
The opportunities of applying mathematical apparatus of wavelet transform for processing and compression of seismic and vibroseis data with use of specially designed classes of wavelets, which were (wavelets) built on the basis of seismic impulses, were explored. The practical meaning of using special wavelets, built on wave impulses of Berlage, Klauder, and Puzyrev, is presented with help of mathematical models and survey materials. Application of wavelets, built on the basis of seismic impulses, and opportunity of applying a priory information about input data (frequency range of a signal constituent, frequency of discretization, the speed of frequency change of sweep-signal) let improve the quality of processing of wave field in a target area by suppression of regular and random noise. The program apparatus of discrete wavelet transform and multi-resolution analysis, which is based on this discrete wavelet transform, provide an opportunity for effective compression (up to 10 times depending on signal/noise rate) of seismic information with preservation of characteristics of dynamic waves especially for the first-arrival wave.


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