f Prediction of gas-oil and oil-water contacts in Norwegian block 30/8 by means of seismic attribute mapping - A new tool for the interpreters´ arsenal
- Publisher: European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers
- Source: Conference Proceedings, 55th EAEG Meeting, Jun 1993, cp-46-00012
- ISBN: 978-94-6282-135-4
Amoco recently developed proprietary techniques to quickly extract horizon or interval based response attributes from seismic data residing on interpretative workstations. Following their extraction, maps of the various attributes are generated using vendor software. This new technology enables quick analysis of large volumes of data to ascertain which attributes show significant variation. Forward modelling of well data and physical property data provide a means of "groundtruthing" the attribute variations to lithologic changes, changes in reservoir phase, or to processing artifacts.