

The Eocene Ager Basin outcrops (Lleida, Spain) have been extensively studied as an example of tidal influenced deltas in compressive settings. The well-exposed outcrops provide reference field analogue for oil systems in these contexts. This Eocene record is composed by three units (Baronia, Pasarel·la and Ametlla formations) that build up the Figols Sequence. The main goal of this work is to build up a 3D model at reservoir scale. First step has been the modelling of the base and the top of this sequence. This study combines the use of Petrel software, own sedimentological data and and open-access sources (DEMs, geologic maps, ortophotographs, cross sections, seismic profiles and well from ICGC and IGME). The preliminary data show the potential use of a 3D model to improve the knowledge of this classical locality. The integration of litostratigraphic and sedimentological data is providing a robust scheme to understand the lateral relationships of facies and the geometry of sandstone bodies in detail.


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