
Hydrogen isotopes and major ion chemistry of waters from 24 wells and 5 superficial samples were used to study the recharge and flux of the aquifer system in the Salitre River Basin. Deuterium compositions varied in a range of 26‰, with the samples from wells varying from -19 to -36‰ (VSMOW). The more negative samples in the range of –36 to -31‰ are located in the southwestern border and characterize precipitations from the Morro do Chapéu region. The groundwaters samples in the range –24 to -19‰ are located in the eastern border of the basin, and characterize precipitations from the Jacobina região. These compositons were used to identify the trend of flux of groundwater in the basin. The hidrochemical data showed the enrichment in dissolved salts of groundwaters along the flux. Water from the Ourolândia Reservoir showed a big enrichment in deuterium and dissolved salts due to losses by evaporation. There was no conection between the reservoir and the sampled wells.


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