
The young (reactivated) Canada Hill tectonics can be explained by hydraulic pressure onto a semi-liquid pillow of Setap Formation clay. Inferred Quarternary horizontal pressure in NW-SE direction, in combination with strike-slip tectonics, plus some overthrusting, triggered a diapiric remobilization of the mobile clay pillow beneath the Canada Hill. The diapiric flow was refocused upwards, in direction of the lowest pressure. As a result, the sequence above the Setup Formation clay, parts of the Miri Formation, were uplifted and emerged beyond the Pleistocene peneplain. Assuming a hydraulic uplift in the order of 400 ft and a lithostatic pressure gradient of 0.9 psi/ft, additional lateral pressure above the 360 psi equilibrium pressure would have prompted the clay core to move. Semi-liquid clay pillows maybe in the cores of many NW Borneo structures, and one should investigate this concept further in the context of structural growth features.


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