
A032 Stratigraphic and reservoir architecture of tectonically-confined turbidite ramps : the example of the Grès d’Annot system (Eocene - Oligocene French Alps) 1 P. JOSEPH 1 E. DU FORNEL 1-2 T. EUZEN 1 F. GUILLOCHEAU 2 and C. ROBIN 2 ¹ Institut Français du Pétrole 1 et 4 avenue de Bois Préau 92852 Rueil Malmaison cedex France. ² Géosciences Rennes Université de Rennes 1 Campus de Beaulieu 35042 Rennes France. Summary For a long time the Grès d’Annot system of South East France has been considered as a classic example of a canyon-fed submarine fan settled during a period of


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