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Determination of Hydraulic Conductivity Values from Geo-Electrical Data
- Publisher: European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers
- Source: Conference Proceedings, 63rd EAGE Conference & Exhibition, Jun 2001, cp-15-00471
M-18 DETERMINATION OF HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY VALUES FROM GEO- ELECTRICAL DATA E. ARISTODEMOU and A. THOMAS-BETTS The T.H. Huxley School of Environment Earth Science and Engineering Royal School of Mines Imperial College of Science Technology and Medicine Prince Consort Road London SW7 2BP UK 1 Two different methodologies (DCR and DCR-IP) have been implemented at two sites in order to obtain hydraulic conductivity (k) values. The methodologies differ in one important aspect: the first approach (DCR) utilises only the in-phase bulk resistivities of the subsurface whilst the second method (DCR-IP) uses both the in-phase and out-of phase components of complex conductivity.