
Tolerances allowed in the ratio of the P-wave velocity, Vp, to the S-wave velocity, Vs (VpNS) ratio and trace dispersion within a common conversion point gather(CCP) dictate the final quality of stacked P-S converted wave sections. These parameters can affect the positioning of reflection events, the signal-to noise ratio, and the lateral and vertical resolution of subsurface images obtained from P-S converted wave data. Using synthetic and field P-S converted wave data, we evaluate the effects of varying the VpNs ratio and the dispersion within a CCP on the final quality of the stacked sections. The results show that well focused images, in comparison to corresponding P-wave images, may be obtained by the CCP gathering method. The correct positioning of the events, the IN ratio, and the resolution of the data can be preserved by careful selection of the VpNs ratio and the tolerance in trace dispersion around a central point within a CCP.


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