
P111 3D Seismic Imaging of a Deep Landslide in the Eastern Alps (Northern Italy) R.G. Francese* (Ist. Naz. Di Oceanog. e di Geof. Sperim. (Italy)) G. Bohm (Ist. Naz. Di Oceanog. e di Geof. Sperim. (Italy)) N. Wardell (Ist. Naz. Di Oceanog. e di Geof. Sperim. (Italy)) A. Baglioni (Regione del Veneto (Italy)) R. Genevois (Dip. di Geoscienze - Univ. of Padova (Italy)) & A. Galgaro (Dip. di Geoscienze - Univ. of Padova (Italy)) SUMMARY The Lamosano Town in the Eastern Alps was built on the top of a ridge involved in a slow landslide movement that caused several damages


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