

In the article, the tectonophysical conditions of quartz crystal formation, and modern geological hazards are discribed. For the study, next ways were applied: the kinematic method of analysis of displacement vectors on slickensides ( ), way of determinating regional stress fields from data of local tectonic stresses in individual volumes of the earth’s crust ( ); structural-geomorphological (SG) method of a reconstruction of the shear stress on platforms ( ). At a prediction of hydrothermal mineral deposits, it was discovered that the reconstructed tectonic stresses along displacement vectors on slickensides refer to the newest and Late Hercynian orogeny stages of development; it is the time of formation of patch of quartz crystal. In crystals of quartz crystal, repeated opening of the nests is discovered. This is explained by the “variation of the kind of the stressed pattern”. The reasons for the formation of karst are identified at the training ground of Nizhny Novgorod, near the city of Dzerzhinsk and causes of increased accidents on the railways Moscow-Smolensk are diagnosed.


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