

Marchenko redatuming is a revolutionary technique to estimate Green’s functions from virtual sources in the subsurface using data measured at the Earth’s surface, without having to place either sources or receivers in the subsurface. Such goal is achieved by crafting special wavefields (so-called focusing functions) that can focus energy at any chosen point in the subsurface. Despite its great potential, strict requirements on the reflection data have so far challenged the application of Marchenko redatuming to real scenarios. In this work, I combine the coupled Marchenko equations with a one-way version of the Rayleigh integral representation to obtain a new, more flexible redatuming scheme that handles internal as well as free-surface multiples using dual-sensor, band-limited seismic data from any acquisition system that presents arbitrarily located sources above a line of regularly sampled receivers. The proposed redatuming scheme is validated on synthetic and field data.


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