
The obvious discrepancy between Muskat’s (1937) concept and the physics of Hubbert have not yet played a decisive role in Reservoir Engineering as indicated by the huge economic success of the petroleum industry. The geological storage of CO2 is, however, a paradigm changer as reservoir conditions shift from sink conditions during petroleum production to source conditions when geological storage of CO2 is applied. The simulators of the petroleum industry and the methodology used are not well-suited to deal with these source conditions. Hubbert’s Force Potential and Groundwater Flow Systems analysis should be applied in selecting storage sites and in simulating flow paths with mathematical models based on the proven methodology of advanced hydrogeology. Applying correct physics to the long-term migration of CO2 by using existing models of regional groundwater flow determines the eventual discharge points of injected CO2, and the estimated time span involved. If the injection sites are properly selected, then these time spans will exceed thousands or tens of thousands of years before the CO2 would enter surface waters. Geochemical processes will potentially also have significantly reduced the amount of CO2 discharged at that time.


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