
Quantitative data on geobodies are crucial both for standard reservoir modelling processes as well as new modelling technologies such as Multiple Point Statistics (MPS). While abundant quantitative data for siliciclastic systems are available in the literature, so far such data are scarce for carbonate systems. In addition, a method for organising and classifying the data is so far missing for carbonates. Carbdb, one of the outcomes of the TETRIS (TEmplate for TRaining ImageS) R&D project driven by ENI E&P to provide quantitative geological information for MPS training images, is an interactive database system on carbonate geobodies. Carbdb uses a hierarchical modular genetically based structure with the following levels: depo-time (geological time), depo-system (carbonate platform type), depo-zone (facies belt), depo-shape (geological body), depo-element (archi-tectural elements) and (6) depo-facies (litho- and biofacies). Carbdb works as a central server providing a web-based interface to its users over the network. Practical application of the system is demonstrated by training image (Ti) construction on basis of a well studied Cretaceous outcrop in southern France. Even in the context of complex carbonate systems the employment of relatively simple and schematic training images generates geological meaningful realisations.


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