

Latest knowledge has been obtained on the structural and functional distribution of geogenic radon potential under territory of moderate ecological risk and submerged part of crystalline foundation. Based on these results development of geostatistical model are sufficiently useful to support the required regulatory decisions of radon exploration program including radon monitoring of equivalent equilibrium volume activities of radon (and toron) in dwellings and soil gas. The analysis of factor-spatial components of geogenic radon potential respond to a linear model and a few nested models. There are two large clusters of first nested model that have different spatial sizes. First component of model (more than 150 km) probably is linked to climatic factor and second (more than 5 km) should connect with type of soils. More small spatial cluster nested model are described by characteristics of geomorphologic-landscape structure of territory. There is some universality of main model structure are determines be radium content of bedrock and particles of soil. The main advantages of the geostatistical evaluation with geogenic radon potential for regional predication have been proved a correct prediction of correlation between the geological measuring of the soil radon and proper of long-duration measuring of radon into dwellings. It will give a possibility to correct routine measuring of radon levels in indoor air of dwellings, to set out a system of new observation in regions with a high dose loadings as well to plan radiological investigation and protective measures.


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