Geophysical Prospecting

Geophysical Prospecting
E-ISSN: 1365-2478

Geophysical Prospecting publishes the best in primary research on the science of geophysics as it applies to the exploration, evaluation and extraction of earth resources. Drawing heavily on contributions from researchers in the oil and mineral exploration industries, the journal has a very practical slant. Although the journal provides a valuable forum for communication among workers in these fields, it is also ideally suited to researchers in academic geophysics.

Editorial Board

Editor-in-Chief: Alireza Malehmir

Call for Papers - Special Issue: Advances in Geophysical Modelling and Interpretation for Mineral Exploration
This Geophysical Prospecting special issue invites paper contributions that focus on advanced methods of modelling and interpretation of geophysical data for mineral resource exploration. Of particular interest are cutting-edge technologies and methodologies that support the study of intervals at depths of burial that are relevant to exploration (for shallow and deeper targets).
Deadline for the submission is 30 September 2024.

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