

There has been a qualitative improvement of existing technologies and the emergence of completely new geophysical techniques. New directions in ground-based electrical prospecting are associated with the development of audio-magnetotelluric sounding, magnetovariance techniques, electromotography, spectral induced polarization, etc.

The use of powerful and fast computers significantly reduced the time of processing and interpretation of electro-prospecting data, and made it possible to move to a qualitatively new level of 2D and 3D interpretation of the results.

A new technique for ground-based electro-tomography was developed, using asymmetrical axial installations, to solve ore problems with a depth of 400–500 m. The technique was successfully tested on copper-porphyry, skarn, and polymetallic deposits.

An advanced technology was proposed for using multifrequency measurements of the differential phase parameter of the IP for solving important geological problems of ore geophysics: separation of anomalies of SP from carbonaceous, graphitized rocks and sulphide ores, etc.

A new technique for inter-well electrotomography (IWE) has been developed. A successful field testing of the method at the Norilsk ore deposit was carried out.

The introduction of magnetotelluric methods into the ore geophysical complex increased the depth of electrical exploration and made it possible to identify deep-lying large deposits.


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