
The Silurian formations in the Western Pontide contain 1120 m thick siltstone-sandstone, limestone and black shale. The siltstone-sandstone-limestone to shale ratio ranges from 1:2 to 1:3. The shales have a fair to good source rock potential because TOC content is ranging from 0.18 to 1.72 %. Organic matter type is type III. Tmax values were measured between 452 and 487 °C. The Silurian shales contain 42-47% quartz, 17-51 calcite and 3-42% clay. Therefore, the Western Pontide Silurian shales have shale gas potential. The Silurian formations in the Eastern Tauride consist of a nearly 200 m thick sandstone, limestone and black shale. The sandstone-limestone to shale ratio ranges from 1:2 to 1:3. The shales have fair to good source rock potential because TOC content is ranging from 0.18 to 1.95 %. The Silurian shales are represented by overmature organic matter. Thus, the Eastern Touride shales have probably limited shale gas potential although fair to good source rock potential and suitable mineralogical content. The Silurian shales of the SE Anatolia have a good to excellent source rock potential because TOC content is ranging from 0.4 to 17%. However, the shales have a restricted shale gas potential because the source rocks generally fall into the oil generation zone.


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