

The results and methods of identifying and mapping areas of flooding by modern geophysical methods at the south-western part of Kryvbas are presented. On the basis of electrical properties of rocks data, a materials synthesis of engineering-geological conditions study and, above all, hydrogeological, and methods of optimum complex and methodic of geophysical studies were identified. To study the degree of flooding of the southwestern part of Kryvbas were used geoelectric methods in modifications vertical electrical sounding and natural field involving biolocation research and large-scale maps of the gravitational field. It was established that the zone of increased expressive horizontal gradients, which coincide with the natural deformation zones wide field or abrupt changes of apparent resistivity are regions of increased permeability of water. Aquifer in Quaternary sediments has planar spread with different levels of standing water. The separate areas with a natural (along rivers and large beams) and anthropogenic origin (dumps, quarries, tailing) are allocated. The level of capillary moisture is placed above the ground water level and, by our opinion, characterizes the depth of surface evaporation. Received information from results of electrometric and biolocation research is very important for solving agricultural problems - humidification control or depth of evaporation, as well as for administrative decision-making at various levels in order to minimize the effects of the activity of man-made objects (sludge storage tanks, reservoirs).


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