
The Geological Map of Colombia-GMC is an ongoing project that started in 2001, the 1st edition was finished in 2007 and now is one of the main functions of the Colombian Geological Survey. The GMC summarizes the superficial geological information of the Colombian territory compiled using ArcGIS 9.3.1 by integration and generalization of 1:100,000 scale geological sheets published by the Colombian Geological Survey. The harmonization was controlled using remote sensing imagery such as Landsat, radar and a 30 m resolution NASA-SRTM DEM. The units represented on the GMC were defined according to a mixed chronostratigraphic-lithostratigraphic classificatory scheme. The technological platform that supports the SIGER is based on the database management systems Oracle 10g and ArcSDE 8.3 for the handling of the data. Additionally, with the objective to feed GMC database, the GIS radiometric ages catalog of Colombia has been made and include with this edition. 2nd edition of the GMC was released in 2012 and includes 70 brand new geological sheets at a scale 1:100,000, actualized official base map of the Geographical Institute Agustin Codazzi-IGAC with MAGNA coordinate system compatible with WGS84 coordinate system, new colors and ages of the International Stratigraphic Chart 2008, the Tectonic framework of NW South America and the Caribbean with 2011GPS vectors 2011 and the geological harmonization with the geological maps of Peru and Brazil after two workshops in 2009 and 2011 with colleagues of the CPRM and INGEMMET.


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