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Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) Used to Measure 3D Architecture in the Carboniferous Ross Formation, County Clare, Western Ireland
- Publisher: European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers
- Source: Conference Proceedings, 63rd EAGE Conference & Exhibition, Jun 2001, cp-15-00336
L-20 GROUND PENETRATING RADAR (GPR) USED TO MEASURE 3-D ARCHITECTURE IN THE CARBONIFEROUS ROSS FORMATION COUNTY CLARE WESTERN IRELAND Summary Ground Penetrating Radar data have been acquired on indurated turbidite sandstones from the Carboniferous Ross Formation in Western Ireland. A variety of frequencies was investigated to image turbidite channel margins bedding geometry and fine-scale sedimentological changes observed at outcrop. GPR data and interpreted horizons have been incorporated into outcrop models to create 3-D Digital Solid Models which can be interrogated and used as reference datasets for petroleum reservoir modellers. Introduction Petroleum reservoir models are typically constrained by data sets that