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A Comparison of TEM, HEM and SKYTEM Measurements at a Buried Valley in Northern Germany
- Publisher: European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers
- Source: Conference Proceedings, Near Surface 2005 - 11th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Sep 2005, cp-13-00048
P055 A COMPARISON OF TEM HEM AND SKYTEM MEASUREMENTS AT A BURIED VALLEY IN NORTHERN GERMANY The BurVal Project 1 The interregional Buried Valleys project funded by the European Union is an international investigation of glacial valleys in Northern Europe using various geophysical and hydrogeological methods. The valleys are potential groundwater reservoirs and important for future supply of drinking water. The aims of BurVal project are to deliver substantiated knowledge and understanding of the structural and hydraulic properties of buried valleys to focus on the vulnerability of the aquifer caused by surface contaminations or other human impacts and to investigate