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Application of Mobile Geophysical Methods for the Examination of Areas of Landslide Processes Formation and Development
- Publisher: European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers
- Source: Conference Proceedings, Near Surface 2010 - 16th EAGE European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Sep 2010, cp-164-00145
- ISBN: 978-90-73781-88-7
The results of practical application of the non-traditional geoelectric methods of forming a short-pulsed electromagnetic field (FSPEF) and vertical electric-resonance sounding (VERS), as well as georadar sounding on destroyed by the landslide process area of Kiev-Odessa highway are given. It is shown, that the presence of the zones with raised filtering of ground waters is the main reason of roadway erosion and landslides formation. The detection and mapping of underground water flows and areas with the raised soil moistening can be realized operatively by complex of used geophysical methods. The areal survey by FSPEF method allows finding and mapping operatively the underground water flows of natural and man-caused origins and the zones of soils moistening. The bedding depths and thicknesses of water-saturated layers are defined in cross-section by VERS sounding. This complex of geoelectric methods can be used also for regular monitoring of the engineering-geological condition of environment on landslide-dangerous areas of roads.