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66th EAGE Conference & Exhibition
- Conference date: 07 Jun 2004 - 10 Jun 2004
- Location: Paris, France
- Published: 07 June 2004
521 - 540 of 562 results
Quality Control and Correction of Temperature Wellhole Data in the Southern North Sea
Authors J.S.A. Vermooten, J.M. Verweij and H.J. SimmelinkP281 QUALITY CONTROL AND CORRECTION OF TEMPERATURE WELLHOLE DATA IN THE SOUTHERN NORTH SEA. Summary 1 A reliable temperature database including an effective quality coding is important for carrying out geothermal and maturity studies. This paper discusses the results of a quality control and correction of temperature measurements from released wells in offshore Netherlands. The correction procedure starts with the selection of a reference data set representative for the virgin rock temperature. This reference data set is selected from the drillstem test temperatures (TDST) based on their reliability. Subsequently an empirical correction function is derived for correcting Horner extrapolated bottom-hole
Oil – Source Rock Correlation in Lublin Area (Poland) – Geochemical Approach
Authors D. Wieclaw, M.J. Kotarba and T. WilczekP282 OIL – SOURCE ROCK CORRELATION IN LUBLIN AREA (POLAND): GEOCHEMICAL APPROACH 1 D. WIECLAW 1 M.J. KOTARBA 1 T. WILCZEK 2 1 AGH University of Science and Technology Faculty of Geology Geophysics and Environmental Protection Mickiewicza Ave. 30 30-059 Krakow Poland 2 Polish Oil and Gas Company Jagiellonska St. 76 03-301 Warsaw Poland SUMMARY The Lublin Trough is one of the biggest petroleum basins in Poland. Results of pyrolytic Rock Eval stable carbon isotope and biomarkers analyses of 191 core samples reveal that oil-prone kerogen (Type II) dominate in Silurian Devonian and Lower Carboniferous strata and gas-prone (Type III)
Source Potential of Triassic Sediments in the Southernmost Moesian Platform Central Zone
Authors N.D. Botoucharov, G.V. Georgiev, R. Sachsenhofer and A. BechtelP283 SOURCE POTENTIAL OF TRIASSIC SEDIMENTS IN THE SOUTHERNMOST MOESIAN PLATFORM CENTRAL ZONE Introduction 1 Most of the oil and gas economic discoveries in Bulgaria are located in the southernmost Moesian platform part along the transition zone to southern platform margin. Five of the most significant economic fields are situated in the Southern Moesian Platform central zone (Fig. 1-C). They are related with various Mesozoic sedimentary formations and structural zones but the major reserves are concentrated in the Anisian carbonates (Doyren Fm) and Lower Jurassic basal clastics (Kostinska Fm.). Long time the origin of the hydrocarbons in the fields was
Largest West Siberia Oil and Gas Bearing Basin – Giant and Unique Petroleum System
Authors A. Nemchenko-Rovenskaya, F.K. Salmanov, V. Gavura and T. NemchenkoP284 LARGEST WEST SIBERIA OIL AND GAS BEARING BASIN: GIANT AND UNIQUE PETROLEUM SYSTEM Farman K. Salmanov (ITERA) Alla Nemchenko-Rovenskya (VNIIGeosystem) Vilen Gavura(SibNeft) Tatyana Nemchenko (PetroAlliance) 1 The West Siberian Province is the largest oil-and gas bearing province recognized on Russian territory. The Northern part of the provinces (Nadym-Pur Pur-Taz Yamal and Gydan) are predominantly gas bearing. Other as Pre-Ural and Frolov in the west of the province Sredny Priob and Kamys in central part and Vasyugan and Paidugin in the east are predominantly oil bearing. One characteristic feature of the West Siberian is a large number of giant fields.
Petroleum System in Autochthonous Miocene Strata of the Carpathian Foredeep, Poland
By M.J. KotarbaP285 PETROLEUM SYSTEM IN AUTOCHTHONOUS MIOCENE STRATA OF THE CARPATHIAN FOREDEEP POLAND Abstract 1 The Carpathian Foredeep is one of the biggest petroleum basins in the Central Europe. It forms an Alpine tectonic trough filled with the marine Miocene molasse. The trough extends along the Carpathian orogenic belt from Vienna in the west to Iron Gate in Romania in the south-east and also partly under the Carpathian orogen (Fig. 1). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 KRAKÓW ZAKOPANE TARNÓW MIELEC SLOVAK REPUBLIC RZESZÓW EAGE 66th Conference & Exhibition — Paris France 7 - 10
Assessing the Impact of Source Size on PS-Wave Reflections – Offshore Qatar
Authors J. Holden, E. Angerer, N. Jones, H. Lynn, M. Fenton, S. Slawson and S. BurnsP291 ASSESSING THE IMPACT OF SOURCE SIZE ON PS-WAVE REFLECTIONS – OFFSHORE QATAR 1 Abstract We investigate the effect of airgun source size on mode-converted shear-wave reflections recorded by an OBC survey offshore Qatar. The analyses are based on a series of repeat 2D test-lines acquired over the same OBC receiver layout. Both pressure-wave (PP-wave) and mode-converted shear-wave (PS-wave) data were processed through to final migration on each test-line. Subsequent signal analysis showed a consistent response at target level with only small changes in signal-to-noise content within the range of gun-sizes used. Introduction J. Holden E. Angerer N. Jones (CGG
Calibration of Multicomponent Sensors
Authors B. Gratacos and P.Y. GrangerP292 CALIBRATION OF MULTICOMPONENT SENSORS Summary 1 During the processing sequence for multicomponent data a very initial phase consists in finding the actual orientations of geophones in space as well as converting the horizontal geophones to a common wavelet. This stage is becoming increasingly critical with the advent of the latest generation of geophones able to operate in any orientation on non-gimballed cables. We propose a receiver-consistent method that aims to provide calibrated vertical and horizontal geophones without the need for initial orientations from the field. The effect of the algorithm is demonstrated on real data. Principle and notations The
Vector Fidelity Characterization of a Marine Multi-Component Acquisition System
Authors E. Kragh, A. Vigner, S. Buizard, A. Strømmen-Melbø, S. Horne, J. Robertsson, L. Combee, K. Iranpour, N. Goujon, J. Gaiser, P. Caprioli, E. Muyzert and J. MartinP293 VECTOR FIDELITY CHARACTERIZATION OF A MARINE MULTI-COMPONENT ACQUISITION SYSTEM Summary 1 Vector fidelity is a desirable characteristic for a multi-component acquisition system. An acquisition system with poor vector fidelity generates data which if uncorrected will lead to subsequent errors in processing and a lack of confidence in final interpretations. To quantify the vector fidelity of a new marine multi-component acquisition system extensive wide azimuth data was collected and analysed. Direct arrivals acquired from dense shot grids are analysed using linearity metrics and coupling correction matrices. A high degree of linearity typically in excess of 0.99 shows the system to
Optimal Four Geophone Configuration, Vector Fidelity and Long-Term Monitoring
Authors R.H. Jones and H. AsanumaP294 OPTIMAL FOUR GEOPHONE CONFIGURATION VECTOR FIDELITY AND LONG-TERM MONITORING Introduction 1 The increased use of 3D and now 4D multi-component seismic reflection imaging methods and their application to reservoir monitoring means that ever greater amounts of information and detail are being sought from seismic reflection data. This in turn requires data of increased quality and reliability. Now with the advent of life of field seabed seismic systems these requirements are becoming even more pressing. As well as improving the performance of any permanent system its performance over time must also be closely monitored and if it is found to
Validating the Basic Assumptions in a Vibratory Source Signal Estimation Method
By P. ScholtzP295 VALIDATING THE BASIC ASSUMPTIONS IN A VIBRATORY SOURCE SIGNAL ESTIMATION METHOD Abstract 1 In the past few years a wavelet transformation based analysis tool was developed to extract information from geophone signals on source generated distorted output during reflection seismic measurements. With the help of the method it is possible to derive the signals’ higher harmonic components relative to the fundamental part. Based on the observations I also proposed a method which combines measured vibratory ground force signals and the estimated relative data to approximate the true distorted vibrator output signal. The basis of the combination is that the
Extended High-Frequency Processing of Vibrator VSP Data
Authors J.B.U. Haldorsen, W. Borland and H.B. HeijnaP296 EXTENDED HIGH-FREQUENCY PROCESSING OF VIBRATOR VSP DATA Abstract A seismic vibrator is a nonlinear system and will as a rule generate energy at higher multiples of this frequency in addition to the signal at the intended frequency. We demonstrate that these normally notaccounted-for frequency components can be recovered as signal for vertical seismic profile (VSP) imaging provided the total raw waveforms are used in the deconvolution process. Dukhan Field The Dukhan field located on the west side of Qatar (Figure 1) was discovered in 1939 and was put on production in December 1949. There are currently three producing reservoirs—Arab
Wavelets without Wells – Via Prestack Inversion
Authors P.D. Anno and P.S. RouthP301 WAVELETS WITHOUT WELLS – VIA PRESTACK INVERSION Summary 1 In this paper we demonstrate an inversion methodology to extract a source wavelet from each prestack gather. This inversion estimates and deconvolves the effective source contribution within an interval of interest at the same time characterizing AVO with high resolution. We demonstrate with field data that: (1) the wavelets estimated by inversion compare favorably with a wavelet derived from well control and (2) the inversion recovers wavelet phase to within at least 15° for these data. Since the inversion estimates a wavelet for each input gather one may also track
Dispersion Correction Based on Gradient Computations
More LessP302 DISPERSION CORRECTION BASED ON GRADIENT COMPUTATIONS Abstract 1 Time delay evaluation is an essential operation often necessary in multidimensional signal processing. Into seismic processing this operation is carried out in a systematic way before wave separation filter. All these operations and especially wavefield separation tools are very sensitive to a good wave alignment. Conventional time delay estimation relies on cross correlation or less classically on high order statistics. Nonetheless in near surface applications modeling the propagation by a simple delay may be not enough. In this paper we approximate the phase of the propagation filter at the order two
Converted Wave Statics Correction by Inversion of CRS Trace Time Shifts
More LessP303 CONVERTED WAVE STATICS CORRECTION BY INVERSION OF CRS TRACE TIME SHIFTS Abstract 1 We present a new method for resolving converted wave receiver statics based on inversion theory. The statics are obtained by minimizing the trace-to-trace time differences of target reflectors in the Common-Receiver Stack (CRS). In general most erroneous time picks are associated with weak crosscorrelation. The method can better handle the uncertainty of time picks in presence of noise because we use the crosscorrelation coefficients as weights in the inversion. The weights ensure that the time delays picked with weak crosscorrelation have less contribution to the solution
Integration of Advanced Seismic Multifocusing Technology with Potential Field Analysis
Authors A. Berkovitch, L. Eppelbaum, N. Scharff and E. GubermanP304 Integration of advanced seismic multifocusing technology with potential field analysis ALEX BERKOVITCH 1 LEV EPPELBAUM 2 NATHAN SCHARFF 1 AND EMIL GUBERMAN 1 1 Geomage Ltd 65 Nahal Soreq Modiin 71700 Israel 1 2 Dept. of Geophysics and Planetary Sciences Raymond and Beverly Sackler Faculty of Exact Sciences Tel Aviv University Ramat Aviv Tel Aviv Israel Summary Implementation of the multifocusing technology (MT) is based on a phase correlation of the signal on the observed seismic traces. The data are moveout corrected along different travel time curves to find the curve closest to the travel time curve of the
The Impact of Data Pre-Processing on Sub-Basalt Seismic Imaging
Authors A. Druzhinin, R.W. Hobbs and X.-Y. LiP305 THE IMPACT OF DATA PRE-PROCESSING ON SUB-BASALT SEISMIC IMAGING 1 A. DRUZHININ 1 R. W. HOBBS 2 and X-Y. LI 1 1 British Geological Survey Murchison House West Mains Road Edinburgh EH9 3LA UK 2 Dept. of Earth Sciences Durham University South Road Durham DH1 3LE UK Summary Source deconvolution with de-ghosting surface multiple suppression and wavefield separation are essential pre-processing steps prior to seismic imaging in complex areas. We study the impact these data pre-processing methods have on wave-mode dependent sub-basalt imaging. Long-offset data from a recent marine streamer survey in the Faeroes-Shetland Basin were reprocessed using various
Data Conditioning for a Combined Inversion and AVO Reservoir Characterisation Study
Authors M. Da Silva, M. Rauch-Davies, A. Soto Cuervo and P. VeekenP306 DATA CONDITIONING FOR A COMBINED INVERSION AND AVO RESERVOIR CHARACTERISATION STUDY. Summary 1 The Cocuite gas field located onshore Mexico is producing since the 1960’s from 4 main reservoir levels (E G channels M) with a steadily declining production rate. The structural interpretation indicates important extensions of the main gas accumulation undrained by existing wells. Detailed amplitude studies are conducted using both pre- and post-stack seismic data to validate this hypothesis and minimise the risk in out-step drilling. A sub-volume of 100 km 2 from the Cocuite 3D seismic survey was reprocessed. The data conditioning includes a full Kirchhoff
AVA Inversion Using Real-Coded Genetic Algorithm
Authors S. Chakraborty, S. Phadke and R.K. VermaP 307 AVA inversion using real-coded genetic algorithm SUMMARY S. CHAKRABORTY 1 S. PHADKE 2 and R. K. VERMA 3 1 Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) Pune - 411007 India 2 Formerly with C-DAC now with Reliance Industries Ltd. Oil & Gas Division Navi Mumbai - 400709 India 3 GEOPIC ONGC Dehradun - 248195 India AVA (Amplitude variation with angle) inversion is becoming popular in oil & gas exploration with the advancement in the High Performance Computers. AVA inversion is used for estimation of elastic parameters from prestack seismic data. In this article we present a 1D seismic
Azimuth Dependent Processing – Application to the Clair OBS Data
Authors T. Tabti, T. Tvedt and J. LanghammerP308 AZIMUTH DEPENDENT PROCESSING – APPLICATION TO THE CLAIR OBS DATA Summary 1 The Clair data set is a 3D-4C Ocean Bottom Seismic data acquired by PGS for BP in the West of Shetlands area in the North Atlantic. With the view of characterizing azimuthal variations in elastic properties the data were acquired using a patch geometry that allowed for a good offset and azimuth distribution. Processing of the acquired multi-component dataset was also awarded to PGS Data Processing centre in Oslo. The main challenge was to apply true 3D processing that takes into account the azimuth dimension. Conventional seismic
Modeling Tubewave Effects in Seismic Wave Simulations
Authors R.T. Coates, C. Wu and L. EisnerP311 Modeling Tubewave Effects In Seismic Wave Simulations. Abstract 1 AUTHORS R.T. COATES 1 CHUNLING WU 2 L. EISNER 3 The borehole has a significant effect on the acoustic wavefield radiated from a downhole source. Similarly the borehole has a significant effect on the signal received by downhole receivers. At high frequencies in excess of 1 kHz these effects are a complex interaction of compressional shear flexural and fluid-borne modes. However at seismic frequencies below 1 kHz the generation and propagation of tubewaves are the dominant effects. Thus in borehole seismic modeling it is important to include tubewave effects to