
There are many classic outcrops that serve as example analogues for clastic and carbonate fields (e.g. Book Cliffs Utah USA or, locally, the Miri to Bintulu road-cut). But in our region there are very few documented fractured basement rock analogues. The Redang archipelago, Terengganu, Malaysia, with excellent granitoid and metasediment coastal outcrops (Khoo et al, 1988), is proposed as a natural laboratory providing excellent examples of meso- and macroscopic scale structural features. This archipelago offers a variety of fracture types of different genesis within a relatively small easily accessible space (45 min flying from KL) located 45km off the coast of Kuala Terengganu (Figure 1). This poster documents the learning from outcrops recently visited by a<br>multidisciplinary team comprising geologists, petrophysicists, reservoir engineers, asset managers, and drillers.


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