
The Jurassic-age Humma Marrat carbonate reservoir is mainly<br>located in the southwest corner of the Partitioned Neutral Zone<br>(PNZ) between Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. The reservoir was<br>discovered in 1998. The reservoir depth is about 9000 ft<br>subsea. The gross reservoir interval is approximately 730 ft<br>thick (110 ft net). The lowermost Marrat E zone contributes<br>80-90% of the production based on PLT data. The<br>productivity of the Marrat E is dominated by a forty-foot<br>thick, largely dolomitized interval with 15-20% porosity and<br>20-100 mD permeability. The upper zones contribute 10-20%<br>of the production from thin intervals with 12-15% porosity<br>and 2-5 mD permeability.


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