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Geophysical Characterization of a Coastal Acquifer – Inital Results
- Publisher: European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers
- Source: Conference Proceedings, Near Surface 2004 - 10th EAGE European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Sep 2004, cp-10-00085
P021 GEOPHYSICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF A COASTAL AQUIFER – INITIAL RESULTS 1 H.R. MAURER S. FRIEDEL D. JAEGGI S. LOEW ETH Zürich 8093 Zürich Switzerland SUMMARY In an investigation of a coastal aquifer on the island of Mallorca (Spain) seismic cross-hole and geoelectrical single-hole data have been collected processed and tomographically inverted. Variations in seismic velocity and electrical resistivity did not correlate within the fresh water layer. In contrast seismic velocities and resistivities both decreased in a uniform manner within the underlying fresh water-salt water transition zone and upper part of the salt water layer. In these regions resistivities were primarily