and development costs.
Use of fire flooding in the Elnikovsky field of the Udmurt Republic, Russia
Authors O. Likhacheva and G. KashinSummaryThe article considers the problem of increasing reservoir recovery in fields that are at the final stage of development. One of the ways to solve this problem can be the use of fire flooding. The effectiveness of this technology is proved by the case of Elnikovsky field.
Peculiarities of spreading of degraded agricultural lands in the territory of Poltava region (Ukraine)
By S.P. LashkoSummaryAccording to the available statistical data, cartograms of the spreading of agricultural lands of Poltava region (Ukraine) that have undergone water erosion, wind erosion, acidification and salinization have been constructed and analyzed. Water erosion is most characteristic of the territories with the largest forest cover (Dykanka, Chornukhy, Lokhvytsia districts). Wind erosion mainly covers the north-western, northern and south-eastern regions of the region. Acidified soils can be associated with the Vorskla River basin (southeastern part of the region), and favorable soil acidity conditions – with the Khorol River basin (Myrhorod, Khorol, Velyka Bahachka, Hlobyne districts). According to the results of research within the Poltava region, two groups of areas of strong degradation of agricultural land have been identified: 1) Novi Sanzhary, Lokhvytsia, Hadiach, Zinkiv districts – excessive spreading; 2) Lubny, Kobeliaky, Myrhorod, Pyriatyn, Poltava, Mashivka districts – large spreading. Resources in the fight against soil erosion should be directed primarily to Lokhvytsia and Hadiach districts, resources in the fight against soil acidification – in Chornukhy, Pyriatyn, Kotelva, Poltava, Dykanka, Mashivka, Zinkiv, Chutove districts, and resources in the fight against soil salinization – in Kozelshchyna district.
Design of adaptive measures in crop production based on remote monitoring of crops
Authors O.A. Furmanets, S.I. Veremeenko, V.Y. Bratsenyuk and P.I. TrofymenkoSummaryThe paper presents the results of studies of the possibility of using the data of operational remote monitoring as a basis for the design of adaptive measures in case of adverse weather phenomena on spring crops (sunflower, corn). Dji Phantom 4 drone and Sentinel 2a satellite information were used as test equipment,, the technology tested on the example of a field that suffered from spring flooding. Based on the obtained data maps of differentiated use of herbicides and nitrogen fertilizers were constructed. The study of the results of the application showed the significant economic efficiency of differentiated use of materials, and the economic advantage of the technology compared with the traditional solid system of introduction. It is established that UAV data can serve as a reliable information base for planning adaptive measures, and in general for the introduction of elements of precision agriculture in the Polissya region of Ukraine.
Actual condition and hypsometry of the south-western coast of the Kremenchuk reservoir
Authors S.P. Lashko and A.S. DrygaSummaryThe territory of the south-western coast of the Kremenchuk reservoir (100.1 km long) is under the administrative subordination of the Velykoandrusivska territorial community of the Svitlovodsk district of the Kirovohrad region (Ukraine). This part of the reservoir is characterized by a marine type of regime, with large waves and storms causing destructive effects on the coast. The research included field observations and analysis of interactive Google Earth Pro maps with GPS navigation support. It is established that the width of zone of the coastal wave surf varies from 0 m (steep shores) to 36 m. In places, bluffs with a slope of up to 90 degrees were formed. A hypsometric profile was laid along the coast of the reservoir with a length of 4.62 km – along the route of the upper edge of the coast, which limits the strip of degraded shores. With the available water level in the 77 m reservoir, the elevations of the upper edge of the coast vary from 79 m to 112 m. At the same time, the steepness of the relief along the route of the route in some places reaches 20–26% and even 35.8%. It is recommended to resume systematic monitoring of the banks of the Kremenchuk reservoir at the state and local levels, using remote sensing technologies and geographic information systems.
Environmental problems of shale gas production
Authors V. Mykhailov and O. HrinchenkoSummaryThis paper discusses the main environmental problems arised at prospection, exploration and exploitation of unconventional hydrocarbons, in particular shale gas production in Ukraine. It is based both on reviewed world publications and authors’ data on sources of unconventional hydrocarbons in Ukraine. As a result, it was established that the main environmental threats that can arise at the prospection, exploration and exploitation of shale gas fields are associated with application of hydraulic fracturing (fracking) as well as drilling of a large number of exploration and operating boreholes. Among the main environmental impacts are ground water pollution by chemicals commonly used as components of hydraulic fluids and disruption of tectonic stability of rock massif at hydraulic break-down that can cause technogenic microearthquakes. However, the results of investigations carried out have shown that concerns of ecologists are exaggerated in many respects and shale gas can be produced without any environmental pollution, even if it will occur within densely populated areas of Ukraine. Certainly, all issues of prospection, exploration and production of unconventional hydrocarbons in Ukraine demand detailed studying by complex scientific researches that should cover all range of problems – geological, economic-geological, ecological and sociopolitical.
Monitoring of the marine environment state of the northwestern part of the Black Sea
SummaryThe report contains the results of océanographie research on the Ukrainian shelf in the northwestern part of the Black Sea carried out by scientists and specialists of the State Institution “Scientific Hydrophysical Centre of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”. During the research it was accomplished the hydroacoustic survey of the seafloor with a total area of 70 sq. km. There were obtained a significant amount of hydrophysical data required for studying modern hazardous geological processes and redistribution of bottom sediments within the explored water area. These data are necessary for ensuring the possibility of monitoring of the marine environment state, in particular, in the interests of navigational and hydrographic support of navigation. As a result, a number of natural and artificial objects were identified. Also, the spatial distribution of micro- and mesoforms of the bottom relief and the structure of the upper part of bottom sediments were determined as well as their lithological classification was conducted. The obtained hydrophysical data were sorted and transferred to the Océanographie Data Bank of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
Monitoring of agrochemical and agrophysical properties of dark gray soil with different ways of its use
Authors S.I. Veremeenko, V.M. Poliovyi, V.I. Zatserkovnyi, P.I. Trofymenko and N.V. TrofimenkoSummaryThe article presents the results of monitoring of the straw usage as an organic fertilizer on the complete mineral fertilizer, supplemented by additional nitrogen to narrow the C:N ratio in order to improve its decomposition into basic agrophysical and agrochemical indicators of dark-gray soil. It was found that during two rotations of crop the straw helped to reduce soil density, but there was a significant acidification of the soil. With a positive balance of organic matter in crop rotation, the use of straw fertilizer on the significant dominance of nitrogen in the composition of mineral fertilizers did not ensure the reproduction of humus reserves of the studied soils. During dump tillage, a significant decrease in the content of humic acid fraction was observed when using mineral fertilizers only. The usage of straw and additional nitrogen in the plowing led to a significant loss of total humus by reducing the proportion of fulvic acids. While the surface cultivation with this fertilizer, there is a tendency to increase the proportion of fulvic acids and reduce the amount of humus acids associated with calcium.
Remote identification of winter wheat crops in monitoring tasks
Authors V.I. Zatserkovnyi, P.I. Trofymenko, Y.V. Bezhodkova, N.V. Trofimenko and V.P. TkachukSummaryIn this article, satellite images of Landsat-8 and terrestrial imagery were used as a source of information for the automated recognition of winter wheat sowing fields. The land of the Lichanka territorial community, Kyiv-Svyatoshinsky district of Kyiv region was selected as a research object. During the work, a correlation was established between the brightness values of terrestrial snapshots RGB of winter wheat, obtained from terrestrial field surveys, with the pixel brightness values of remote sensing images of different spectral channels and NDVI values. The most significant correlation coefficients of magnitude (RGB) with the values of brightness are as follows, r: channel 5 - 0.77, channel 6 - 0.69, channel 7 - 0.53, channel 10 - 0.74, channel 11-0, 59, NDVI - 0.91. Given the significant correlation between magnitudes (RGB) and NDVI, high informativeness of the 5th channel near infrared (0.845–0.885 μm), chosen to build the identification model should be considered natural. The use of the developed model of culture recognition allowed to territorially identifi winter wheat crops and distinguish them from other vegetation. The results of comparing the model’s identification ability and the NDVI’s vegetation index indicate its reliability and the feasibility of further improvement.
Study of microelement composition of potable groundwater in Korostyshiv district of Zhytomyr region in hydrogeochemical monitoring system
Authors T.O. Koshliakova, I.V. Kuraieva and O.Ye. KoshliakovSummaryThe purpose of the research was to study microelement composition of potable groundwater in Korostyshiv district of Zhytomyr region in terms of potential threats to human health. The study was conducted as part of general monitoring studies set of groundwater quality in the region in July 2020. Microelement analysis of water samples was performed by use of modern highly sensitive method of mass spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma (ICP-MS). Comparison of biologically significant concentrations (BSC) of the main groundwater trace elements with the content of microelements determined during the study, allowed to identify features: in the studied waters there is an excess of such elements as Sr and Ba. Cr is present in sufficient quantity. Instead, insufficient elements such as Li, V, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Cd and Pb were detected. The established features of groundwater microelement composition allowed to outline the range of probable negative consequences for public health. It was concluded that there are risks of some microelementosis deseases occurence in investigated area. The results obtained may be useful to justify the need to adjust the diet of local residents through the additional use of vitamin and mineral complexes.
Geophysical online monitoring of ores delivered to processing plants of Kazakhmys Corporation LLC, targeting silver
Authors A.N. Kan, R.V. Yun, S.A. Yefimenko, A.V. Erushkin and V.I. OnyshchukSummaryThis study discusses the results of methodological, hardware and experimental research targeting the objective of providing efficient online geophysical monitoring of grades for main (Cu, Pb, Zn) and by-product (Ag, Cd, Mo) elements in copper-containing ores from deposits developed by mining operations of Kazakhmys Corporation LLC in order to ensure enhanced operational control of copper and silver production; prorated and highly unbiased redistribution of overflow metal among sources of ore. Key issues: low silver grades (from 1+ ppm) in ores from most of deposits; complex chemical composition of produced ores, large pieces of ore (−300 mm), ore in dirt and dust. Method used: x-ray fluorescence. Hardware equipment used in the study: energy dispersive x-ray fluorescent (EDXRF) ore controlling stations (OCS) RLP-21. Target elements: copper, lead, zinc, silver, cadmium (molybdenum) and iron. OCS RLP-21 were implemented at processing plants located in Zhezkazgan, Balkhash and Karagaily as well as on the main conveyor at Nurkazgan Underground Mine (the total number of OCS deployed is 8 units). The studies have demonstrated that the objective of ensuring con-trolled mine production process on such ores has been achieved successfully: silver can be determined efficiently starting at the grade level of 1+ppm.