
The Balbina Reservoir belongs to Eletronorte hydroelectric power company and is located at Amazonas State, Brazil. It’s volume is of 17,5 km3 and the dam has 42 m high, and the triggered seismicity started 2,5 years after the start of impoundment of the lake (1987). The broadband seismic station BALB was installed at the area in April 1998, equipped with a Guralp 40T sensor and a Reftek data logger sampling continuously at 100 samples per second. The Balbina Lake is located at the Amazonian Craton, between the geochronological provinces Amazonia Central (2.5 Ga) and Ventuari-Tapajós (1.95-1.8 Ga). The first comprise Paleoproterozoic felsic to intermediate volcanic rocks and granitoids, and the later granite-gnaisses (Tassinari & Macambira, 2004).


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