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EAGE/SPE Workshop on Shale Science 2017
- Conference date: April 10-11, 2017
- Location: Moscow, Russia
- Published: 10 April 2017
1 - 20 of 39 results
Multiscale Experimental Study of Microstructure and Elastic and Geomechanical Properties of Domanik and Bazhenov Rocks
SummarySeveral unconventional reservoir rocks including Bazhenov’s formation shale of VTI symmetry and five isotropic Domanik rocks have been studied within a framework of specially developed experimental-theoretical complex of petrophysical works. The complex includes multiscale analysis of 2D and 3D microstructure of rocks; determination of mineral composition, kerogen content, porosity, permeability, and density. Multilevel and multiscale ultrasounding of rocks (measurements of Vp and Vs) are also performed. The miscrostructure and elastic properties of rocks are studied at three different scales – full-sized core, standard samples (cylinders 30 by 60 mm) and small samples (cylinders 10 by 30 mm). These data allow one to estimate the rock’s heterogeneity, anisotropy and similarity of elastic properties at different scales and serve as a basis for future Rock Physics modeling. Geomechanical parameters including the static elastic moduli, UCS, angle of internal friction and characteristics of creep behavior are obtained for these rocks.
Multiscale Rock Physics Modeling of Effective Elastic Properties of Domanik and Bazhenov Rocks
SummaryMultiscale Rock Physics models of effective elastic properties of Bazhenov and Domanik “shale” rocks were constructed. For the modeling data on rock’s mineral composition, kerogen content, porosity, permeability, density, 2D/3D microstructure and elastic wave velocities were used. All these data were obtained within the framework of a specially developed experimental-theoretical complex of petrophysical works. The models reflect specific features of rock’s microstructure that are shown to strongly control the elastic wave velocities of the rocks.
Origin, Maturity and Generation Potential of Organic Matter from Bazhenov Formation According to Pyrolytic, Isotopic and Microstructure Data
SummaryNew data on the origin, geological conditions, thermal maturity, generation potential of organic matter from Bazhenov Formation have been obtained. Investigation of content pyrolyzed hydrocarbon components, determination of maturity level and kinetics of thermal kerogen destruction, studying the microstructure and other properties of organic matter of a few sections from Bazhenov Formation from wells of the Frolovskaya Depression were carried out. Application of obtained data for the identification of potential reservoir intervals, calculation of hydrocarbon reserves and resources, petroleum basin modeling and the development of thermal EOR technologies is discussed
Composition of Pyrolyzed Hydrocarbon Compounds from the Organic Matter of Bazhenov Formation
SummaryPyrolysis of rocks is one of the most important among set of geochemical methods of organic matter investigation. It is instrument for determining the quantity, quality and maturity of organic matter of source rock, but also investigation tool to study of reservoir fluids and recovery of kinetic characteristics of kerogen destruction. The pyrolytic data play important role in basin modeling and they are required for the correct calculation of hydrocarbon reserves and resources. The content in the rocks of liquid and gaseous products of thermal evaporation, as well as the hydrocarbons formed in the cracking of kerogen (pyrolysis parameters S0, S1 and S2) and their relations, which depend not only on the composition deposits, but also on the degree of their maturity level is the basis for modelling of oil generation and oil recovery from complicated system of Bazhenov Formation. The paper presents the interpretation pyrolytic data algorithm of samples before and after extraction with organic solvents for Bazhenov Formation, allowing to estimate group and molecular composition of pyrolyzed hydrocarbons.
Pore Water of Bazhenov Formation: Quantity and Composition
Authors E.S. Kazak, A.V. Kazak and N.N. BogdanovichSummaryThe paper presents the results of integrated experimental analysis of residual pore water content in a set of isolated core samples of the Bazhenov Formation taken from a well at one of the oil and gas fields in West Siberia, Russia. Additionally it includes measured values of cation exchange capacity and pore water composition of Bazhenov rocks obtained via composition analysis of water extracts. It was found that the free (presumably capillary) water content is 0.32÷2.53 wt%, the residual pore water content is 0.79÷3.70 wt%. The total amount of Na+, K+ and Cl- in the pore water of the Bazhenov Formation is determined to be 10.65÷79.21 g/L. The measured values of cation-exchange capacity (10.5÷14.72 meq/100 g of rock) correlate well with clay minerals content. Obtained results of the laboratory study was integrated with data of standard well logging suite. Free and residual water content was found to have low degree of correlation to each of logging channels in the suite. This circumstance indicates that it is impossible to get reliable estimate of Bazhenov Formation water saturation from standard well logging dataset, but also that obtained laboratory result is an independent variable of petrophysical model of Bazhenov reservoir rocks.
Communication of the Pore Space of Rocks with Exploitation of HC Deposits in the Khadum Sediments of the Eastern Ciscaucasia
SummaryThe article provides description of pore space texture of reservoir rocks matrix of Khadum formation from Eastern Ciscaucasus. The kinds and types of pore space were determined. Presents two models of the texture of matrix rock and texture of pore space for deposits of pshehskogo horizon and the horizon Morozkin balka. The article describes the influence of pore space texture on to the “life cycle” of the development of oil reserves in unconventional Khadum deposits in the Eastern Ciscaucasus. Three stages of development were determined and each of them has their own characteristics.
Genesis Determination of Shale Formation Natural Reservoir: Bazhenov Horizon Case Study
Authors D.E. Zagranovskaia, A.A. Kasyanenko and A.D. KorobovSummaryMosaic netprotocol of the Bazhenov formation is determined not only by the uneven heating of vysokovitaminnym strata, but variability of the tectonic situation: the situation of the productive strata concerning the various faults and their fracture Operahuset. As a result, on-site Polanowska LOU appeared heterogeneous oil saturation (promising development) zone. The results of the research allow to make the next step in the solution methodology mapping of prospects with the development of the natural manifold, namely to conduct a mineralogical mapping vysokovitaminnym deposits in the area where they are first deposited directly on the early Mesozoic rhyolites (granites Paleozoiskiy young - intrusions) and in places where the lower Jurassic tyre. And second, isolated overlying and underlying sedimentary strata.
Reviewed material shows that multi-scale dolomitization, along with calcitization developed as in rich in organic matter (OM) in rocks and primary sedimentary limestones and calcareous rocks of the Bazhenov-Abalak complex. The flow rates of the wells penetrated these strata, in some cases, may vary greatly as the nature of the relationship between the imposed by dolomitization and sedimentary calcasola complex.
Vysokovitaminnym formation in the Bazhenov formation deposits syngenetic free (scattered) of oil and natural secondary manifold presented bituminoznye organogenic-clay rocks, containing disseminated dolomite in situ are paragenetic processes. The border appearance of scattered secondary dolomite in situ in the bituminous sediments should be considered the contour of the productivity of the Bazhenov formation with the presence of free oil
Interrelations Between Bazhenov Formation Rock Properties and Their Significance for Investigation of Hydrocarbon Fields
SummaryComplex of Bazhenov shales properties was analyzed experimentally including continuous high-resolution (1–2 mm) profiling of thermal conductivity and volumetric heat capacity on more than 13000 core samples from 17 wells drilled in 11 hydrocarbon fields. Principal components of thermal conductivity and thermal anisotropy coefficient were determined for all core samples. Processing and geological interpretation of thermophysical data were performed jointly with standard wire-line logging and laboratory measurement data. Close correlations between thermal properties, from one hand, and total organic carbon, acoustic velocities, density, and natural radioactivity, from other hand, were established along with correlation between thermal anisotropy coefficient and elastic property anisotropy. It was found out that the correlations established are caused by the fact that relatively stable properties of rock matrix are in great contrast with organic matter properties. The regression equations established allowed to develop approaches to transform thermal profiling data in total organic carbon, acoustic velocities, geomechanical parameters, density, and natural radioactivity profiles. Close correspondence between results of thermal profiling and scratching core samples (applied for strength properties determination and detailed characterization of rock formation heterogeneity) was ascertained. It provided scratching complementing or substituting by thermal core profiling as Bazhenov rock samples are destructed under scratching often.
The Key Directions of the Shale Oil Study in Terms of «Rock Fabric
Authors A.D. Alekseev and A.A. KasyanenkoSummaryCurrently, this is actual the study of shale oil in terms of creating artificial permeability (i.e. “rock fabric”). Usually the study of oil-bearing objects is limited to valuation the standard geological parameters, which are called ‘volumetric’ (net pay, porosity, permeability, oil and gas saturation, area, etc.), but they are not enough to describe the possibilities of shale oil development with using well stimulation techniques. For this purpose, it proposed to supplement the standard research methods to identify movable hydrocarbons, valuation of geomechanical parameters, lateral and vertical reservoir variability for purposes of drilling long horizontal wellbores. This article focuses on methods that can be used for these case
Some Features of the Bazhenov Formation Reservoirs Petrophysical Model
Authors B.N. Enikeev and V.V. KolesovSummaryPublications review of Russian and foreign authors reveals a wide variety of approaches to the interpretation of clay reservoirs. Recommended geophysical methods also differ, as well as the composition of petrophysical relationships and their aggregation models. Authors present their own approach to interpretation Bazhenov deposits and examine its differences from recommendations and suggestions of other authors. The report examines and compares different approaches to the systematic description of a model system of the Bazhenov formation reservoir rocks as well as lithologically and petrophysicaly similar objects and prospects for the expansion and development of their model. Authors single out the methods based on the layers packets identification, identification of lithotypes by logging data, electrofacies use, as well as estimates of the volume model parameters. Authors consider including link-models in addition to equations of component contents relationship with the measured logging readings. They underline the role of the component model relationship with pyrite, sulfur, and TOC containment. We consider the simplest diagnostic signs of collector, in particular, resistivity, neutron and GRay data measured in scales with external, internal and local normalization. Authors also offer interpretation of historical oil production data for a specific object, which indicates significant dependence of production volume not only on volume mineral data, but also on some geological parameters. In our opinion, this illustrates the importance of effective filtration channels and their relation to geological parameters
Geoelectric Model of the Bazhenov Formation Deposits According to Electrical and Electromagnetic Logging Sounding Data
Authors A. Petrov, C. Sukhorukova and O. NechaevSummaryThe increased interest in the development of low-permeability and low-porosity reservoirs leads to the necessity of developing new approaches to quantitative interpretation of geophysical data, providing the acquisition of more detailed information about the structure and properties of sediments by contrast to the traditional approach. The paper proposes techniques for determining the electrical parameters of a consistent geoelectric model explaining the behavior of lateral logging sounding and high-frequency electromagnetic sounding signals measured in vertical wells at intervals of the Bazhenov formation.
The technique is based on the present-day finite element numerical simulation and inversion of electrical and electromagnetic logging signals in a two-dimensional axisymmetric model, taking into account the resistivity anisotropy, dielectric permittivity and its frequency dispersion in the 0.875–14 MHz range. The resulting models fit the measured signals of the both methods within the measurement error, and focused lateral logs, which are not involved directly.
According to the data inversion results at intervals of the Bazhenov formation from more than twenty wells from Fedorovskoe, East-Surgutskoe and Russkinskoye fields, we determined the features of the resistivity anisotropy coefficient distribution and carried out the first numerical experiments to evaluate the values of the effective dielectric permittivity.
Prediction of Prospective Objects in Khadum Formation Based on Quantitative Seismic Interpretation
Authors D.A. Danko, V.I. Ryzhkov, D.V. Klyazhnikov, N.A. Osintseva and A.S. RakhmatullinaSummaryIn this abstract, we present a methodology of prospective objects identification in Khadum formation based on joint study of rock physics modelling, new techniques of quantitative seismic interpretation, lineament analysis and fault-block zones allocation. Techniques for building detailed volumetric lithological model of the studied deposits based on the integrated study of geological and geophysical data are proposed. A detailed analysis of the input information allows to consider a rock type with high porosity as a prospective object, which can be identified using the “Vp/Vs ratio - acoustic impedance” cross-plot. This create the precondition for predicting prospective objects in the inter-well space using the results of seismic amplitude inversion. The map of perspective objects in Khadum formation in the study area was formed based on conducted research and the obtained results
Bazhenov Formation Sweet-Spot Prediction on the Basis of Geophysical Data
Authors M.V. Salishchev, I.V. Shishmanidi, A.D. Alekseev, M.K. Tarakanovskij and A.V. BasovSummaryBazhenov formation in point of seismic is clear amplitude marker horizon which is characterized by low values of acoustic velocity and density. The object of seismic forecast for this formation is complicated by the lack of productivity potential intervals clear defined characteristics in well logs, high compositionally-textural heterogeneity and presence of natural fractures. One of the methods to increase forecast reliability is modern technology of quantitative seismic interpretation based on the elastic rock model. Since bazhenov formation productivity potential intervals are mainly associated with dolomitization, which is appeared as a result of epigenetic alternation, it is important to take into account these processes considering areal forecast. To evaluate and analyze the factors influencing the bazhenov formation epigenetic alternation, it is beneficial to use the gravitational and magnetic survey interpretation results which provides data on the pre-Jurassic basement composition responsible for bazhenov deposits alterntion controlling. In this regard bazhenov formation productivity forecast requires to engage all the available geophysical data and multiple seismic processing and interpretation techniques attended by integration and mutual verification of the results. This paper considers the approach to predict sweet-spots of unconventional bazhenov formation on the basis of well data and areal geophysacal exploration methods.
Determination of Domanikit Types as Elements of Geo-Fluid System
Authors I.R. Makarova and E.I. GrokhotovSummaryThis work is a continuation of VNIGRI research, which shows varying degrees of maturity in different lithotips in Domanik horizon. Values ranged from katagenesis PC-MK1 to MK 4–5, alternating along the borehole. The terms “catagenetic gap” and “catagenetic window” were proposed, respectively, to indicate the interruption in increasing katagenesis degree with depth and searching stratas with potential source rocks. 12 types of domanikits are allokated based on complex analysis
Hemostratigraphy Bazhenov Formation. Clustering and Correlation
Authors A. Gavrilov, M. Tugarova and I. KarpovSummaryChemostratigraphy is a direction of science at the intersection of chemistry and stratigraphy dealing with the study of the chemical composition of sedimentary rocks. Lithochemical methods and algorithms of processing chemical datas for a long time and are successfully implemented in local geology as applied to black shale formations for a long time.
The problems of separation and correlation of fine multimineral black slates are one of the problems in the complex development of objects. Chemostratigraphic techniques, applied for the first time in the study of the bazhenov formation, worked well with the lithostratigraphic division of the section of BF in different structural-facies zones of the West Siberian OGP.
Petrochemical modules allow to divide quickly a section of the well material composition to chemotypes and further they can be used as an analog of material and structural types for creation of petrophysical models.
For a partition and correlation of sections of BG it is reasonable to use REE
Typification of a section on the chemical composition directly correlates with physical parameters, and allows for a quantitative basis to differentiate the material composition of rocks on lithochemical-based petrochemical modules.
The Scheme of Stratification and Correlation of Bazhenov Horizon for Different Structural-Facies and Tectonic Areas
Authors I.V. Panchenko and V.D. NemovaSummaryThe article presents results of detailed differentiation of Bazhenov horizon (Bazhenov formation, lower Tutleim formation) based on lithological, geochemical, and paleontological data complex correlated with well logging. The criteria were worked out, which allow consistently stratify Bazhenov sediments within the boundaries of fields, tectonic and structural-facies areas. Marking horizons and reper regional intervals were found, to reliable correlate sections on vast distances.
In recent years, many geological research groups worked on areal Bazhenov sediments analysis, matching their supply and oil generation intervals in comparing different areas of Bazhenov horizon distribution. Thus, there is necessity of unified knowledge of Bazhenov sediments structure and correlation, which makes this work actual and needed.
The Bazhenov Formation Types According to its Oil Production and Exploration in Central Part of West Siberia
Authors V.D. Nemova and I.V. PanchenkoSummarySummary of all core and exploration research results of the Bazhenov formation are given.Different geological structure of the Bazhenov formation and its oil production and exploration in five regions of West Siberia are given. Relationship between reserviores, exploration conditions and degree of OM catagenesis are mentiond.
The Structure of the Bazhenov-Abalak Oil and Gas Complex
Authors E.V. Oleynik and E.E. OksenoydSummaryThe deposits of the West Siberian oil and gas province contains the basic share of the hydrocarbon resources of the country. The major share of such resources is identified and is under the development. Bazhenovsko-Abalaksky oil and gas complex is unique in the section of the province. First of all, these deposits are the main oil source thickness for above and below the overlying rocks. On the other hand, they are object with mobile hydrocarbons. Such resources have significant area of distribution on the single fields of the province. For correct quantitative estimation of such resources of these deposits and holding basin modeling is necessary to identify the structural features of this part of the section and the patterns of change in the structure of these deposits on the territory of their development. It is also necessary to define the boundaries of oil and gas complex in the section and by the area of development of these deposits.
Regional Forecast of Oil Presence in the Bazhenov Shale in the Central Part of the West Siberia
Authors E.E. Oksenoyd and E.V. OleynikSummaryDuring the last recent years VI. Shpilman research and analytical Centre for the rational use of the subsoil carries out detailed studying of the Upper Jurassic Bazhenov Shale that is considered to contain the largest amounts of shale oil resource in the world. The sizable database of geologic information from the whole territory of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Ugra, which contains geochemical and lithologic analyses of core samples (from more than 300 wells), data of well tests, logs, seismic information and etc., allows to map various characteristics and construct a model of the Bazhenov shale.
The proved oil presence in the Bazhenov shale (spreading of discovered deposits, oil production rates) is compared with various lithological, mineralogical, geochemical and thermobaric factors. The critical parameters and their values were substantiated: reservoir temperature of the Bazhenov shale, specific hydrocarbon generation and maturation level of kerogen. The map of regional prospects of the Bazhenov shale was predicted by superposition the distributions of abovenamed parameters with taking into account spreading of the “Abnormal Bazhen” zones and hydrocarbon generation area boundaries. Five categories of lands of various degree of prospects are marked out.
Stratification of the Abalak Formation, Distribution and Genesis of its Carbonaceous Bodies Due to its Oil Productivity
Authors M. Smirnova, V.D. Nemova and I.V. PanchenkoSummaryStratification scheme of the Abalak formation is given on the base of core study (sedimentological, geochemical, carbonate isotopy) and well data interpretation. Carbonaceous bodies of various genesis are revealed. Presence of 2 types of microbiolithes is proven and its connection to certain formation intervals is substantiated. These data allow to perform a targeted search for microbiolith oil reservoirs.