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C2 and D1 reservoirs of Jihar field in Syria are formed in highly fractured limestone/dolomite of Triassic age and contain condensate-rich gas cap and volatile oil leg. There has been two years of production from two wells so far. Dual porosity model is being created to predict reservoir behavior. Matrix model framework is built based on seismic interpretation together with well data. Reservoirs are divided into zones according to reservoir quality. Fractional layering is used to keep porosity variations from log analysis and facies modeling is performed using Sequential Indicator method. Petrophysical parameters of matrix are based on log analyses but core data is also considered. The ultimate goal is to find 3D grid properties which describe fracture properties. Two different Discrete Fracture Network (DFN) models are developed based on intensity to incorporate actual fracture statistics in the determination of fracture permeability, porosity, and shape factor. One single-set model is created and three-set model is established. History matching started on a global level, by matching overall energy (pressure) and total production rate. Interactive updating of geological model with knowledge from simulation realizations resulted in better understanding of reservoir properties, recovery mechanisms and enabled definition of possible production prediction cases.