oa Stochastic Object-Based Simulation of Turbiditic Channels Constrained by Well, Proportion and High Resolution Seismic Data
- Publisher: European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers
- Source: Conference Proceedings, ECMOR VIII - 8th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery, Sep 2002, cp-104-00007
- ISBN: 978-90-73781-24-5
The challenge of the object-based simulation approach presented in this paper is not only to account for well descriptions and proportion data but also to include channel parts inferred from seismic data analysis into the simulations. Indeed, recent progresses in exploration techniques (sonar images, high resolution seismic data and processing algorithms) enable the study of the detailed morphology of deep marine fans. In turbiditic systems, sinuous channel parts have been observed on high-resolution seismic data. Integrating such data then become essential for building realistic 3D reservoir models upon which field development strategies are based.