oa Exploration Potential in the Offshore Mediterranean, Egypt - Perspectives from the Context of Egypt's Future Resources and Business Challenges
- Publisher: European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers
- Source: Conference Proceedings, EAGE Conference on Geology and Petroleum Geology of the Mediterranean and Circum-Mediterranean Basins, Oct 2000, cp-109-00044
- ISBN: 978-90-73781-14-6
Egypt has developed 15.4-17 BBOE equivalent resources in three major geological provinces in the last 100 years of exploration. Nine billion barrels have been discovered in the mature province of the Gulf of Suez, an additional 2.5 BBOE in the Western Desert and 25 TCF (4.1 BBOE) in the onshore and offshore Mediterranean Nile Delta. Future growth potential will come primarily from deeper pool Jurassic age reservoirs in the Western Desert and from deep water exploration in the Mediterranean sea.