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Tyumen 2021
- Conference date: March 22-26, 2021
- Location: Tyumen, Russia
- Published: 22 March 2021
1 - 20 of 88 results
The Reflected Electromagnetic Wave CDP Method (ECDP) Testing Results and Possibilities for The Future Oil and Gas Exploration
SummaryToday, thanks to development of technologies and research in the field of propagation of the electromagnetic waves in the real physical media, it has become possible to make shooting, record and office processing of the reflected electromagnetic waves using methodological schemes, principles and processing tools typical for seismic exploration with the Reflected wave CDP Method (CDP) for oil and gas. The report presents the results of experimental and methodological works on testing the Reflected electromagnetic wave CDP Method (ECDP) at one of the oil and gas fields in the north of Western Siberia. There was used the experimental Russian radioradar equipment of the GROT-12 series. The depth proven by the vertical velocity spectrum according to the CDP scheme was 550 m. There are reserves for the further significant accuracy increase in the accuracy, quality and the sounding depth based on the improvement of the system of synchronization, ratio and amplitude range expansion. Investment into R & D modification of the equipment gives prerequisites to create the first in the world hardware and methodology complex of the 2D Reflected electromagnetic wave CDP Method (ECDP) based on TS (antennas).
The Influence of Molecular Weight of Polyisobutylenes on Tribological Properties of Polyurea Greases
Authors D.I Daudi and A.Y KilyakovaSummaryThe purpose of this work was to investigate the effect of a thickening polymer additive - polyisobutylene - on tribological properties of polyurea greases. Biocoal in concentration of 5,10,15 mas. % was added to the obtained lubricant samples. The following were analyzed: dropping point (GOST 32394-2013), penetration (GOST 32331-2013), colloid stability (GOST 7142-74) and tribological characteristics (GOST 9490-75). Based on the analysis of the data obtained, it was concluded that the diameter of the wear spot decreases and the dripping temperature increases with increasing concentration of the filler, which affects the effectiveness of its work in the grease. To improve the studied parameters it was suggested to add to dispersion medium a thickening additive - polyisobutylene (PIB) of different molecular weight -10 thousand g/mol, 30 thousand g/mol and 50 thousand g/mol (1%). As a result of the work performed, we concluded that the best tribological properties are the samples in which an PIB additive of 10 (1%) was dissolved in oil.
Seismic Facies Analysis Based on 3D Seismic Data on Training Field of The Republic of Tatarstan
Authors J.V Gubaidullina and B.V PlatovSummaryRestoration of facies in the inter-well space is an actual issue. If we know filtration-capacitive properties from the core data in the well, which we tied to seismic data, we can trace distribution of facies throughout the territory. And if we will know distribution of facies, we can define filtration-capacitive properties in the interwell space and location of the reservoir. The work was to identify facies using neural algorithm classification by signal shape and seismic attributes. The identified facies: alluvial facies, fresh water facies and shoreline facies. Also, during the work, authors created maps of tulian horizon and identified the facies distribution and location of paleochannels and reef structures of the tulian horizon.
Determination State of Frozen Saline Soils by Geophysical Methods
Authors I.A Agapkin and P.I KotovSummarySaline frozen soils occupy vast territories of the Arctic coast. , it is necessary to determine the state of frozen soil for construction purposes. Because there are saline soils with a negative temperature, which is higher than freezing point. These soils do not contain ice and have high deformability, low bearing capacity; therefore, they must be identified at the preliminary stage of site investigation. We carried out special laboratory test, where determined different characreristics for calculation (salinity, water content, density, Atterberg Limits, freezing point, velocity of longitudinal waves, electrical resistivity). A method for calculating the concentration of pore solution in soils ( massive cryogenic texture) based on the data of geophysical parameters (velocity of longitudinal waves, electrical resistivity) has been proposed and tested. Using of the obtained value of the concentration of the pore solution makes it possible to calculate freezing point according to the formula recommended by Russian standard SP25.13330.2012. Calculations carried out using the data of electrical resistivity are closer to the experimental values. Thus, knowing freezing point and temperature of soil (according to themperature measurement, which are carried out everywhere in permafrost), it is possible to determine state of frozen soil.
Increase in Oil Production under Acoustic Stimulation of The Reservoir
Authors E.A Marfin and A.I KadyirovSummaryThis work is devoted to the study of the effect on oil production of acoustic impact, carried out through a nonproducing well. The results of numerical modeling have confirmed the effectiveness of acoustic exposure. An additional increase in oil production is determined not only by the vibration frequency, but also by the distance between the emitter and the production well. The lower the vibration frequency and the closer the emitter is to the production well, the greater the effect of exposure. The results obtained can be used both when choosing a mode of acoustic impact on the formation to increase the efficiency of oil field development, and when developing technical means for generating elastic vibrations.
BS10, BS11-1 Formations of Tevlinsky-Russkinsky Field Model, with Regard to Pulsating Regime with a Changing of Dominant Sedimentary Material Source
Authors I.A Peshkova, D.V Aleksandrov, E.N Niskovskix and V.M VingalovSummaryThe model of the formation of the Cheuska and Sarman cyclites as a part of a regional-cross-bedding model of the structure of shallow-marine sediments of the Berrias-Valanginian period is presented. The facies zonation of the deposits is shown, due to the cyclical change of sedimentation conditions, the influence of local features of the paleorelief, the formation of areas of secondary re-deposition as a result of the influence of high energy water-flow.
Forecasting Hydrocarbons Using Transformations of Potential Fields on Example of Yamal Oil and Gas Region
Authors M.Y Oreshkova and A.N FernandesSummaryIn this paper, informative transformants of gravitational and magnetic fields are calculated for predicting oil and gas fields in the Yamal oil and gas region. Transformation is a converting or reformation of original field values into other values using a special mathematical algorithm. Initial materials are digital models of gravitational and magnetic fields of sheet R-42 (Yamal), scale 1: 1 000 000. A scientific forecast of geological structure and prospects of promising areas is carried out. This forecast is based on complex of already available geological and geophysical information for further determination of rational volumes of modern seismic exploration in priority areas.
Complex Interpretation of Potential Fields Using an Example of Nepa-Botuobinskaya and Angara-Lenskaya Oil and Gas Regions in Order to Identify perspective Areas for Hydrocarbons
Authors A.N Fernandes Mamani and M.Y OreshkovaSummaryTomography of potential fields is considered in this paper. Calculations is carried out by downward continuation of potential fields. A serious drawback of tomography is oblique (at 45°) interference from intensive field anomalies on computed spatial distribution of effective magnetization or density. It is necessary to continue down components extracted from the field with iterative or median bandpass filter in this work. These interferences will suppressed and shown in model and practical example.
Use of Texas Two Step Fracturing to Enhance Oil Recovery at The Chutyrsko-Kiengopskoye Gas and Oil Field, Udmurtia
Authors O.V Likhacheva, G.Yu Kashin and A.V DubovtsevSummaryThis article deals with the possibility of using the Texas Two Step (TTS) technology in order to increase oil production at fields of the Udmurt Republic. The most appropriate oil field to use this technology is one of the largest oil fields of the region, namely Chutyrsko-Kiengopskoye gas and oil field. The article examines the advantages and economic indicators of the TTS technology proposed to be applied in the Chutyrsko-Kiengopskoye field.
Problems of Repair & Insulation Work Efficiency and Key Factors of Water Coproduction at Oil Fields of The Udmurt Republic
Authors A.V Dubovtsev, G.Yu Kashin and O.V LikhachevaSummaryOne of the main problems for oil & gas industry in the Udmurt Republic is a high content of water producing along with oil, caused by involving many fields of the region into the final stage of development. Effective performance of repair & insulation works, also known as remedial well servicing, allows slowing down the tendency of increasing the excess water coproduction from producing wells. However, when designing repair & insulation work technology, the correct determination of the water cut source based on the research results plays a key role. This article considers the chief causes for the early water cut increase in wells and forms their classification. Taking oil fields located in the Udmurt Republic as examples, the main ways of water inflow to the bottom of production wells are examined. Comprehensive analysis shows the efficiency of repair & insulation works at the fields in question.
Review of First Breaks Automatic Picking Algorithms Through Several Advanced Modern Software
Authors T.R Shamsutdinov, R.F Kadikov, A.Z Nedostupov and T.R SharafutdinovSummaryNowadays, the question of a quick solution for the a priori statics calculation issue remains acute. In this regard, the search for a solution to reduce the first breaks picking time is a crucial task. The perfect option for processing is a fully automatic picking procedure with virtually zero involvement of the processing operator. Thus, the task of this report is to determine the optimal tool for automatically first breaks picking. As a result of testing several modern software algorithms, the Flatirons Refraction Statics software package (Threshold Auto Picker, mostly the Delay Time Stack Prediction) and the NN_TRAINING and NN_FIRST_BREAK_PICK neural network modules in the Omega Schlumberger 2019.1 software package have chosen as the preferred options for automatic first breaks picking. They are also can be used together in different combinations.
Geochemical Studies in The Process of Exploration and Production Drilling with The Use of Oil-Based Mud (OBM)
Authors A.V Ermolovsky, A.Y Kuklinsky, M.A Nevestenko, Y.S Tarasova, M.A Yakhina and E.V ZubarevaSummaryThe use of oil-based mud (OBM) in exploration and production drilling has a number of significant advantages. High stability of characteristics over a wide range of temperatures and pressures allows drilling in complicated mining and geological conditions. However, the high affinity of OBM with reservoir hydrocarbons interferes with laboratory studies of core material and fluid samples. Incorrect interpretation of research results leads to incorrect determination of oil saturation intervals, type of fluid, organic matter transformation degree, etc. The report presents some possibilities of geochemical methods for minimizing the influence of technogenic OBM components on the analysis results.
Determination of Unfrozen Water Content in Frozen Soils by The Acoustic Method
Authors I.A Agapkin, P.I Kotov and R.G Kal’bergenovSummaryFrozen soils are a multi-component system consisting of unfrozen water, ice, gas and solid particles. The unfrozen water content in frozen soils is a key factor that determines their physicochemical and mechanical properties. Currently, several laboratory methods have been developed for determining unfrozen water content in frozen soils: contact, sublimation, calorimetric, nuclear magnetic resonance etc.. All methods take a long experiment time. Researchers have proposed various calculation methods.The research presents experimental studies of assessing unfrozen wanter content by equation with the velocity of longitudinal waves, the contact method and calculation by the formula (State Standart 25.13330.2012). An analysis results shows that most of the currently existing methods for determining unfrozen water are very laborious.The studies have shown that it is possible to use the acoustic method to predict the unfrozen water content (with some errors). But further research and approbation of this method is needed for various types of soils, water content and salinity.
Prediction of The Structural Basement Surface Using Machine Learning Algorithms Applied in Potential Geophysical Fields
More LessSummaryThe work presents an alternative methods to predict the surface basement that provide a detailed overview of prediction using the algorithms “Random Forest (RF)”, “Gaussian process regression (GPR)” and “Regression tree (RT)” based on regression problems applicated on potential fields. To assess the error of these methods when determining the depths of the basement, part of the data in the training grid of different sizes and areas were excluded.
Study on The Effect of Nonlinear Dynamic Loads on The Elastic Modulus of Rocks During Hydrocarbon Fields Development
Authors M.A Guzev, E.P Riabokon, M.S Turbakov, E.V Kozhevnikov and V.V PoplyginSummaryDuring the development of hydrocarbon fields geomechanical characteristics of rocks change under the effect of nonlinear dynamic loads. Elasticity modulus is one of the most important characteristics of mechanical properties of rocks used in engineering. It is known that the elasticity modulus of dry rocks does not depend on the frequency of the applied load. However, dispersion of elastic moduli in dry sedimentary rocks still exists. The mechanism, in accordance with which dispersion of the dynamic component of elastic modulus occurs, remains not fully disclosed. Studies on the dispersion of the dynamic component of the elasticity modulus under the influence of uniaxial dynamic loads are conducted on dry sandstone samples in the zone of linear elasticity. Physically substantiated relations are proposed. The nonlinear nature of the dynamic elasticity modulus under the influence of dynamic loads of given frequency and amplitude was confirmed. The obtained relations allow taking into account the influence of nonlinear dynamic loads on the elasticity modulus of the rock in the calculations when designing the development of hydrocarbon fields.
Identification of Generation-Accumulation Hydrocarbon Systems of The Eastern Ciscaucasia Using Basin Modeling
Authors S.A Guryanov, S.G Serov and R.N MustaevSummaryThis article considers the issue of identifying the generation-accumulation hydrocarbon systems of the Eastern Ciscaucasia. Taking into account the available and pre-processed geological and geophysical material, two-dimensional basin modeling was carried out in the PetroMod software package (Schlumberger). The target object of modeling are the Oligocene sediments in the volume of the Khadum and Batalpashin formations.
Structural-Tectonic Modeling of The Anadyr Basin of The Bering Sea
Authors S.A Guryanov, R.N Mustaev and V.Y KerimovSummaryTo characterize the oil and gas generation potential of the study area, it is necessary to have an idea of its structural and tectonic structure. For this purpose, in this work, structural-tectonic modeling of the Anadyr basin of the Bering Sea was carried out.
Problems of Positioning Hard-To-Recover Reserves of Udmurtia’s Hydrocarbon Fields
Authors I.S Batinov, V.G Mironychev and G.Yu KashinSummaryProven reserves of «traditional» oil are on a declining trend. Therefore, it is necessary for producing companies to consider hard-to-recover reserves as a resource base in the future. Currently, the term «hard-to-recover reserves» is not defined enough. Some categories of the hard-to-recover reserves may be deleted from this list due to the development of technology, making the production of hydrocarbons much easier. However, an exploration of subsurface using modern technology makes it possible to produce these hydrocarbon reserves. That was impossible previously. The examples are the production of Permian petroleum bitumen and the development of domanic formations.
Geochemical, Lithological and Geophysical Characteristics of Carbonaceous Carbonate-Clay-Siliceous Rocks of The Bazhenov Formation in The Eastern Part of The West Siberian Sedimentary Basin
Authors S.V Rizhkova, A.G Zamirailova, E.A Kostyreva, I.S Sotnich and V.G EderSummaryIn the east part of the West Siberian sedimentary basin the Bazhenov Formation has the Tarkosale, Vakh, and Nyurolka types of section. We have studied the lithology and geophysical characteristics of its rocks and the geochemistry of its organic matter and described the obtained characteristics of the sections. The greatest attention is paid to the geochemistry of organic matter. The results of the investigation indicate that the aquatic organic matter of the studied section types of the Bazhenov Formation was concluded to differ in content and composition of bitumoids primarily due its different maturity degree. The electrical resistivity and gamma activity of the studied section changes with proportion ratio of clay and carbonate components in the composition of their rocks. That can be preliminary explained by the position of the sections relative to the paleodepth and regional provenance.
Lithological Models of The Bazhenov Formation in The North of The Khantheyskaya Hemianteclise Based on The Data of a Comprehensive Analysis of Geophysical Studies of Wells and Core Material
Authors M.A Fomin, A.E Kontorovich, S.V Ryzhkova, R.M Saitov and V.G EderSummaryAn important feature of the Bazhenov Formation is the heterogeneity of its lithological composition along the section. This article presents the results for one of the wells from the Druzhnaya area, located on the northern slope of the Khantheyskaya hemianteclise in the central part of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. For each lithological type of rocks, core-GIS dependencies were found that best describe its distribution over the section. The organic matter content correlates best with the radioactive log values. The concentrations of siliceous material and pyrite have a pronounced relationship with the electrical resistivity of rocks. The concentration of carbonate material correlates with the values of neutron logs, and the content of clay matter - with the density of the rocks and their electrical resistivity. After that, the multidimensional dependences of the content of each component on several types of logging were analyzed, which served as the basis for calculating the curves of their content in the rock. The calculated curves correlate well with the core data, which is confirmed by the high values of the reliable approximation (R2), which varies from 0.72 to 0.89 for different components. The resulting volumetric model clearly shows the relative content of the main rock-forming components in the Bazhenov Formation and their distribution over the section. The obtained dependences can be used to calculate the lithological composition of the Bazhenov formation in closely spaced wells that are not characterized by core material.